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100% CRAVEN WORLD / Chapter 2: The Beginning of The End ( 2 )

Chapter 2: The Beginning of The End ( 2 )

- 2 and a half years later -

During these past couple years whenever Ryuuki wasn't on a mission or training, he was spending time with his family and catching up on all the anime, manga and fan-fiction stories out there. It's the only normal and relaxation he let's himself have. Not even the war can kill his artistic spirit, his Mom would say.

Finally coming back after a long mission Ryuuki was given sanctioned leave and is heading back home. Reaching the front door, his mother opened it before he could touch it. "Ohh Ryuuki your back!" His mother said happily, clearly pleasantly surprised by his visit. Ryuuki knows his Mom loves him and doesn't begrudge his absence but deep down his mother doesn't want him to have any part of being in the army. Nostalgia, love, and longing arise in him at the sight of his Mom and Ryuuki gives her a big bear hug. "Yeah. I just got back." He says smiling down at her. Stepping inside the secured two story house, he barely set's down his pack before his little sister dashes out of the kitchen to greet him.

"Your back!! I thought you were gonna take longer but I'm glad to see that you came back safely!" Hearing the deep surprise and happiness in his sister voice he couldn't help but laugh a little. "Glad to see you too!" He smirks bringing her in for a side hug. Moving to the couch with his sister, his Mother announces that she's going to fix up a snack for them in the kitchen. Curious and eager to be with her big brother Zuuei asks, "Did you catch up in the latest Naruto chapter?"*

Shaking his head 'no' he replies, "I haven't, I was just about to go read it. I've been busy catching up on some novels on 'webnovel.'" After hearing him say that Zuuei reaches into her pocket bringing out her phone to scroll through all the recent anime/ manga she has been reading/watching. Even after her brother was forcibly drafted into the army, she knew him, his only enjoyment in the world was being with his family and reading manga and watching anime, she couldn't help but like anything that brought him even the slightest bit of joy as well. While they were catching up and talking about which show to watch and to read they hear their Mom calling for them.

"Food is ready come and get it."

Playfully racing each other to the dinning area, they sit down as a family and eat. It was a peaceful that Ryuuki's life had lacked. (Gods, he missed being like this.)

A week went by and Ryuuki got the expected but unwanted call saying he was to deport back to base, he had a mission. Closing his eyes with a sigh, he gets up from the comfy sofa he had been lazily lounging on to tell his family that he has to head out. Ryuuki could see the disappointment on their faces that matched how he felt. Giving each one of them a long hug, he forces himself to stop lingering and grabs his gear and heads out. 'I'll be back', he promises. He'll make it back. He always does. He has to.

Reaching his destination, he notes that there is a selected few others there. Everyone was geared up and armed, Ryuuki could tell from the way each soldier held themselves that they this was stealth group team. There was a few differences, but for the most part, the chosen soldiers looked like they were ready at any second to move, or blend in with the shadows. The Commanding Officer (No names equals no attachment) introduces Ryuuki as "Phantom", one after his reputation, and second after his Corps. After barking out everyone's code-name the Commander debriefs the team. This mission was to be off the books and they were to infiltrate Country C in order to take out a group of rouge agents that had been sent there.

Checking his gear and making extra sure everything is there and in working order, Ryuuki boards the aircraft.

Landing in Country C undetected, the Stealth group split, signaling that any and all communication was to be through comms and underneath the sound muting mask. Sneaking past the border security from different areas to decrease chances of being caught, Ryuuki moves fast, the air is still, no sound comes form him – not even the rustling of clothes. Weaving through buildings like the phantom he's named to be he reach's the team meet-up point.

The Op Leader tilts his head to them, still carefully keeping note of their surroundings. "The targets are in the building across the street."

Jerking his head, face hidden by the black out of the bullet proof modified astronaut mask he gives his orders, "Move in fast and quiet."

Turning to 'Phantom' the Leader, 'Ripper', gives him instructions. "Sneak in and make sure there are no exits for the targets to escape, there are to be no runaways."

Nodding his understanding 'Phantom' moves quickly to the backside of the building. Going in he hears muffle gun shots that echo throughout the building. Creeping through the hallway 'Phantom' sees one of the targets come out of a room and into the hallway. The rouge agent doesn't see Ryuuki at first, as the man was preoccupied with listening to his comrades scream, standing closer to the front of the building, near the lobby. The target makes to leave but as he turns he's met with a fist to his jaw. Stumbling backwards the Rouge tries to get his bearings back. 'Phantom' takes advantage of the man's daze and doesn't let the chance go, getting close. The rouge goes offensive, throwing a jab at Ryuuki. Side stepping to the right, cleanly avoiding the jab Ryuuki kicks him in the left leg, taking it out underneath him. Falling to his knee the rouge lifts his head up but when he does 'Phantom' already sent a flying knee to bash into the rouge's face. Knocking him out, 'Phantom' takes out his mission standard handgun and pulls the trigger without a second's hesitation.* BANG * A bullet straight to the head, a lightly smoking hole with that familiar red dripping down. Moving on through the building and taking out more rouges, 'Phantom' stumbles upon a folder that the rouge was holding. Leaning down he grabs it, reading through it in only a minute. Ryuuki couldn't believe what he was seeing. It contained information on a lot of black ops, murder cover ups, funding, and the multiple scams Country C and other countries participated in but the biggest shock of it all is that someone in his own government is stealing Karenite and selling it to an enemy country.

