Gareth chapter
It was almost time. This was rather obvious by the giant glowing numbers slowly counting down to zero. They'd started at the minute mark and were just about there. The group was standing, ready to leave… and Kress had just snatched up the candy bowl hadn't he? Gareth sighed, "Kress my friend, is that really necessary?"
Kress shrugged, "Well I'm not going to let free candy go to waste, and nobody else was eating it. So… I'm claiming it for myself,"
"And you're taking the bowl as well because…?" asked Gareth.
"Because I need something to put the candy in of course!" Kress returned with a smile. "Where else would I put it? Certainly not my pockets. Even if the clothes are clean, the fabric would just stick to the candy making a mess of things anyway. Plus, this bowl is made from wood, something Thyme has a near infinite amount of. Even if I wasn't planning to give it back, which I am, it really wouldn't matter,"
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