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15.74% Corrupting Worlds / Chapter 17: New Bending

Chapter 17: New Bending


Groaning in a bit of pain, Genji looked down at the dead pirate beneath his foot.

[Ding! Level 1 Opportunist Pirate killed! Experience +2]

[Ding! Player level up!]

[Gained 4 Stat Points!]

Looking down at his thigh, Genji pulled out a small dagger that was stabbed into it. Pulling out the dagger, Genji wasn't stabbed that deeply because of his Iron Body skill.

Throwing the dagger aside, Genji sighed and walked out of his cabin quietly before looking at the remaining pirates on the ship.

'1… 2… 3… 4…' counting the pirates, Genji managed to see a total of six pirates raiding the merchant ship.

Looking at the pirates with a calculating gaze, Genji knew that he could take on these six pirates.

Looking around himself, Genji found three harpoons near him. Smiling, Genji picked one up and looked at the armed pirates before taking aim.



The harpoon whistled through the air and stabbed through one of the pirates and launched him off the boat. The other pirates were shocked and didn't notice two more harpoons hitting two more pirates and killing them instantly.

One pirate was lodged onto the floor and the other was also thrown overboard.

"Looks like I won't have to ask them to walk the plank," joked Genji as he made himself known to the remaining three pirates.

[Ding! Level 1 Distracted Pirate killed! Experience +1]

[Ding! Level 1 Dumb Pirate killed! Experience +1]

[Ding! Level 1 Distracted Pirate killed! Experience +1!]

Quickly running towards one of the shocked pirates, Genji quickly dropped the pirate to the ground and stepped down roughly on his neck, killing him instantly.

[Ding! Level 1 Shocked Pirate killed! Experience +1]

Turning to look at the other two pirates who finally began to react, they brandished their weapons and ran straight at Genji with glares.


The captain of the pirates swung his sword rapidly and it almost hit Genji.

Punching at the captain, Genji's attack missed and he felt his neck go cold before quickly dodging and noticing the other pirate behind him.

Backing away slowly, Genji noticed the number two over the head of the pirate captain.

'Haha! XP!'

Smiling, Genji ran straight at the captain and was just about to attack before suddenly doing a 180 and kicking the head of the shocked pirate henchmen behind him.

The pirate captain was also shocked and frowned as he quickly stabbed his sword over at Genji who managed to dodge it once more.

With the pirate henchmen knocked out and only Genji and the pirate captain left. Clenching his fist tightly, Genji stood at a distance away from the pirate captain.

The captain was pretty dangerous with the sword. If it wasn't for Genji's nine in power, he wouldn't be fast enough to dodge that sword of the pirate captain.

He isn't fast enough to launch an attack on the pirate captain whilst also dodging the attacks, so Genji did the next best thing.

Running away!

"Where the hell are you going?!"

The pirate captain watched Genji leave and head back into his cabin like a scaredy cat and laughed.

Walking over to Genji's room with caution, the pirate captain kept his sword ready to be swung at any moment.

Slowly, the captain entered the dim room and squinted his eyes a little to see in the dim room.


Suddenly, something shot at him from the darkness and the pirate managed to hit what was coming at him easily.

After backing away, the pirate captain managed to see what he cut and saw a piece of wood stuck to his sword.

"What the hell…"

Looking at the piece of wood weirdly, the pirate captain looked at Genji's cabin with caution.


Suddenly, the pirate captain noticed a corpse being launched at him and he quickly hit it away only to fail to notice Genji who was running behind the body.


The cut staff in Genji's hand stabbed through the pirate captain's through and pierced right through.

[Ding! Level 2 Stubborn Pirate Captain killed! Experience +3]

"Hah… fuck…"

Wiping away the blood that hit his face, Genji felt like he was oddly calm. This event was the first time he had ever killed someone and yet he was oddly calm at this moment as if nothing had happened.

[Ding! New skill learned!]

[<Calm Mind> (Lvl. 1)]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Calm Mind> (Lvl. 16)]

[ - Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Can forcibly calm down strong emotions if need to.

Allows a peaceful state of mind.

Resistance to negative mental status effects.

If in a calm mind state, energy consumption is cut in half.]

[System remark: That Spirit stat is very useful at times like these! So keep calm, host! A clouded mind is poison to the body and one's own life.]

Looking at the system remark and the new skill learned, Genji just sighed and shook his head with a wry smile.

Quickly moving, Genji went and killed the other pirate he had knocked out earlier and went on to find the merchants that were giving him a ride.

He didn't use his Firebending for this sole reason. If they had seen him Firebend, they might have refused to give him transport and he would need to threaten them, and that's a hassle..

[Ding! Level 1 Unconscious Pirate killed! Experience +1]

"The pirates have been dealt with!"

Genji yelled and alerted everyone of the pirates being dead. He wasn't sure if they would come out by just this, but his worries were unneeded when the merchant and his Barrios assistants sprouted out from wherever.

"O' warrior! Thank you for helping us deal with these pirates," said the merchant as he got close to Genji, a bit wary.

He had seen Genji fight the entire time and he was shocked to see everything unfold right before him. His strength was almost twice that of a grown man and the things he had done just now were very frightening.

It wasn't very brutal like he had seen other times when Firebenders burn people alive, but what was scary about this time was how this man had killed most of these people in one hit.

