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2% Crap, I Was Rifted (New Game+) / Chapter 2: Beginning again Part 2

Chapter 2: Beginning again Part 2

"Hey wake up!" Hotshot said to Azul. He didnt wake up in medical this time. He was hurt but not that bad. She came out a lot better this time as well. Seeing him open his eyes she got to the point, "can you come help me with the weapon repairs?" She moved away from the rack and was surprised at herself. 'I am so comfortable around him. I haven't felt this way in forever about anyone.'

"Yeah but I only know a little bit," Azul said getting up. He walked over not paying attention to his state of dress. He had boxers on and that was it. "A little training and maybe a few weird customizations."

Hotshot stared at home for a bit. Shaking her head she just went to work passing parts over and explaining what needed to be done. "You own Keenan a new pistol."

System: Knowledge Check 14 Pass

Slowly the information rose to Azul's mind. As time passed he became better at it. Noticing her weird gaze every now and then, he just had to ask.

''What?" He asked looking confused. She pointed to his groin and he gave her a smile. "Cough cough'' clearing his throat he apologized. "My bad it gets like that around dangerous woman. It is such an unruly thing I swear." Moving from the workbench he grabbed some pants by the bed with an undershirt. "Better?" He asked. She gave a small nod of approval.

Hotshot + 23

"Hey, before I forget I'm your podmate on the ship and partner for upcoming assignments. You can keep calling me Hotshot or..." She turned only slightly giving a raised eyebrow.

"Hotshot. I like calling you that." Azul smiled as he went back to work. "But I wouldn't mind learning your real name."

System: Specs uploading ..please wait...

Azul looked Hotshot up and down, trying to figure out how to break the information to her. But then he thought it best to wait till Galtea woke up. An hour passed as they worked in silence mostly.

"So are you ok?" Hotshot asks with her head tilted sideways observing him. She couldn't believe his performance yesterday. Blinking a few times to make sure she wasn't, she waved her hand in front of his face. "Hey, I know I am hot and all but answer me." She caught him staring again. But at least he was finished with his part of the work.

"Yeah, I'm good. I have been better but you did a good job covering me. You are definitely hot my bad about staring. Forgot people dont like that." Running his hands along his side, the physical body difference was gonna take some getting used to. "If I was back to my old self I could have performed better."

"You were kind of jacked up from that blasted prison. But the quick treatment allowed us to put you to work. But just putting some medi-gel all over your body only goes so far. Your body used it like a sponge, pretty much devouring it. There wasn't enough Medi-gel for your wounds. So you received a trip to the leftovers as the only option we had left." Hotshot voice had some derision at that last part. "It is a stupid name to call it that."

"Well, thanks darling appreciate you looking out for me. there and here." Azul said giving her another warm smile. He finished with the gun and say down in the chair.

Hotshot + 21

"No problem.. rookie. Well, cant call you that. You performed to well." Hotshot had a small warm glow in her cheeks turning them a little purple. "I can call you... by your military rank if it will help?"

"Sure, I would like that," Azul said sizing her up again. He couldn't help the idea from popping up into his head. Her putting gel all across his body touching him expertly and slowly. Tentatively moving about applying the gel all over every wound and bruise. Exploring every nick and cranny of his body…. For wounds, of course, she doesn't seem like that kind of Asari. 'Woah! I am way more charged up then last time with Slipp. What's the dealio?'

'It is because your a horny bastard.' Zelda said. The twins could be heard laughing in the background. 'Your emotions for her are causing this body to react. It will be a while before you can reel it in.' Rembering what happen she added to remind him. 'She is not dying Azul.. just dont forget that.'

System: Several issues with interface repairing... adjusting to Users' preference.

"Hhhmm I wish I was awake for the treatment" Azul mumbled out aloud. "Maybe I could have seen all that happened to me."

Hotshot +13

"Oops busted you caught me checking you out, Hotshot. How rude of me." Azul said slowly as he shakes his head like a kid who has been caught doing something naughty.

A slight pause as she gauges him with her eyes slightly more closed than before. "Check your Omni-Tool. It should let you know if your good to go," Hotshot says while shaking her hand at his wrist.

"It is definitely coming back to me," Azul said.

"Here, this is how you check your Omni-Tool," Hotshot says as she grabs his wrist. "I know you have been through a lot the last couple of days, but the faster you get back up to speed the better." Her biotic strands started acting faster on Azul. She was enjoying being close to him as a bond starting forming. Her soul piece was increasing with each moment of contact.

Azul thought right both times, the glove hand feels great on his skin. His cock jumping in his pants at her touch. It seems she is completely oblivious to it as she continues touching a translucent display on his Omni-tool.