Regrouping with his team Ryuuki hands over the folder to Ripper, the leader. Taking the folder and reading through it Ripper nodded grimly, saying that he will take care of it.

With all rouge agents eliminated and dead at the end of his team's gun they head back to base, making sure to stay careful and keep cover. If they were found on enemy soil and captured they'd be dead before sunrise.

The leader abruptly stopped, claiming that he had something to do so they were to head back to pick-up without him. Not thinking much of it they went along, eager to get back and to get some rest.

The team waited for hours yet Ripper still never showed up. The team anomalously decided to put off extraction longer to wait for their fellow soldier in arms.

The following days Ryuuki and the team were left wondering why still 'Ripper' hadn't reported back yet. They had all found him too talented to be caught and killed but if he didn't show up soon they were going to have to report him MIA (Missing in Action – Ripper would be reported KIA but a body would be needed to verify that. As of yet, still no body). Loyally going out to search for him every night, they came up with no leads.

On the way back to their (laying low place* I forgot the word I want to use <<) Ryuuki felt his phone buzzing.

*Buzzz* * Buzzz *

Picking up the phone, Ryuuki is told that a aircraft is inbound to pick them up at 0400 hour. Informing the others that in a couple hours they are getting picked up, we all pick up our pace to head back to get the rest of our equipment.

At the designated spot, Ryuuki's experienced eye picks out faint, near invisible, sight of the helicopter coming inbound. Patiently waiting the couple mins it takes for the helicopter to land, they all move as towards it.

After verifying our identity – too many try to pose as others for infiltration – A man comes up to Ryuuki as he was walking to the front, asking him where their leader's at. Marching at the same time Ryuuki begins explaining the situation to him and that the Leader just up and disappeared.

Landing back at headquarters, Ryuuki heads to the Commander's office. All too soon he's in front of the familiar impersonal door, heading inside he was shocked to see it was a different person sitting there.

Suspicion rises but he carefully shelters it, blinking the shock off he finds himself asking where the previous Commander went.

The officer says nothing, hard eyes glaring at him like he's a bug. "Mission Report."

Sensing that he won't get an answer Ryuuki obliges and gives him the report. Finished Ryuuki gives a curt nod and leaves without a dismissal. Ryuuki holds back an irritated grunt, slinking unnoticed he avoids the popular halls, b-lining towards the vehicle wing to go back home.

While he was heading home, the newest Commander on base was contacting to HQ. Giving his report to the higher ups about the situation on the last mission, the group of higher ups start to discuss. Finally a lead about the suspected mole in there ranks has emerged, they decide to call on there special agent, their best, that they use to find information on a person. He's a favorite pawn of there's.

"Agent Orange we have a mission for you, we want you to find any information on " xxxxxxxxxxx- a.k.a 'Ripper'."

Agent Orange nods, agrreing to take the mission before heading out, he'll find out everything by tommorow.

The peaceful couple of days Ryuuki had spent with his family end when he's called in for questioning about his mission.

When he arrived at a different base, a less used one for Ryuuki, he got tested.

Well, more like punished really, falling to the ground again he uses every bit of strength he can muster; Ryuuki gets back up and fights.

Pushing himself hard fighting for another half hour and taking out more then 65 agents – non lethally – Ryuuki is finally taken down.

Waking up Ryuuki immediately shakes off the dysphoria and observes himself and everything he can see, sense, and touch. He finds that he's strapped to a chair – his countries interrogation standard – looking around he hears a voice behind him.

"Hello Phantom Op Special Agent Ryuuki, I have a few questions to ask you." While the mysteries person was talking he slowly walked in front of Ryuuki.

Looking up Ryuuki sassed, "Couldn't you have just asked me normally, instead of this?" Shaking his hands to emphasize what he was talking about.

Agent Orange grabs a chair and sets it in front of me, sitting down he crosses his arms over the back of the chair." Do you work with 'xxxxxx'?" The man asks.

Seeing the look of confusion on his face Orange clarifies, "Also goes by Ripper."

Finally understanding what he means Ryuuki shakes his head in a 'No' fashion.

"Don't lie to me Agent." He growls getting up from his chair. Agent Orange looms over him an accusing sneer on his face. "How could you not know that your team leader was acting strangely? Especially after his disappearance."

