The next morning Kat found herself jogging down the road towards the orphanage though... perhaps we should back up a bit. Lily had informed Kat via their link late last night that she wouldn't be free of her parents for at least another day, probably two. There also might be another conversation but that part remained to be seen. With Lily unavailable Kat decided it was a good chance to visit Gramps.
Vivian had looked a little frazzled when she got home after work, so Kat was going to follow up on that as well. Callisto and Sylvie were fine. Especially Callisto. When Kat informed the 'maid' about her intentions Callisto just nodded and told Kat to see her in the morning. When Kat got up out of bed at 2:30am Callisto was still up and handed Kat a bento box.
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