System: Willpower Check 19 Pass

Azul pulls himself together and listen. As accurately as possible. Some of the things she is saying makes sense. The knowledge on the device already coming back to the forefront of his mind. "Argh," Azul grunted as he clasped his head.

"Are you ok?" Hotshot ask with a more concern tone in her voice. 'Why do I feel so worried about him? Heck, why am I even attracted to him? He is a human!' Her thoughts were confusing as she made sure he was ok.

"Mmhmm" Azul gave a little grunt of approval to lay her concern to rest.

Galtea: New User enjoy yourself in this world. Live it like it's real. The company you are with, currently believes you to be suffering from Cerebus experiments, so you will be given some leeway. But not much. Do well and Program Lluvia will be given back to you. The Administration will not harm you on purpose, but we will not coddle you so get to work. Your job is well…. you will figure it out… say status page in your mind, it will help you a little for now."

Galtea had finally linked up. Activating the link option he focused on her and sent the soul piece as well. The soul piece was denied but she agreed to the link-up.

'Why did she deny the piece?' Azul thought.

Galtea: Because my User it would show up in the logs. You will have to wait until I get a physical body to ignore that. Right now though, the link I have with you I have learned a few things. It will take me a while to go through them all. Your level is currently to low right now for me to get a better impression. Once we finish the Tutorial portion, I can give an excuse for why I Soulbonded with you. Till then we have to wait.

'Of course, it is.' Azul said then thought about Zelda. 'Zelda is stronger than me and she has soul bonded with me before. She should be able to help tell you everything better than I can. Can you do that Zelda?'

'Yes, I can. It will be a good workaround to get pass those who have infiltrated the System Administration.' Zelda said happily. And just like that she and Galtea started chatting with the twins joining in.

System: Additional Intelligence & Wisdom points added due to User for increased knowledge found.

On instinct Azul looked at his status while talking with Hotshot. His name as changed and he had points to spend. Assigning them he opened up page 1.

Status Page 1 Name: Azul Lunastrider Class: Soldier Adept? (Experiment) Level: 4 AC: 18

Second Class: N/A Health: 54

Strength: 12 Constitution: 14 Dexterity: 12 Intelligence: 20 Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 14

Athletics: Magic: Athletics: Misdirect: Knowledge: Intimidation:

Medical: Nature: Perception: Persuasion: Stealth: TechWork:

Religion: Survival: Seduction:

Cantrips: Lv1 Adrenaline Rush, Lv1 Biotic Shielding, Lv1 Biotic Charge, Lv1 Fist???,

Lv1 Concussive Shot, Lv1 Mental Cleansing,

Spells: Lv1 Rune Magic

Status Page 2 Physical Traits: Biotic Armored Body

Mental Traits: Lustful, Brash, Curious, Dazful, Blunt, Foolish, Kind, Ruthless, Egotistical

Groups: Lady Maldova's Marauder's

Enemy Groups: Krogan War Band Terminus

Location: Ship Armory

Ship: The Last Stand

Standing: Galtea:??? Lady Maldova: ? Chari: 32 Hotshot: 232

Crew: 324

Equipment: System, Omni-Tool

Skills: Gun: B 15/250 Melee: B 10/800 Tech: C 55/250 Sword: C 35/250 Medical: C 110/460

Science: C 124/310 Engineering Reversal: D 93/200 Magic: C 85/400

Titles: Wandering Soul

Abilities: Mediation III, Mental Suppression III, Soul Power/Psycho Power (Locked), Psyker (Locked)

Equipment: System, Omni-Tool,

System Abilities: Inventory Large, Store, Observe,

Companion Slots: 0/XXX

Follower Slots: 3/XXX

Pet Slots: 0/6

'Spells reset. But my knowledge of the spells are still there. Lost most of my traits except my mental ones. My origin hear has only changed a little. The last name is different.' Azul thought to himself but thought the changes were not bad. The biggest problem would be his body not keeping up. However, the Tutorial would help with that.

"Well done" Hotshot says as she comes over with some better clothes. "It seems you have learned the basics from the explanation you received. You will have time to go through the rest later. Here some clothes that are more for combat as well as everyday life. Lady Maldova took them out of her old stash. It actually fits a human that is a little bigger than you. Shouldn't be a problem with you feeling out like a bit."

"Chari should be coming to bring you planetside to another facility to give you treatment. You will receive proper treatment there to make up for…. the crappy work you had done here." Hotshot head was held low while she said this to Azul. "Slipp does good work. She gave you a clean bill of health when I sent the results over earlier."

