Then, she sent a location map to Cindy Clarke.
Cindy Clarke: "Okay, let me know if you or your friends have any dietary preferences, dislikes, or allergies, and I'll avoid them."
Grandson, When Will You Find a Partner?: "Okay, let me make a list and send it to you."
The next day, Cindy Clarke was less busy since she only prepared lunch for Adrian Zhekova.
She chose rice as the main dish for Adrian Zhekova, considering he's always busy working and would need a more filling meal to last him through the day.
She put the shelled shrimp in a frying pan and fried them until they turned a beautiful red color with a slight golden hue on both sides, then set them aside in a dish.
She also fried the shrimp heads in the pot until the shrimp oil came out, making it brightly red and delicious-looking.
She mixed the cooked rice with egg yolk and the fried shrimp oil, making sure that each grain of rice was coated.
Every grain of rice was now covered in egg yolk and shrimp oil.
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