For a moment Lily felt like she was flying… but she didn't have any chance to get used to that sensation as soon the ground 'rushed' up to meet her and she felt her stomach hit the ground. Trying to take in air after the landing was a bit of a problem though. As she sucked in oxygen, the primitive part of her brain started screaming at her for having water in her lungs. This was countered somewhat by the more conscious part of her brain that realised she was in fact breathing normal despite this, but primal instincts were strong, especially in a brand new body.
Lily let out a harsh cough as large amounts of 'water' was released from her mouth as she both tried to get rid of it as fast as possible and keep breathing. The fact that the second thing on that list was mostly working fine only causing more confusion. Before it could get too bad though, she felt a soft hand on her back and all the 'water' was pulled from her lungs.
Yes. The title is a My Little Mermaid reference. Problem?
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