That was the feeling that screamed out at Kat from every corner of this room. Despite being on the edge of the building, there was no natural sunlight coming into this room. There were thick, heavy curtains drawn over the window allowing only the barest hints of natural light in. The room was mostly lit by a single lamp sitting on the desk belonging to Gaston's mother. It wasn't doing her any favours either.
Before getting to that though, the rest of the room was in a rather sorry state. The only place without dust on it was a clear path to the desk, one that must have been tread every day, and the desk itself. Though the lack of dust really only indicated that these things were in regular use, not that they were kept clean. The chairs pressed up against the wall, presumably for meetings in this room, were not exempt from this. All bar one had a good deal of built up dust from misuse.
If you don't remember the song properly this joke might be a bit obscure...
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