Whilst the merchant was being wary, Genji was instead thinking about his skills.

He already waved away the merchant as he smiled and shook his head.

Thinking about his skills, Genji knew that they weren't as simple as he had believed them to be before.

If he was correct, his skills, like the Class skills, weren't really like how they were ranked.

For example, his Martial Artist skill at the Adept rank really wasn't as strong as someone who was familiar with their martial arts. It was more at the level of someone who was an expert Martial Artist.

'Which means that if I achieve the next rank, I'd be considered a Master Martial Artist by other people but the system,' thought Genji.


Soon, Genji's eyes lit up and realized something rather amazing.

If it was really like how he was thinking, then that means that the ranks after that would truly be very powerful.


Genji snapped out of his thoughts and turned to look at the man that was calling out to him. After a closer look, Genji realized that it was the assistant closest to the merchant.

Since the merchant was busy ordering the other assistants, the merchant must have sent his personal assistant to talk to him.

"My boss said that this is your pay for helping us fight off the pirates," said the assistant as he took out a small pouch the size of a baseball.

Genji didn't say anything and just accepted the small pouch.

Looking inside the pouch, Genji found some golden coins of various shapes. There were also some silver coins in there.

Genji didn't ask about the coins since he knew what they were. Like in his version of Earth, currency was differentiated by color or designs to be associated with countries.

This was also the method here on the Avatar World.

But enough about that, the assistant looked like he had more to say.

"My boss says that he has brought back everything the pirates had and is offering to let you take some of the stuff. He's also willing to offer you some tools if you require them," said the assistant as he pointed over to various barrels and boxes filled with artifacts, scrolls, and other materials.

Genji nodded and asked, "What did he mean by tools?"

"My boss has seen how the Pirate Captain had cut your staff and was then… stabbed… into the pirate captain."

Scratching his chin, Genji nodded and said, "Alright then. Get me some tools to make a new staff. As well as some coating oil. If possible, try to also get me some sculpting blades if you have any."

The assistant nodded and walked away to talk with his boss. Genji walked over to the items looted from the pirates and began looking through the various items.

Looking at all the items with his Appraisal skill, Genji made sure not to miss anything.

He found some metals and threw them into his storage whilst searching for more items. He found some needles, medical books, and after an extensive search…

Another scroll!

Quickly reaching in his hand, Genji grabbed the scroll and just when he was about to open it, a blue screen appeared before him.

[Ding, <Waterbending Scroll>]


[Yes / No]

Genji smiled and quickly pressed 'Yes' and soon afterwards, he felt knowledge rush into his head and his energy shift and twist before turning back to normal.

[Ding! Learnt <Waterbending>]

[<Novice Waterbender> (Lvl. 0)]

After learning the new skill, Genji felt like he was way more aware of the water around him, especially the sea.

He felt like he could move it easily if he wanted but he knew that this wasn't very proper at the moment.

Holding himself back, Genji stood up and looked at the various remaining items that were looted. It wasn't long before he caught sight of something particular he had been searching for a while.

He had been looking for this particular item back in Kyoshi Island but there were no blacksmiths that wished to make this item for him. Either because they disliked him because he was outside of the island or because Oyaji had told them to refuse him service.

Either way, he had finally found this item.

A spear head.

Cautiously grabbing the spearhead, Genji appraised it.

[Spear Head (Common)]

[Top quality and made from an iron that was mixed together with a piece of meteorite that had fallen to earth 274 years ago.

It's at the peak of the Common grade, needed a gentle touch from a blacksmith to compete but was instead done roughly.

Made by the Blacksmith Laem in the Fire Nation, Flame Village, 37 years ago.

System remark: Creations need a soft touch like a woman Host.]

'Fuck! Why's this system lecturing me about soft touches,' thought Genji as he watched the blue screen fade away with a weird look.

Shaking his head, Genji held onto the spear head and the nail that was next it and looked around a bit more before finding another thing he would be needing in the future, a whetstone.

The whetstone was an all around type, it wasn't a whetstone for chipped blade edges neither was it a whetstone for polishing. In this sense, this whetstone is just for sharpening.

A perfect combo with this spear head since he will be needing to sharpen it a lot if he will be using it a lot.

With both the whetstone and spear head in his hands, Genji was soon approached by the assistant from earlier.

Carrying a pouch, the young man gave it over to Genji with a small amicable smile.

"Here's the tools sir. The sculpting blades are in there as well. Another servant will soon come with the coating oil," said the assistant after he passed over the pouch to Genji. "I will be back soon with other items, please wait for me here sir."

Genji nodded and watched the assistant walk away.

After he was out of sight , Genji walked off to the side and sat down on the floor in the shade. He opened the polish and found everything he needed for the new staff there.

Moving around the tools with his hands, Genji soon found the sculpting blades and took them out.

He was given three sculpting blades.

One looks like a small knife, another like a dagger, and the last one was a scalpel.

They were all appropriate for their job size and specification. The scalpel for smaller works and more detailed processes, the small knife for precise rough edges and the dagger for big works.

Why did he ask for these sculpting blades? To level up the crafting skill further and at a more rapid pace.

Though no matter how Genji thought of it, deep down he knew that it was just to pass the time and find a hobby during these long distance travels.

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