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96.29% Corrupting Worlds / Chapter 104: The Free Vaatu

Chapter 104: The Free Vaatu

The instant Genji and the rest stepped through the portal, all their eyes instantly drifted to the hugs tree before them.

The Tree of Time.

Also known as Vaatu's prison.

Looking at the tree, everyone's eyes eventually pulled away from the tree and landed on the various children.

Various children that looked like they were aging by the minute.

Genji could feel the air in the surroundings surge with spiritual and vital energy. The seal on Vaatu slowly dimmed and became weaker as the minutes ticked by.

"We need to act fast," said Genji as he felt his heart ache.

He could sense it, through his awakened senses, Genji could feel something calling out to him. Something that felt unfamiliar yet intimate.

'They're here… my child is here,' thought Genji as he frowned.

His gaze drifted to the various children that were growing older.

"Let's move!"

Moving forward, Genji broke into a sprint along with everyone else.

As if sensing Genji and the rest approaching, various dark spirits began to act up. Their gazes turned to the only spirit portal open and landed on the humans rushing to them.

With inhuman screeches, the dark spirits all rushed to Genji and the rest, attacking them.

Sensing the commotion, Vaatu looked over to the side where he saw humans fighting against the Dark Spirits.

Calmly, Vaatu began to hit the seal that was dimming.

"Just a while longer and I'll be set free, haha…" Vaatu said as he looked at the seal that was becoming weaker under the spirit energy of the children and his hitting.



Hearing the banging in the distance, Genji's pupils dilated as he watched the seal on Vaatu crack.

"Take care of the Dark Spirts!"

Leaving the Dark Spirits to Azula and the rest, Genji used his Earthbending to propel himself over to the Tree of Time.

"You won't leave this place," said Genji as he stomped on the floor, causing the earth to shift.

The children all began to slide away from Genji and the Tree of Time under Vaatu's watchful gaze.

"Those children won't regain their vitality if you do this," Vaatu said as he looked at Genji.

Smirking, Genji turned to look at Vaatu, "I'm sure I can think of something."

"Free me and I could help you out."

"As if I would believe you," said Genji as he narrowed his eyes.

"Haha… you leave me no choice then," said Vaatu.

Suddenly, Genji felt a sense of danger from Vaatu as he raised his tendril.

"You son of a bitch," cursed Genji as he watched Vaatu swing his tendril down and smash it onto the seal that had already formed a crack.



Under Vaatu's slam, the crack on the seal spread in an instant, covering the entire seal. Watching as the seal crumbled and dissipated, Genji quickly got the children far away before giving Vaatu his full attention.

"Hahaha! Where is Raava?! Too afraid to meet me?! Hahaha!"

Jumping out of the Tree of Time, Vaatu's size grew larger and his range of influence grew.

More spirits began to turn into dark spirits and rush to Genji and the other humans.

Frowning, Genji jumped into the air with a strong gust of wind beneath his feet. With a wave of his hand, Genji swung his hand down in the form of a blade.

Wind Blade!

The wind blade hit Vaatu, stunning him for a second.

Slightly surprised that a human could attack him, Vaatu turned to look at Genji. Despite not sustaining any form of damage, being pushed around was rather annoying.

Swinging down his tendrils, Vaatu began attacking Genji.

Frowning, Genji began to dodge all of Vaatu's tendrils with great difficulty.

With the combined efforts of Earthbending and Airbending, Genji was jumping and sliding as he evaded the tendrils.

"You're quite the agile one," said Vaatu before suddenly attacking Genji from behind whilst he was distracted.


Genji groaned in pain after feeling Vaatu's tendril hit him in the legs after attempting to dodge.

"You're… pretty strong," said Genji as he gave off a nervous smile.

Vaatu was stronger than Genji had expected him to be. Korra made it seem so easy to do, but it must have been thanks to the avatar state and the rising of spiritual energy because of Harmonic Convergence.

Feeling the pain on his left leg, Genji felt like he couldn't dodge as easily as before.

Since evading Vaatu won't work that well anymore, then maybe attacking will work.

'It's time to test out my new technique,' thought Genji as he glared at Vaatu.

With his refined bending abilities, Genji didn't need to perform big movements to bend the elements. Just some movements of his fingers and mental bending, Genji could easily bend the elements.

It was similar to how the Avatar would be able to bend the elements whilst in the Avatar State.

That wasn't all, whilst bending the surrounding elements and dragging them to himself, Genji used one of his other skills.

Mystic State

With this skill, his bending abilities will be strengthened by at least five times.





Water, Earth, Air, and Fire slowly began to approach Genji and surround him.

The air condensed around him and slowly lifted him off the ground. It created an invisible layer of wind around Genji's body, which also allowed him to move around the air as if he had learnt flight.

Vaatu wasn't sitting idly as Genji continued to bend the elements towards himself.

Wary of what Genji was planning to do, Vaatu could feel the elements and spirit within Genji suddenly becoming stronger.

"This is impossible. You have no greater spirit tied to you!"

Vaatu attacked Genji whilst feeling confused about this entire situation.

He was aware of the limits humans had when it came to bending. Vaatu had personally seen it when he fought against a human named Wan.

