The silence rang out into the room once Black finished making her point. White didn't seem to have an argument against the fact the children were innocent in this. It seemed to be an issue of morals as well as wording. Sure White potentially could argue against it, but it wouldn't do her any favours morally. This might be a courtroom with only Judge to convince but such an argument might not make you popular.
"Do you wish to call a final ruling?" asked Black
White's face got somewhat pinched at this, knowing the trap Black had manoeuvred her into. White also knew that simply allowing for the ruling would likely result in her lost. She let out a long hiss of air and a little bit of her demonic flame leaked out. Kat was surprised to see that White's demonic flame was actually black.
I wanted to name this chapter something else orginally but I couldn't pass up the chance to have Rug in the title. Also this is kinda sorta a Doctor Who reference (I've not watched DW ever so take that with a grain of salt)
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