--- Kat ---
Slvr never did figure out where exactly the girls would need to turn off. Not ideal, but 'you'll know it when you see it' was probably a good enough description. That was the hope anyway. Despite the pleasant atmosphere of the town, and the fact they never reported to the local hunters… it just wasn't worth sticking around. They had a job to do, and with no mayor and no church to even potential request copies of the notice they might need there was no reason to stick around longer then they had to.
And so went a day of travelling with seemingly no issues. The second day was much less pleasant. Sometime early in the morning, Hunter gave a shout "EVERYONE UP!" and Kat found herself bolting out the tent, Lily in her arms as they looked around. The campsite was untouched so far, but surrounding them was a pack of wolf-like plant monsters. They seemed… somewhat dried up and were growling towards the camp but making no move to attack.
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