--- Kat ---
Finding the rock with the dragon part inside of it was just the first step. They still had to get it out of the ground according to Meg so they got to work. There was a plan to be a bit more efficient about things but first they needed to clear away the dirt a bit more. Everyone except Lily was assigned a side to carve out, and Lily was given the top. Lily was able to make better use of her shadows to dig around the odd bumps and distortions on the rock. With that and the fact the dirt on top was lighter, she was assigned that to start.
Lily managed to finish up quickly and then began work on clearing out some extra dirt around the corners. Once the moderately cube shaped rock was largely uncovered Meg made the call to simply pull it from the ground. It was hard to get any grip, so instead she had Lily extend her shadow under the rock, have Lily solidify it, and then pull the rock out by the shadow.
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