"Well it's not like I was going to tell my boss all the sordid details of my dead fiancé am I? That's hardly appropriate workplace conversation!" hissed Zuhra.
"Workplace conversation?" asked Jara flabbergasted. "Workplace conversation! Jara you've seen me naked. You've seen me literally covered in horse shit. You have seen me cry and scream and yell just to deal with all my pent up emotions. Don't you DARE tell me any of that is appropriate as a 'workplace conversation'. Zuhra. YOU WORK IN MY HOUSE. You are someone who is at least a friend and maybe a sister. You WERE TOLD THIS WHEN YOU SIGNED THE CONTRACT TO WORK HERE. Don't you try and weasel your way through this by saying it wasn't 'workplace appropriate'!"
This chapter was hard to write for me. For the really emotional scenes it's rare for a character to be this angry and I don't really experience that emotion often. It's hard to write but I hope I did it well and made her seem... if not totally reasonable but understandable.
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