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36.69% COTE : Everything about power (R-18) / Chapter 38: Chapter 38: In search of the meaning of survival

Chapter 38: Chapter 38: In search of the meaning of survival

March 2nd, morning homeroom.

When the chime rang, Chabashira-sensei entered. Although we thought we safely completed our first year without anyone failing the year-end exams, the teacher's expression was extremely stern.

"Um, did something happen ?" 

Hirata, who always prioritized the class's peace, was the first to speak up to Chabashira.

The teacher remained silent, giving off an atmosphere as if reluctant to speak.

"There's something I must inform you all," the teacher finally spoke, the words heavy as if pulled from deep within the throat.

"As I mentioned yesterday, the final exam for the first years will be held on the 8th, but this year, the situation is different."

"Different? How so?" Hirata, sensing an unusual tension, inquired.

"Even after the year-end exams, not a single student has dropped out this academic year. This is unprecedented in the school's history."

"So, does that mean we're excellent?" Ike interjected, not exactly boasting but still interrupting.

"Yes, it could be considered a great achievement. However, it poses a problem as it deviates from the plan," the teacher continued, the expression remaining stern but the voice strained.

Using an unusual phrase, I felt a bit uneasy. Horikita raised her hand, her expression questioning, and asked Chabashira a question.

"What exactly are you trying to say? Is there a problem with us?"

"Taking into account that there have been no dropouts from your first-year class, the school has decided to conduct an additional special exam as a special measure," the teacher explained, writing 'Additional Exam' on the board along with today's date.

Many students were dissatisfied, and the class was filled with chaos.

"Please tell us, what kind of exam is it?" Ike asked.

"The special exam is quite simple. Although the dropout rate is not low, standing at 3 percent, the exam is called... 'Class Vote.' "

At this point, it became unavoidably clear. Chabashira wrote the outline of the exam on the board.

"Let me explain the rules of the special exam. Starting today, for the next four days, you will evaluate your classmates. You will choose three students you think deserve praise and three you think deserve criticism. Then, on Saturday, you will vote. It's simple, isn't it?"

If you think about it straightforwardly, students like Hirata and Kushida would receive praise votes, while those causing trouble for the class would sink with criticism votes.

"The essence of this exam lies in two points. The top-ranked student will receive a special reward: a new system called 'Protection Points,' granting them one special privilege."

"Protection Points. It's the right to nullify any disciplinary measures, even in the case of expulsion. Even if you fail a test, having this point would make it void. However, it cannot be transferred to others."

"You can understand the value of these points; it's equivalent to practically 20 million points. Well, for students who have no fear of expulsion, it might not seem that valuable."

"It's quite generous; it could easily become a weapon depending on how it's used."

"Then, is there anything inconvenient for the bottom three?"

"No, only the student with the most criticism votes will be penalized. Yes, the student who ranks the lowest... will be expelled from this school."

A dark cloud loomed over the classmates who thought they had overcome the year-end exams. By the weekend, one person from this class would disappear.

As per the rules, once the exam ends, the students who received praise and criticism will be announced publicly. However, it will be a special case where who voted for whom remains undisclosed.

Of course, abstaining from voting is not an option. Even if you're absent on the day, you'll still be required to vote.

Rule 1: Praise and criticism votes interfere with each other.

Rule 2: You cannot vote for yourself, whether for praise or criticism.

Rule 3: It is not allowed to write the same person multiple times, leave it blank, or abstain.

Rule 4: The exam will be repeated until the top and bottom positions are determined, and the bottom student will be expelled.

Rule 5: Each student also has one vote for praising students from other classes, and it's mandatory to use it.

That's the exam content. It may seem simple and straightforward, but the essence is likely the most cruel. There's only one loophole to prevent expulsion: gathering 20 million points.

Once the homeroom ended and Chabashira-sensei disappeared, the students were filled with anxiety.

"What are we going to do? Seriously, the worst exam ever is starting!"

"Guys, be quiet!"

"What's up? You're not planning to give me a criticism vote, are you?"

Amidst the chaos of mixed genders, a barrage of insults began.

"How ugly."

Watching the conflict between boys and girls, one man chuckled.

He was notably different in the class, Rokusuke Koenji.

"You think you can afford to be so relaxed? Are you aware of how much trouble you've caused the class so far?"

