I am waiting at his cafe with my laptop. I cant wait to expose this sick fuck. I see him walk in the door. I sit next him. I tell him "Why"? He was confused. Him being confused made me angry.
So I ask him again "Why do you live like this"?
But I could say the same for myself. I sitting here stalking through people's personal info. I can see anyone's emails, passwords, text messages. I don't know why I do it. I think it just amuses me.
So he act like he dont know again. I had it enough with this guy.
So I showed him masturbating to child porn
Him being a human disgrace. He was shocked. I told him "Why"? He was to scared to answer. I told him "I wasn't going to tell the police".
But I lied. "They were 5 minutes". "How do I know"? "You'd not even be surprised".
He starts crying and says sorry. He was telling me sorry? "I chuckled". Why though? "I guess I found it amusing". I told him I sent what he did to his whole family.
He got up and swinged at me. I was sitting there waiting for it to make contact. But the police arrived.
Police came rushing in put him to the ground and handcuffing him.
Watching him getting put away made me feel uneasy. But I just think I was being paranoid.
But little did I know I probably made the biggest mistake of my life.
This is a story about Temper Parada AKA Goodbye
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