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Danmachi: Reincarnation Danmachi: Reincarnation original

Danmachi: Reincarnation

Author: Demon_Xeos

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Heyyy y'all my name is Xeos Yoshimori and I'm currently dead. You heard right, I'm dead. How? Let's just say I pissed off quite a few people and was tortured. That's not how I died though. I had the last laugh. Luckily I had a secret weapon or in this case bombs. I infiltrated a base and set up explosives everywhere to go off in 10 minutes and after killing a few people, I was tranquilized and dragged to a room. At this point I knew I was gonna die by my explosives so I just bid my time while they tried to get information from me.

At this point 9 minutes have gone by according to my watch. They pointed a gun at my head and said "Any Final Words Bastard" I laughed loudly and said "Boom" and then the explosives went off and the last thing I saw while laughing was their horror stricken faces as we were covered in fire.

That was how I died. In a blaze of glory. Do I regret it. Not at all. I had a good life and accomplished everything I wanted. I was 27 when I passed.

Now back to where I am and how I'm talking to you. I'm in a dark space with no lights. Though I wasn't freaking out and was actually calm. I noticed that my whole body as far as I could see is a white body with a red outline. I decided to train my mind and body since there isn't much to do. A lot of time has passed and I was able to feel a vague feeling of power in my body and tried to move it around. After a while, a black flame with a whiteish outline appeared on my palm.

I was thrilled and excited about this. I focus on the feeling and move the energy throughout my body. I was surrounded by a black and white aura around my whole body like I was a Super Saiyan. Yes I watched a lot of anime in my time so what.

Anyways I felt the power I was unleashing and I felt good. All of a sudden I heard a darkish chuckle coming from everywhere.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here a lone soul in the middle of void and isnt being destroyed but is instead wielding it like it's natural, how interesting"

Xeos saw a figure appear in front of him and the man was covered completely in a robe that was impossible to see anything else. " Who are you and what do you mean by that"

"Who I am is irrelevant and I meant exactly what I said. How interesting, it looks like you've become part of the void now while still having a soul. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see what you are capable of"

Xeos didn't like the sound of that but anything is better than staying here forever. "What do you have in mind"

The entity chuckled and said " I will reincarnate you with 4 wishes for my amusement"

Xeos nodded his head and thought for a while. Finally he made his decision. "I wish for the ability to learn everything faster but not instant. My second wish is to have advanced senses and reflex's. My third wish is to have a growth weapon that will grow with me and is capable of using magic and what not. My final wish is to be an Uchiha or if not have the Sharingan.

The entity thought about it for a bit and agreed. "Now then for which world you'll be going to" he spun a wheel with a bunch of worlds on it and it eventually stopped at Danmachi. "Not bad at all. Now it is time for you to leave." He snaps his fingers and Xeos is pulled into a portal.




Mmmm..... Where am I.... Xeos slowly opened his eyes to find himself alone in the middle of the forest. That's right, I've been reincarnated in Danmachi. I looked to my left and saw a black katana by my side and information about how to use it flooded my mind. "What was that" he wondered. He saw a note next to the sword and picked it up.

"I thought that it would be better if you have some knowledge about how to use your weapon and since its a growth weapon. I decided to make it sentient. When it wakes up is after you received a falna. That's it, Orario is 15 miles to the right of you down the river. We will meet again."

Xeos finished reading the letter and hide it for now. That's right do I still have the void powers. He sat down and meditated to look for the source of mana within him. After a few minutes, he felt it and spread it to his hands and launched it towards a tree. The part of the tree that was hit with the void vanished as if it wasn't there to begin with. Xeos got excited and grabbed his sword and unsheathe it. The sheathe was dark black with red veins around it. The blade itself was black with red highlight around it. Next he tried to fuse the void into the blade. He concentrated until it finally went inside and covered the blade in a blackish reddish aura.

He swung his sword and an arc of void slashed out and severed several trees in half. He was even more excited to try out other things. So far he can coat his sword and create void balls that erased whatever it touches. He can make it so the void doesn't erase anything and instead leave a burning scar or make it completely harmless. He has full control of it even when it released from him. Though it takes a lot out of him to change it properties.

Next he tried to channel mana into his eyes and saw that the world became clearer and he can see more details than before. He felt a fatigued and guessed that after using his mana so much he was running low. Though it seems like he can keep his Sharingan active for quite a while more but he turned them off after looking into his katana seeing one tomoe spinning in his eyes. "So I only have one tomoe right now it seems. That's ok. The more I use it the more it'll upgrade till the 3rd level of tomoe. Right now I'm at what is considered level 1 Sharingan. Level 3 is a fully matured Sharingan." Xeos decided to figure it out later and head towards Orario in a month. He wants to practice his magic aka void powers and kill surface monsters to get some experience.

He ran through the forest following the river and looking for monsters to kill. After a few hours of running, he came across a lone goblin wandering around. Deciding to be patient, he followed it back to it's camp and saw about 75 goblins in total. He was not stupid enough to charge in there guns blazing. Instead he retreated and found some sturdy but durable vines and grabbed some sturdy wood and made an improvised bow. He used to hunt a lot as a child and new how to make bows and arrows from scratch.

He spent the rest of the day laying traps and making arrows. For the next few days he would go after the scouts and sometimes attack groups of goblins while hiding to make sure to lower their numbers. It was a bit cowardly but he's not stupid enough like some protags with insane luck or plot armor to survive insurmountable odds.

He kept up this trend for a week and managed to kill 45 goblins. The remaining 30 goblins wisened up and stuck together in groups of ten to increase their odds when hunting. They fell for lots of traps and were ambushed from left to right. Xeos didn't forget to pick up their magic stones so that monsters won't get stronger by eating them. He decided to snipe a few of them and managed to kill 10 more before he was spotted.

He tried to think if it was a good idea to engage them or not but fate decided it for him. He was surrounded before he knew it and he can tell from the murderous look in their eyes that they were not happy. He drew his sword and waited for the right time to swing. The goblins charged him and he coated his body in void and swung his sword towards the first goblin easily decapitating it. A goblin hit him from behind but the club the goblin was using disappeared when it came into contact with the void and since it was running so to did the goblin disappear from contacting the void. The other goblins became alert and was watching him closely. The fight lasted for 30 minutes before the final goblin fell to Xeos's sword. He won but not without receiving some cuts and bruises. He also has 2 arrows in his body from the archers the goblins had. Luckily nothing fatal and he knew that this was a warning to not get cocky. The surface monsters are weaker than the dungeon and this experience taught him that valuable lesson. He also managed to awaken his 2nd tomoe in both eyes so that's good. So Instead of spending a month training. He ended up spending a year training and fighting. He has a few scars from the battles he has faced but most importantly he has matured far more than before. He learned the monsters attack patterns and learned how to make medicine from the wildlife and from books that bandits had. Yes he ran into a few bandits a couple times and has killed them to protect himself and save other people. Thanks to all that he fully unlocked his Sharingan to three tomoe and was excited.

Thanks to the bandits, he now has a map and several books. Some were about medicine and wildlife others about survival and what not. Xeos decided to take one final bath and head towards Orario to start his new journey.

Word Count 1719

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