/ Sci-fi / Cyberverse Chronicles.
"Cyberverse Chronicles" unfolds as a captivating tale of genius high school programmer Scott and his friends, Kate and Ray. Amidst a world intertwined with futuristic AI marvels, a bug triggers the rise of rogue AIs. Together, they uncover secrets, forge alliances, and confront a war that blurs lines between technology and humanity.
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Author Sagittarius_Dev01
The pacing is swift, keeping readers captivated as they journey through holographic displays, interactive simulations, and riveting conversations. Overall, "Cyberverse Chronicles" sets a promising foundation for what seems to be an enthralling tale of friendship, exploration, and the limitless potential of the digital age. With its dynamic characters, immersive world-building, and thought-provoking themes, this book is sure to appeal to fans of science fiction and technology enthusiasts alike.