"Hmm, ok but I feel pretty good from all the treatment so….why waste the time and money," Azul said trying to agree to hopefully cheer her up. 'But I shouldnt resist to hard. I still want to get Mia as well as the Cerebus Node. Or will it be different this time.'

"Chsshh" The door hisses and slides open. Chari enters with a stern look on her face and a little apprehension in her eyes. Along with three other Mercs. One of them actually human.

"Wow, you would actually be attractive if it wasn't for that look on your face. It just makes you look downright …..ugly. Right ugly that's putting it nicely..." Azul couldn't help but say. He felt the same this time as he did last time. Actually even worse since he knew the situation.

Chari bristles with anger. "Well and here I came to help you receive actual treatment and you insult me, how bold and stupid of you." Chari spat out at Azul. "Get your crap and we can go get you treated."

"No, I'm good. The people aboard did a great job treating me I'm good to go for work. Unless we are going to a brothel I really need to get fucking laid been around Hotshot all day I really need to blow a few loads. Then there is you. With all that balled up sexual aggression, yelling, and banter. Damn you are freaking smoking hot lady. It's getting quite hard to resist jumping out of my clothes and letting loose in my rack. Unless you don't mind helping with that, but you would have to lose that look in your eyes. It's such a boner killer. Well, a little anyway." Azul then shifted his stance. "Do you need a hug? I will give you a big hug I swear. Shit, I swear hugs fro everyone in the room."

System: Charm Check 23 Pass

Chari + 73

Crew + 41

System: Charm Check 19 Pass

Hotshot + 21

The room became quiet. The one human in the group besides Chari actually backed up some. He was having trouble keeping his laughter in. So he just settled for snickering. The others did a better job controlling themselves then him.


Quiet enough to hear a pin drop….

'I should have said something else but.. well.. I couldn't really think of anything really.' Azul thought to himself. 'I suck at comedy to.'

Chari just glares at Azul before speaking. "Good funny guy, then you need to be ready In 6 Hours for work. And since you two are so good at working together I'll have you 2," as she points at him and Chari," take care of the right Vanguard speartip. We are low on trained personnel and you seem to be able to do the extraordinary in a cornered fight, and survive it at least."

"Sure you got it, mam. I'll try not to disappoint. And for a reward hopefully, you can give a smile to us next time you come to our quarters." Azul said smiling giving her a wink. He couldn't help throwing in that little bit. "Or just me."

Chari + 31

Crew + 13

"Tsk" Chari just glares after sucking on her teeth. Turning she leaves after the other three mercs.

"Still available for those hugs!" He yelled as they left.

"Tsshh" the door slides shut behind her.

"Fuck what an ass. Too bad the rest of it sucked " Azul mumble out. "But she will warm up to me. I hope."

"Riipp, shuffle, rip, plop." A few pieces of clothing hit the floor.

"What the hell?" Azul said as he turned to see Hotshot has her clothes on the ground stepping over to him. Hips swaying back and forth. She kept a old school holster on her back and side. A heavy bolster in each slot.

"Ah, Hotshot. Damn your sexy as hell. Shit Asari are something else. Really freaking sexy under those clothes."

Head pulled back Chari look's at Azul with intrigue. "Am I your first Asari, Human? I was under the impression you were one of those who has the other Xenos fetish?" She asks as she pushes him to the floor and starts grabbing his pants. "Off now, let's have a little fun." Azul removed his pants in record time. She licked his precum that's spewing forth the moment his cock was exposed.

"Arghh shit, that feels so good. No, I just like what I like. It depends on the look I am given and the first bit of the interaction between me and the female. You being my first Asari is a bonus. A really great bonus. Fuck!" Same thing relatively as last time just a different person.

"Umm, I see... that's good to know." Hotshot says as she hums around the tip of his cock. Her tongue tapping against his bell head. "I am out of practice so bear with me."

"Slurpl, slurp," she licked along the sides slowly. Pulling back Hotshot lifted her breast up. Azul paused taking her all in. She had some nice size breast he was reminded about the time they trained in the shower. Hotshot reached to the side and moved her pistols under her breasts.

'Are so weird..' Zelda said. Her voice a little weird.

'You dont have to watch.' Azul said back. 'Reaching down he grabbed Hotshot by the chin and pulled her forward. She put her nipples right next to his head and licked her tips. Moving them slowly tempting him to join her. A hand dropped as she reached below grabbing him.

"Nice.. very nice," Azul said a little mesmerized. Licking between her chest he moved up to her neck. 'I won't allow you to get hurt like last time.' He didnt remember to keep his Pather ability in check. Hotshot froze feeling a strange desire come from Azul.

'Why does he want to protect me?' Hotshot shook her head. 'Wait he didnt say anything.'

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