Kat stretched trying to wake herself up. Her right wing bent at what should be an uncomfortable angle but she felt no stiffness. *You know, I do wish these beds were a bit larger. Especially because I think I'll need to sleep in them once more.*
Shaking her head Kat headed out the door to go grab some breakfast of some kind. As she stepped out of the door she saw a very tired Grace do the same.
The elf was in the basic white robes provided and they hung loosely around her frame. Her hair was extremely messy and was just left to hang freely. Grace's ears drooped low, which Kat found odd considering they never really seemed to move.
As Grace heard the door opening beside her, she looked up, bleary eyes with bags underneath then. As soon as she locked eyes with Kat though Grace jerked back as if someone had shot her.
Kat tilted her head "What?"
Grace struggled to form words and just gestured generally in the direction of Kat instead.
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