As Kat walked down the garden path toward Kamiko's house she found herself shaking out her arms. She was very surprised to find that her body felt… not tired, that wasn't the right word for it. It was like she'd been stretched out by the ends of her arms and legs. After a full day of using her powers without stop, though Freddy did offer to let them make their own lunch at some point, Kat felt something weighing on her.
Her mind was also tired, more so then her body. Unlike her body's regeneration, her mind lacked the ability to patch itself up easily. As funny as it was to think about, today was probably Kat's most strenuous day since she became a demon. During her time with Minor it was mostly walking, even for the dream sequence, the Tournament had Green participating in a lot of events and… more walking.
Despite the fact I should be in bed as I wrote the chapter, I am actually not tired.
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