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25% crystal girl / Chapter 2: The changes (2.1)

Chapter 2: The changes (2.1)


The changes


Lily-ugh, where I am?

SISTER MARY-Lily dear, how are you feeling?

Lily-Much better. What happened<sees her hair on her lap*not fallen it's their length*\ \ >Why.... is this some kind of jock? Why are my hair that much long and turn blue?

SISTER MARY-Darling, don't you remember anything?

Lily-I was at the ground and then I got angry on Coach....after that I don't remember anything. How does that happen?

Jay-I'll tell you.

Lily-ok speak.

Jay-(why is it sounds like an order)ok <tells the whole story > and as you can see your appearance is also changed.

Lily-yes my hair they are <stands up to observe >woh! longer then my knee. That's not any problem I always wanted long hair and this is also of one of my favorite color.

Jay-Haven't you look yourself completely in mirror?

Lily-what <looks in mirror >what is this thing on my forehead?<After meeting red-head, her hair became very long and her eyes turned yellow and a unknown blue crystal appeared on her forehead >

Jay-apparently it looks like a crystal of blue color, like a third eye and my eye color also changed to yellow.

Headmaster-<enters >greeting to miss Lily.<Headmaster is a old man in his 40s with brown eyes and white short hair. >

Lily-oh!here is the discrimination boss, who disqualify students because they can't do magic.

Headmaster-look like you ae anger with me, as we see you in the ground with you weather control magic which is quite extraordinary. We would like you to be a part of heaven.(I have to discover how the man changed her appearance, which is not possible by magic, only shapeshifters beasts can change only their appearance but their eye color remains the same and if she is a shapeshifter, I remember her eye color was blue and then it changed to yellow and it's not possible to also change their eye color. To conform she is a shapeshifter we have to conduct a magic body checkup in school but to make this happen she has to be a part of heaven academy.)

Lily-no, I don't want to.

SISTER MARY-child why? You were eager to join heaven academy.

Lily-because they now want me because now I have magic an rejected me when I don't.

Headmaster-that was the foolishness of our coach. Now we like you be a part of our academy.

Lily-at any cost now?


Lily-ok then on two condition. First I'll study for free and the Second you have to give me your book "master in witchery".

Headmaster-ok then see you tomorrow on heaven acadamy.<happy >(that's just a small prize for a golden goose)


Lily-hmm, now my first day at heaven academy.(let's wandar around to get familiar with this place)<wandering around the garden and hears voices >(huh what is happening here)<sees a Girl bullied by some some senior Boys >Oh look at here three Boys bullying a Girl.

Boy-what do you want non-witch?

Lily-ho<sinister smile, evil look >simply, you to f off.

Boy-what.....<scared > what are you going to do?

Lily-you'll know<slowly walking towards them >I don't even need spells now to beat the shit out of you.<start beating them >


Boys-<barely can walk >we will don't do it again please forgive us.

Lily-It's not up to me, It's up to her.

Boys-<apologies to girl >

Girl-ok apology accepted. <TOWARDS Lily > Hello, I am Rose. A vampire..<Rose is lily's future best friend with red hair and dark brown eyes.She was orphan but recently found her parents.They tried to take rose back but she refused. >

Lily-Lily. A human.

Rose-but how are you here as far as I remember you can't do magic.

Lily-well apparently till tomorrow.

Rose-May I ask one more thing?


Rose-what's that crystal on your forehead?

Lily- Oh, It..It is's a crystal.

Rose-yeh I know that but what is t's use?Is it some sort of power collector?

Lily-Don't know. It just appeared itself after I lost consciousness.

Rose-Wow that's cool. So, are we friends?

Lily-yes.<shakes hands >

Rose-lets go the class is about to begin


as the two Girls enter the class everyone starts whispering

Rose-looks like they are gossiping about you?


Rose-what are you wow-ing at?

Lily-<loudly >you know what are the two reason people talk behind other's back?

Rose-<loudly >no

Lily-first, the person is mysterious so people like to talk about them and the second is they are simply jealous of a person. In my case I would like to accept the both reasons because of which they are talking behind my back.


Rose-you are really good at making people speechless.

Lily-<flattering herself >I am my self speechless sometimes at my talent and beauty.

Rose-ok ok now stop flattering yourself.<laughing >(cute)

Teacher-so, students the first class will be of math.

Lily-<speechless ><ready to die >

ALL THE STUDENTS-<DYING >which school have 1st period as math.<crying >

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