--- Kat ---
Kat had no idea how she got here. One moment she was trying to wake Lily up, and the next she was on the bed with Lily on top of her. Even if she wasn't trying all that hard to wake Lily, it shouldn't have been so easy to turn the tables. The fact Lily had transformed to move Kat had probably helped. "Lily, Lily it's time to get up," said Kat tapping the side of Lily's head where her ears would be if she were still human.
Of course, despite Kat's request she wasn't actually making an attempt to get up herself. "Nyo, nyor comfortable," mumbled Lily.
Kat's eyes widened. *Wait. Is her speech being corrupted? This… this could be adorable. Wait no, it's already adorable. Um… shit what can I ask her to test? Dammit I'm blanking on good cat puns. I can only remember that one tongue twister about a menagerie but there's no way I can get her to say that in her sleep.*
Just wanted something extra fluffy today. Also...
Shoutout to the Bakemonogatari tongue twister. It's very cute.
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