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100% Cyberpunk: New Age New Me / Chapter 1: The Preparations
Cyberpunk: New Age New Me Cyberpunk: New Age New Me original

Cyberpunk: New Age New Me

Author: Dylan_Brown_2265

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Preparations

Beep... Beep... Beep...


"Ugh.. today's the day isn't it?" Getting out of bed I scratch and yawn before getting ready. Today was moving day, and I was nervous yet excited, after all it was Night City I was moving to. I was mostly just concerned about the crime and people once I move there. After all Street kids, Nomads, and Corpos in one place, what could go wrong?!


I set my internal alarm early for four a.m. Everything was already packed beforehand and en route, I would get there first though since I wasn't cargo.


Moving towards the window I watched the city outside while letting out a sigh, Sky Town was a place that wasn't bad at all. Mostly.


Crime was at low levels up top, so as long as I didn't go underneath the city into "Earth Town" I was mostly fine. This city was actually kinda small compared to other places in how far it covered, but it made it up by having roots going deep into the ground and branches (a.k.a buildings) trying to reach the stars. It was also split in two, topside being the squeaky cleanliness you'd want, whereas below was "Earth Town" where the bad things went for the most part.


It was actually a shame I was leaving, I was going to miss this place even though I never heard of it before I got here. Mom and Dad decided this was the place where they were going to put down their roots and had me. Now look at things, after all the crap they did to get here and raise me this far, they wouldn't get the rest they deserved besides what they have now together in their shared urn.


They both were ex-military, Dad was a damn good medic who met Mom after she got a few of her fingers from her right Gorilla Arm blasted off. Loved to hate each other was basically their relationship for awhile until one night they went out drinking and wound up waking up in the same bed the next morning nude.


After dealing with the mutual markings of affection from the night prior they ended up dating. Fast forward about two years Dad got on his knees with a ring and bam! Practically a year later I'm born.


I'm fifthteen now in halfway through 2074, my birthday being on October thirty-first so I have time to prepare for the events of 2077. A few years to learn, bulk up, get good chrome, not die just to get a shitty drink named after me in a morgue, maybe get a girlfriend who I can trust. Having multiple relationships are actually a thing and easier to get than you would think, so that's a maybe. Higher up Corpos are capable of having multiple partners, however with politics it's not often done. The same can be done with enough influence or credibility. So, if I make a name for my self it should be no trouble if it's worth it, and there being a declining lowest birth rate also helps.


If your wondering why I am actually so calm right now, it's because I'm a reincarnate in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. What mostly gives it away as somewhat different than the original is that relationships are a bit weird in that they are intense or something as I've been told? Honestly it's not that noticeable if you don't pay attention, but I have noticed and I can't really find anything concrete per say other than the lovey dovey stuff happens more often, I could be wrong though. It was strange at first that I know something is up but I have gotten used to it since if I can't figure it out, just chalking it up to cultural differences. Everything's basically the same as the original, only with it's not being uncommon for people to be in relationships with multiple people if they are higher up the food chain of course.


I regained my memories when I was young, it happened the first time I saw a women show off her new Mantis Blades to another guy in our complex. It didn't really hurt persay, it felt like rediscovering a movie you really liked and watching it. Only then to get hit with tons of emotional damage on why you liked it and everyone was out to judge you for it. Add a slight buzzing in your ear, what felt like waking up from a necessary five-minute-or-you'll-stay-sleeping-for-three-days-power-nap, and a being confused for ten minutes then you'll feel like I did. The fact my name was Adrian Jensen and I looked a bit similar to the guy from Deus Ex series was also telling.


And apparently there was an ancestor with that same name as that character in my family Tree.


Thankfully I was about to lay down for a nap at our family picnic, so no one was really worried while I processed it. And after these years I've come to accept it all, after all I was physically born here. I had good parents, never went hungry why should I focus on my death when I've had yet to live.


Which brings me to my current situation, my parents have passed. It was right out of nowhere, arasaka and militech were involved in a shootout and they died as a result.


There were reparations of course, since my Dad did pass. He did become a rather well known ripperdoc after getting out of the military and settling down with Mom. Mom as well yet not exactly to the level of him, she wasn't exactly the best in her field of law nor the worst either. But she was rather infamous in her own right as a lawyer by being able to make a lot of noise and basically win practically hopeless legal actions.