'That worthless human even had to merge with Raava in order to unleash the full power of the four elements!'

If Vaatu had a humanoid face right now, one would be able to see his frown as he attacked Genji.


However, just when he thought that his attack had landed, a thick rock burst from the ground and deflected his tendril.

Shifting the power within the tendril, Genji had narrowly dodged the attack without having moved much.

Vaatu was surprised but didn't stop attacking as his tendrils continued falling and sweeping away at Genji. Yet no matter how he attacked, Genji would manage to dodge or deflect his attacks.

The more Genji condensed the wind around his body and the earth slowly condensed around him and formed another armor, Vaatu began to feel a little worried.

Ceasing his attacks, Vaatu soared into the sky before looking down at Genji. Light condensed at single point on Vaatu when he suddenly shot a spirit beam at Genji.


Genji sensed the danger and quickly flew to the side as the earth continued to condense into a big earthen armor. The earth that made the armor was becoming more and more dense, slowly becoming as strong as metal.

"Just a bit more…" muttered Genji as he continued dodging the spirit beams.

The earthen armor was slowly becoming complete and began to grow in size, slowly rivaling Vaatu. However, because of it's size, Genji found it more difficult to dodge Vaatu's attacks.

With what little he had accomplish in energybending, Genji managed to slightly bend the trajectory of the spirit beam.

"Ah! Haha… just a little more," mumbled Genji as he completed the armor and bent the nearby water into the hollow earthen body he made.

"All you are is a bigger target! Now, fall!"

Vaatu roared as he rushed at Genji and bound him with his tendrils. The light condensed once more and a laugh erupted from him.

"Haha! Perish here you foolish lamb!

It's such a shame you won't see your friends pe-!"

Just before Vaatu could finish his talking, something flashed before his gaze and he felt pain on the left side of his body.


Vaatu had loosened his grip on Genji and the energy that had gathered was instantly dispersed under Genji's energybending. It was then that Vaatu noticed a smirk on the human's face.

Despite being under the cover of a condensed layer of wind, Vaatu could see Genji's mocking smile.

"You! What did you do to me?!" Vaatu roared as he struggled under the grip of Genji's earthen armor body's hand.

"I only gave you some water," smirked Genji as he revealed a tiny hole in his earthen armor body.

A highly pressurized jet of water created from the combined efforts of his extremely condensed earthen armor body, the water within it's hallowed insides, and the condensed layer of wind around Genji.

This was his newest technique that he had discovered in the boat.

Earthen Pressure Jet

A silly name, but Genji had no time to name his techniques at the moment.


Suddenly, Vaatu had condensed another spirit beam too quickly for Genji to react.

The spirit beam destroyed his earth armor body's right arm, letting some water spill.

"Let go of me, human!"

Vaatu manage to free some of his tendrils and instantly began to attack right at Genji who was semi revealed.

"In your dreams!"

Before Vaatu's tendrils could approach Genji, he felt some pain in his tendrils when a blast of lightning pushed them back.

"Guh… stubborn human…"

Vaatu condensed the spirit beam again.

Seeing the beam condensing, Genji began to strike Vaatu with lightning only to have every single of his attacks defended against by some tendrils.



Seeing no way to strip the spirit beam from condensing, Genji focused his all onto bending the energy and dispersing it.


Holding his breath, Genji mobilized all his mental energy to trying to bend the energy. The effort slowly became easy after pulling in his experience from bending the other elements.

Especially the experience from using the Immortality Art.

"It's not that easy to take control of my energy, Human!"

As Genji continued to become more skilled in energybending, Vaatu also began to increase the speed of condensing the spirit beam.


"He's so strong…"

"He's amazing!"

"I don't think I can even defeat him. Genji is just so strong already!"

"I can't see! Someone tell me what he's doing!"

Whilst Genji was fighting Vaatu, Suki, Ty Lee, Azula, and Toph, were all glancing at Genji fighting whilst suppressing the Dark Spirits.

They just couldn't believe what they were seeing. It was all so unreal to them. Especially after that one attack that had cut through Vaatu's head.

The four girls were so stunned that they were almost defeated by the dark spirits.

"The power Genji is demonstrating… it's way above what I expected of him!"

Azula looked at Genji with pleasant surprise whilst she dispersed a dark spirit that slowly reformed once more behind her.


Suki appeared and although her attacks didn't do anything to the dark spirits, she was able to lure them and kite them for the others to attack and cleanse them.

Under the teamwork of these four, the waterbender that had joined them had an easy time purifying the dark spirits.

Because of the conversation of the four women, the waterbender also glanced at Genji's battle occasionally.

He watched in awe as a man confronted the great spirit of Chaos and Darkness.

The two figures fought on the ground and the waterbender watched in awe as the two figures soared into the sky. No… rather the man was dragged into the sky by the huge spirit Vaatu.


The air vibrated and the sound of a spirit beam tearing through the air reached the ears of every human and dark spirit.

Pausing, every figure curiously turned to watch and saw as a figure covered in a dense earth armor was hit by a spirit beam whilst falling to the ground.


With the powerful force of the spirit beam, the earthen man was thrusted faster into the ground.


The eyes of Suki and the rest widened, worried about Genji and fearing the worst.


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