Kat finished up her berries and looked over at Grace who was still sitting nearby with her eyes closed and tea mostly finished. "What would you recommend then Grace? If I shouldn't practice with my fans"
Grace opened one eye to look at Kat "Well, sparring is an option but you'd need Skye for that. Alternatively you should probably practice with your fire more. Isn't that why you were unconscious when I first met you?"
"I was perfect lucid thank you very much" said Kat
Grace just shrugged and took another sip of her tea. *Grace is right though. I should probably take this as a chance to practice with my flame a bit more. Maybe I can figure some things out.*
"Is there any advice you can give me for handling my flame? It doesn't exactly like to listen to me" said Kat
Grace shrugged again "Well, I'm not really a wizard, and from everything I've seen neither are you. Not really. You're going to have to test things out I'm afraid"
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