Nevermind that however, they gave their all to have me and prepare me to live and like hell am I going to squander it by dying like a gonk. I learned a bit from Dad on medical care and legal matters incase someone tried to trip me up from mom. She taught me laws that applied all over just in case I got in a snag and couldn't punch my way out, apparently from experience. Which I was likely to do since I picked up fighting from the fitness club in the building. And about becoming a legend... Nah, I'm not dying to just have a drink in a morgue. I'm going to my damnest to live a long good life and die in ripe of age of two hundred and eight or something.


I mean the Emperor Saburo Arasaka is pass a hundred and ten already, his children all in their eighties basically and still look young. So it is possible.


Anyway with those I had a good start to begin and apply myself. Once I got to Night City I would be staying with one of my relatives there. And isn't that fates shitty way of getting me in the plot besides my cheat only being unlocked once I reach Night City. Apparently both Mom and Dad both had distant family there, so I would be staying with one of them. There were no close relatives anywhere near me, therefore the courts decided I will be getting on an AV for Night City. Which isn't unheard of but it was more common for space launches to occur. And to my surprise I was related to two characters from the lore, Misty from the game and Dorio from the anime Edge Runners.


I would be staying with Misty since she had a place and could house me easily, while Dorio wasn't really prepared in anyway to take care of a kid so she did not get custody. But did reply that she would look out for me once I get settled in.


Well all that's left is to eat breakfast and get ready to leave. I wonder if I can make one of Mom's synth burgers before I need to go?





*Somewhere in Night City.*

'Hah, well this sucks.' Going over my gear, adding up the total amount for upkeep of that and my cyberware, add my shares for rent for the next few months. 'Damnit.'


I was never the homely kind of girl, to be honest none in my family were. All of the people in the family were born strong especially the women, but the things outside strength always got us. Food was always food, clothes had to be sturdy or it would never last long, and all that cutesy scop wouldn't reaIly stick in our heads. Until we found someone to love that is.


As I got older I figured out what I could do. I could fight, shoot some gonks, drive like hell on wheels if I was desperate, and I had a okay head on my shoulders. Being either in a gangoon or a Merc was always going to happen, corpo or military never appealed to me so I ended up joining the animals. It was just always the same old same untill I met Maine.


Just like all my relatives, he and I never got along until some time later. He was lighter on on chrome then, but was ex-military so we didn't see eye to eye. He afterall was dreaming of making it big, but I wasn't seeing it happening yet. I only did gigs to get some Eddie's or such since bulking up was always first for Animals.


We went on a gig, couldn't even remember what it was about besides needing to kidnap some gonk. Only thing was he had protection, then I ended up in an explosion. Everything was going well too, untill Maelstrom decided to muck it up with a literal fire fight. Things were blurry for a bit until I woke up at a ripperdoc some time later with new cyber legs instead of my blown off meaty ones.


For some reason that crazy gonk abandoned the entire gig just to save me. Taking me to a ripper and footing the entire bill for my new legs when he needed the money more. I had seen it too, he was living in his Quadra. When I recovered enough to finally walk again I met him and demanded to know why he saved me. He always said he would make it to the top but this would have sanked his rep back to square one.


His answer,"Choom, I've seen gonks die for the dumbest reasons let alone on a battlefield. But, we teamed up as a crew for that gig. And everybody on my crew gets a fair shake no matter what. So, you do not just get to go out as a gonk like that. You feel me?"


I don't know why but for the first time it felt there were bugs in my stomach and I was frozen still in shock. After shaking my head a bit, I then offered him to get some pizza as thanks and we took off. Fast forward a bit and we got together as partners (for that time), leaving the animals was a bit easier than I thought they would be. But I did have to replace my legs, and the fact I found my "mate" actually helped a bit even we weren't together yet.


Sasquatch actually turned out to be a bit of a romantic when it came to matters of her pups. So her giving me some advice on getting a litter and wishing luck on mating left me embarrassed and somewhat pink in the face by the time I left. Their quiet laughter not helping at all. Later on we met a shy net kitten who partnered with us and we became an official crew under Maine.


Of course any crew needed fire power and a techie so then more recently came the siblings. They were ex corpo kids who decided to get away in Night City, for some reason they split up then got back together before we met them.