Ryuuki tries to explain himself but before he could even open his mouth, he's socked in the face. Spitting out wad of blood Ryuuki tries to explain again but still it's to no avail. Agin and again he's hit without being given a chance to defend himself, Ryuuki tired of trying to explain, thinks unkindly to himself, 'War makes people crazy, never trusting even there own comrades.'

3 Months of inhuman torturing is how long it lasted, three long months of the same if slightly differed methods of torture. Agent Orange finally decides to do something different. "Still nothing?," He asks rhetorically, nodding to himself. "Fine, you still don't want to talk? How about this?" Snapping his fingers, Ryuuki sees something he wished would never happen.

Seeing his family Ryuuki yells at Agent Orange, "I don't work with him and I don't know how he got Karenite to take with him!"

Watching Ryuuki frantically yell his explanations, his Mother and younger sister stare at him feeling there hearts break. They had wondered where he went for 3 Months, Ryuuki would always check in and call, and after months of imagining a reunion they finally get to see him again but not in the way they wanted to.

Shedding tears for him, both angry and sad, they glare with contempt and righteous fury at the people holding them and their Ryuuki captive.

Ryuuki tries to explain and explain again, his voice growing hoarse, to Agent Orange. Shaking his head in mock sadness Orange steps behind his family, drawling in his smug dulcet tones "You have a beautiful family Ryuuki so I'll give you a chance tell to me where the traitor Agent Ripper went and I'll let you and your family go. If not... One of them isn't going to be waking up." Tears roll down Ryuuki's face nonstop, his family was his everything in this twisted world. "I don't know we just met that day, the very same day I was told about the mission."

Before he could comprehend a bullet went through his baby sister's head. Time seems to slow and he can feel the slow pulse of his heart, ringing in his ears, the only thing he can hear. His Mother's face twists, dark blue eyes with freckles of gold and green shine with utter horror and grief, her mouth opening slowly in a silent scream. His beloved sister, Zuuei, falls, blood streaming down her slack face, her eyes - the same ones that they both loved because they were exactly identical to his own – were open wide, glazing over in death, hiding the vibrant hazel gold, green, and brown hue. Her body crashes to the hard cement floor with a dull thud, her black hair tipped grey flutters around her, covering the macabre red from sight.

(His baby sister had been crying, there were tear tracks on her cheeks, he notes dully.)

Helplessly watching it all Ryuuki's heart broke, black hot rage bubbled up inside Ryuuki and he tries to break out of his retrains with a ferocity that he had never shown before. His dear mother was crying her eyes out, a horrifying wail escaping her that was made all the more awful paired with his ineligible scream of rage.

Agent Orange walks beside her and points his gun at her, looking dead in Ryuuki's eyes, "Answer me."

Ryuuki tells him a random country, the first to come to his head, anything, anything to save his Mother. "Country F."

Agent Orange upon hearing the answer removes his gun from his mother head and smiles, "Was that so hard?" He asks and before Ryuuki could feel joy or relief about saving his mother - * Bang *

His Mother falls down limp, a broken body cut from it's strings. Ryuuki isn't given the small mercy of not having to see her eyes, like his sister, no, instead they look right at him, the horror of her face and the rage, etched permanently into his memory.

Ryuuki's Mom is laying there dead.

More and more death, another one of his so very precious small family gone.

Loosing all his remaining emotions Ryuuki tries to break free even harder then before. Glaring murder, all the hate he feels, the frigid cold determination, he glowers into Agent Orange eyes, and promises."I'll. Kill. You."

Only three words. Three words that Agent Orange has heard before, but this times something wasn't right, it was different hearing it from Ryuuki. It felt like a promise, a vow, and an outcome.

Walking up to Ryuuki, Agent Orange punches him angry about the chill he could feel creeping up his spine, spitting out, that the answer that he gave was wrong and he knows that it isn't what he wants to hear.

- 1 Year Later -

Ryuuki is in a cage laying down, looking starved and beaten but if one looked into his eyes they would feel as if they were in the darkest and coldest part of Helheim. As he was laying there attempting to rest and save as much energy as possible his cell door opened. Facing the guards that walked in, they start to drag him out and over to were he would get tortured again for information that he didn't have. Getting strapped in, as per usual, Agent Orange walks in, sat the sight of him Ryuuki eyes went even colder, gaining a depth that was thought impossible. Just as he was about to be fully strapped in and secured an explosion went off. Gun shots go off in the distance, the sounds of dying a familiar noise, Ryuuki knew that this was his chance. Gathering all of his strength he start to slip off all his restrains. Moving towards a table like the phantom he was revered to be Ryuuki grabs a knife that was close by and with coldness flashing through his eyes that match exactly how he feels Ryuuki runs and stabs Agent Orange in his spine. Twisting the knife in deeper, Ryuuki looks Orange in the eyes and stabs him repeatedly. Ryuuki made sure that it was in the most painful ways that he knew, only once Ryuuki saw the life slowly leave his eyes, he made to get up but the long time of torture and starvation left its mark and he passes out.

End of Chapter

Vezton Vezton

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