"What exactly is even the difference?" asked Kat "I mean, aren't hares and rabbits basically the same thing?"
Minor shrugged "I never really looked into it, but according to Amelie, hare beast people are much rarer than rabbits and normally more combat adept and a few other things. I honestly have no idea"
Kat was tempted to continue this line of questioning when the scene changed to Shizuka in the prep room for the duelling area again. Chiharu was sitting on an ice chair with her face in her hands sighing.
"How did it come to this" said Chiharu
"Um… my apologies Mother" said Shizuka "I didn't really"
Chiharu waved her daughters concerns away "No, you didn't really mean for this to happen. I'm sure Amelie pushed you into this. I know how bad you are at refusing her"
Shizuka pouted while trying to look serious "I do not have an issue with refusing her"
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