It would take Kat a considerable amount of subjective time to realise that she may have been wrong in the assumption she could learn. Jumping into the fight, an action that was mirrored by Kamiko, would later prove a mistake for the pair.
For the moment though, Kat was ready. She was watching the new Guard Rat One and Two closely and wanted to try and get an attack in before they properly reacted to what was going on. She wasn't going to simply bash away at them without a plan, she was going to try for one or two big hits then wait for her chance. Kat didn't even consider the small rats a threat. The rat patrols hadn't even done anything so far, and her regen could take as many hits from them as she needed. They were a non-factor, Kat's mind didn't even register them as much more than a slightly dangerous background object, like being aware there are knives in the kitchen or scissors on a desk.
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