Sudo said, confronting Koenji. Indeed, he had been freely stirring up the class until now. Everyone in the class remembered occasions like the deserted island or the sports festival where Koenji had abstained.

"You don't understand, Red Hair."

Koenji casually crossed his legs and leaned back on his desk.

"You seem to think that what you've cultivated over this past year is the key to this exam."

"In fact, it is!"

"No, you're mistaken. This is a special exam meant to prepare us for the future."

Koenji immediately dismissed Sudo's and the class's opinions. Sudo likely thought Koenji was just being his usual playful self, not understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Listen. This exam is literal. Normally, a class that produces dropouts would face significant penalties, right? But this time, there isn't any. It's an opportunity to delete unnecessary students."

"That's why you're the target, the class troublemaker!"

"No, that's not it. I'm always at the top in written exams, and you know I surpass you in physical abilities too, right?"

Koenji argued for his potential. Personally, I think Koenji is an indispensable presence.

"So, what's your point? It's meaningless if you haven't been serious about it until now."

"Yeah, you're right. So, from now on, I'll change my ways. I intend to contribute to the class and become a useful student."

"Who's gonna believe that crap?"

Well, Sudo, you have a point there. We can't exactly trust you, but given Koenji's skills are top-notch even within this school, having him on our side is reassuring for the class, but a threat to others.

"Let me ask you something in return. Do you think everyone will believe that you can be more useful than me?"

"Shut up, Koenji! I still think you're unnecessary. That won't change."

"Even if your close friends are completely incompetent?"

"Incompetent... Don't mess with me, saying my buddies are incompetent!"

"I see. So, that's the extent of it. It's your judgment, but... it seems like this class will remain defective as long as you think that way."

Koenji's provocation ignites Sudou.

"You've had enough—"

"Both of you, calm down. Don't you think we need to discuss this rationally?"

Intervening, Hirata. How many times has he seen this? It's a familiar sight, but Sudo shows no signs of stopping.

"What do you mean 'rationally'? You're lucky, Hirata. You'll never end up at the bottom."


Ike's words hit Hirata. Indeed, Hirata has contributed significantly, perhaps too much, to this class. It's not an exaggeration to say that he's one of the safest students in this class.

"I... I don't know what will happen to me either."

"Did you hear that? Hirata doesn't know what will happen. Hirata-sama is safe, right?"

Dismissing it with a laugh, Yamauchi seems exasperated. What's up with this guy? He's annoying.


Hirata finally chokes up, too. This exam is quite ruthless, indeed. Well, I highly doubt I'll end up at the bottom.

"Continue, Koenji."

"I have nothing more to say to you."

"I have plenty to say to you."

This momentum can only be stopped by one person other than Hirata. If anyone can stop it—

"Stop it, Sudo-kun."

"Uh... okay."

The first word, spoken by Sudo's master, Horkita. With just a few words, she controls Sudo. He's completely domesticated now.


The next day, while yawning and slinging my bag over my shoulder, I heard a voice from behind.

"Good morning, Horagasaki-kun!"

Who's that? I turned around to see the super voluptuous Ichinose Honami. Hmm, as always, thanks for showing off your nice cleavage and thighs so early in the morning.


I raised my hand lightly, and we ended up walking to school together, but there was silence between us. It's awkward, but she's unusually tense too. It's uncomfortable without her bringing up a topic.

"Um, it's cold again today, huh?"


Not knowing how to respond, I continued to walk in silence. Since we're already together, I decided to bring up the topic of the exam this time.

"This exam must be tough for you, Ichinose, isn't it?"

"Yeah... it is. I think it's the toughest exam we've had so far."

"I see."

Ichinose's shadowy expression told the whole story. Even though she's in a safe zone as the central figure of the class, having to judge someone will be difficult.

"...Even with such a troublesome exam, there's no choice but to deal with it somehow."

Ichinose, walking beside me, had a faint smile on her face.

"Hey, do you ever think about quitting?"

"Huh? No way. I never said anything like that."

Though she responded with denial, there was a slight sign of unease.

"Just so you know, I doubt anyone from Class B would easily write Ichinose's name."

"I never said I was going to drop out."

"But it's obvious. It's written all over your face that you're willing to sacrifice yourself."

Ichinose hurriedly took out a compact mirror to check. Yeah, right.

"Ugh... Keep it a secret from everyone, okay?"