Pilar was the "Head Technical Officer" of the crew to quote his own words. He was also an ex-Maelstrom after finding his sister working with our crew, instead of optics he had a visor for eyes and long ass thin arms. He usually wore his Maelstrom getup even now, being only a open vest covering his torso, black pants, boots, and his flared mohawk. To be honest he was an asshole, a pervert, and an annoying gonk head yet always found some way to make people laugh. He was also surprisingly robust despite his frame and his chrome, he could take a good beating and get back up with little difficulty most of the time laughing it off.


Even when Maine put him on his ass repeatedly he kept getting up despite practically looking like he bathed in blood. Hell one time Maine packed him into a trash can, lid and all, kicked him down a hill so he would crash into a wall and the thing just burst open sending him crashing out like a broken antique jack in the box. He then stood up, brushing himself off, walked up back to face to face with Maine and proceeded to puke directly on him. He held it in for so long for a bit just to spite him, of course he got beat again but it was still impressive in a sad/gross way.


And finally our fire power was in a little chem skinned shrimp with green pigtails named Rebecca. Pilar's little sister and an Mox turned Merc, hence her usual outfit if a giant coat covering her basically bikini clad petite body.


Yeah, we found her making mincemeat out of some tyger claws with a pair of pistols. She didn't hesitate to point them at us not even a second later roaring at the top of her lungs what we were looking at. Sasha then squealed, proceeding to pick up the gun gremlin, twirl her around, and hug her cheek to cheek asking to keep her.


Well one she is fucking adorable apart from the cursing and being trigger happy, two she could give us some ties to the Mox. Which considering they were one of the better gangs made it more considerable. And three, why the hell not?


And one thing we confirmed not even five minutes later, she craved bloodshed or violence. Looking for any reason to pull out a piece and start firing, the slightest remark there's a barrel pointed right between your optics.


Of course with every person we added they went through a trial period to prove themselves. Sasha joined for "safety in numbers" according to herself, but really meant she was a bit of a scared cat outside of net running. Rebecca mellowed out somewhat but was still loud as ever with all the mayhem she could cause. Strangely she was still on good terms with all of the Mox, even letting us hang out in Lizzie's on a reduced bill by a "family discount." Except Pilar, he was warned not to act up but his annoying ass just had to try to cope a feel. He built a turrent for us out of scrap to be a permanent member, and that was that.


Which brings me to right now, planning out the upkeep of the home of myself and my input. Remember how I said me and the members of my family never really dealt with homely or cutesy things? Well now that's coming back to bite me in the ass.


Sometime ago I got a call that one of my cousins had passed with their husband, now their son had become an orphan. I know for a fact that I wasn't prepared to take care of a kid and neither was Maine. And wasn't that a punch to the gut.


We had talked of having kids eventually but had completely done nothing to prepare for them. And to the point where I could not even take in family that needed the help, almost made me break down sobbing after the call ended. The family curse was still going strong even when I found my input.


Which brings me to now, trying anyway to change that or it would never be done. And everyone agrees that I have a great level head, so why is managing money for the future so hard now!?


Holding my head I groan and lean back, a headache already starting to form. Glancing at my internal clock I groan even louder, I went through the entire night without any sleep. Making even less progress than I thought I did. At least Maine wasn't home, he always acted cool and aloof, or tried to, but he would be concerned in his own way.


At least he was away for now, the last gig involved a corp so he and the others were hiding away in the badlands for now until the heat died down. Sasha had provided overwatch and I had guarded her while she had the ice bath. The corp didn't get much information, but Maine's figure was really recognizable. So every so few days we would run supplies out to them, except Pilar's BD's. No way in hell way I going to get them just so he could get off. It would be fine for them to return in a week or two.


Checking the time again I realized it was moving day for the runt. Well I couldn't really call him a runt with our bloodline running strong in him, even if he could bulk up a bit, along with the smarts from his dad so I knew he would be alright. But still damnit, I should've at least have been capable of giving him somewhere to sleep.


"Hah..." 'No use crying over spilled synth-milk. I'll get better at this, meet him, hopefully connect with him by impressing him with my improvements, and maybe get him to join the crew. We could even bond over getting him built up, he seemed like he would be for it. 'Course Maine will probably test him with grunt work, but he'll get through it. Without even meeting him personally, I know for a fact he will go far. Both of his family sides are going to ensure it.'


And who would know that my distant family would have end up shaking things up so much.

Dylan_Brown_2265 Dylan_Brown_2265

I'm trying this, but I don't know how far I'll get. So thanks for reading.

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