Kat stepped into the car, carrying both Sylvie and Lily in her arms. It was early Saturday morning and only Kat and Callisto could truly be called awake. Lily had showered, dressed perfectly for the day then transformed into her Memphis form and passed out. She was still asleep, and didn't have any plans to wake up before arriving at the science fair. Sylvie on the other hand, was adamant she'd wake up early with everyone else… and it didn't take long for her to fall back to sleep despite her promises.
Kat buckled herself into the middle seat in the back, then awkward strapped in Sylvie the best she could on her right side before letting Sylvie's head rest in her lap and continue sleeping. Sylvie hadn't woken, despite the movement, and she was currently drooling just a tiny bit. Kat thought it was cute, and wiped the spit away before turning to Lily and getting her situated.
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