"Sacrificing yourself for someone?"

"Not exactly. I have to fight a battle where I take risks myself."

Risk... huh. But let's not read too much into it. After all, we're still on opposing sides as classes.

"Still, the school's being pretty harsh, aren't they? Forcing someone to drop out. Aren't you scared, Horagasaki-kun?"

"Of course I'm scared, but if it happens, it happens. Can't do anything about it."

"Haha, Horagasaki-kun really is strong."

"...I'm not strong at all."


Saying that, Ichinose looked at me with a worried expression. I wonder why, but I feel like I've met Ichinose somewhere before.

"What's wrong, Horagsaki-kun? You look troubled.

"Ichinose... Have we met before?"


I asked something strange outright, and she must be incredibly puzzled now. As we both feel awkward, a lovely voice breaks the tension.

"Good morning, Honami... Huh?"

"Good morning, Asahina-senpai."

From behind, Nazuna Asahina appeared.

"Oh, you two can talk now. Look at you two~"

Saying so, Amano poked my side. She did the same thing when we first met.

"Hey... cut it out."

"Huh?! What's wrong with you~!"

Saying that, ASahina lightly hit my body. She's cute doing that.

"Anyway, Honami, can I borrow him?"

"Mm... sure. I'll go ahead, Horagasaki-kun."

Ichinose seemed surprised that Asahina and I were talking, and she puffed her cheeks, turned away, and walked to school in a huff. Cute. But it seemed like they had a proper senpai-kouhai relationship, and it was peaceful without Asahina bullying Ichinose.

"Hey, Jin-kun, did you think of something weird?"

"Why do you think that? Anyway, do you have something to ask?"

"I heard about the first-year thing, forcing someone to drop out, right?"

"That's what it seems like..."

It seemed like it was already a topic among the second-years.

"Honami is considerate of her friends, right? Or rather, she has an innocent personality, don't you think?"

"What? Are you implying that she hasn't stepped into the dirty adult world like me?"

"N-No, that's not it... What I wanted to ask Jin-kun is how Honami will get through this exam."

She looked at me as if peering into my soul, seemingly enjoying it. The most likely method for Ichinose is...

"She probably only has Private Points, right? She'll somehow borrow the rest to fill the gap."

"Yes, correct. That seems to be the only answer."

But it'll be tough to gather 20 million somehow.

"Honami, apparently, asked that Miyabi guy for help. What do you think he said?"

"He agreed in exchange for something in return, right?"

"Correct... just as expected."

Who wouldn't know that? If he didn't agree, it'd be over.

"But it's impossible to easily hand over such a large amount of points, isn't it?"

"Of course, it is. Even if it's a few thousand yen, it's a different story, but no one can afford millions of points. We also have to prepare for the special exam ahead, so we can't afford to entrust it to first-years."

That's true. So maybe Chabashira-sensei was provoking them to see if they could do it. I checked my points. It showed 9,726,520 PP.

"So that's the only way, huh..."

"That guy has accumulated quite a lot of things. Personally, I'm saying this because I think of my cute junior, but I don't want any debts to arise between her and Miyabi. Above all, I feel sorry for Honami..."

"Was the reward something weird?"

"Yeah, instead of lending you money... he's asking her to date him."

"What's that, a relationship like mine and Nazuna?"

"T-don't say such a things///"

Asahina is so cute as she pats me on the back while making her face red and agitated. And she takes a breather.

"But yeah, that seems to be the case. That guy Miyabi, aiming for Honami, huh?"

Seriously, Miyabi . Just as expected from someone who loves women. Well, he's no match for me, though!

Wait, what am I boasting about?

But unfortunately, it won't be rewarded, huh, Nagumo-senpai .

Ichinose has already made her way through me as well. If that happens, will Nagumo Senpai and I become brothers in arms?

Wait, am I just trash?

"So, what's the point of telling me all this?"

"Because if Miyabi lends it to the first-years, it'll put pressure on us. Plus, you're the only one who can help Honami. Well, the rest is up to you!"

Indeed, it's a typical move for Nagumo . As Sakayanagi mentioned before, if she's been collecting funds from classmates, she probably has accumulated around 15 million. The amount that's likely to be lacking is around 40 to 50 million. I could contribute to that amount, but…


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ShirooYuki ShirooYuki

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