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42.59% Corrupting Worlds / Chapter 46: Enviable Body

Chapter 46: Enviable Body

A/N: Didn't notice how the 5-7 days of break had already ended. I still felt hella tired, haha. Anyways, I'm back to terrorize your minds with incorrect numbers in the status!


Both guys spread out, one guy went to the door and another one went through the back of the house.

'Heh. Looks like the Fire Lord is trying to get rid of me once more,' thought Genji as he stood up and walked to the back of his house as he kept track of the firebender at the front of his house.

The man at the door opened it slowly. When he saw no one inside, he went into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Where is he...?" muttered the firebender as he looked around.

The firebender continued to walk around the house, searching for Genji, his target.

Meanwhile, Genji was already at the back of the house, looking at the other firebender using his fire to enter the ice house with his <Spirit Sense>.

'Now... let us do this...'

Suddenly, Genji thrusted his hand to the firebender's neck and just before his hand crashed against the ice wall, the ice wall had turned into water through a swift movement of his other hand.

Catching the firebender through surprise, Genji quickly grabbed him and threw him to the ground.

The man was just about to firebend and throw fire at Genji but was quickly disrupted by Genji who kicked his hand and instead blasted fire into the sky. The heat was intense enough to melt the snow on the roof of the house nearby.

As soon as the firebender was thrown to the ground, the second firebender came running to the back of the house after hearing a loud noise.

When he finally arrived at where Genji and the other firebender were, he was shocked to find that Genji deflected his partner's fire blast. Before Genji could make another move, the firebender decided to act quickly and just as he was about to hit Genji, Genji had suddenly dodged and jumped back to make some distance between both firebenders and Genji himself.

The firebender looked at Genji with a frown and said, "Are you alright, Noh?"

"Ugh..." Noh groaned in pain.

"Hey... Noh," called out the firebender once more as he continued to keep his gaze on Genji.

Noh groaned a bit more in pain before standing up and revealing his broken hand.

"What happened to you?"

"That man... he broke my hand..."

"What?! But I saw that he barely touched you!"

It was hard for these firebenders to understand the sheer strength Genji now possessed. His body contained the strength of almost two grown men. On par, or maybe a little less, with the strength of an Earthbender!

The firebender glared at Genji and quickly punched some fire at him whilst Noh followed suit by shooting fire with his other limbs besides the broken right hand.

Genji dodged expertly and was quickly approaching the two firebenders who were shocked at how Genji was dodging all their attacks very easily.

"Just burn already!"

"Stop moving!"

The two firebenders yelled in frustration and before they knew it, Genji was standing right before them.


Genji hit both of them with a single punch, knocking them back a couple of feet and down.

Noh got up while holding his broken hand. He took a quick glance at his partner who was also getting up before rushing Genji with fire attacks.



However, Noh couldn't throw a single attack because the instant he faced Genji, he was elbowed in the chest and thrown back once more.




Noh fell down to the ground, not a single sound coming from him as he lay there, appearing lifelessly. If it wasn't for the groans, the firebender would have believed Noh to be dead.

The firebending partner furrowed his eyebrows and cursed under his breath, "Fuck..."

"I'll kill you!"

Before the angry firebender could even finish his sentence, Genji had redirected the firebender's hand over to the side before a burst of fire came out of his own hand.


Groaned the firebender in pain after having his fire blast redirected. He glared at Genji and was about to continue his attack when he suddenly heard yelling from the side.


The firebender's eyes widened in horror as he noticed his partner, Noh, yelling and screaming in pain as he was being burnt alive by the firebender's firebending.


The firebender was just about to rush over to Noh when he suddenly saw the world flip upside down.


Hitting the ground harshly, the firebender had the air knocked right out of his body. He didn't know what had happened, but within an instant, he was thrown onto the ground effortlessly by Genji like if he was a feather.

"*gasp* !! *cough*!"

The firebender coughed in pain as he heard his partner's wailing as he continued to burn alive. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes and when he shifted his gaze over to Genji, he saw something that sent shiver's down his spine and his body go cold.

For a brief moment, the firebender felt warm as he peed himself.

Seeing the wide malevolent smile on Genji's face, the firebender didn't know who was the assassin anymore. Was it him who was grieving about the fact that he had set his own partner in fire, burning him alive to the point where he might die?

Or was it the man who effortlessly took them down with no waterbending involved and was smiling as a grown man yelled in pain as he was burning alive.

"You devil!" growled the man as he glared at Genji.

Genji chuckled and shook his head, "Me? I'm only defending myself. You sought out my life. I repay kind actions done on to me two fold and bad intentions by a hundred fold."

If the anger and frustration of the firebender could manifest at this very moment, the firebender would have become a giant and destroyed the entire world already. But, he could only watch helplessly as his partner is burnt alive and fear slowly settled within his body.

"Now... let us get rid of you now," said Genji once he noticed Noh's screaming beginning to die down.

The firebender felt his body go cold as Genji approached him and shook his head rapidly as the anger left him and fear settled in instead.


Somewhere deep within the palace inside the Capital City of the Northern Water Tribe, Arnook was making weird movements.

Whilst the loud noises of a festival up in the palace were on going, Arnook was down in a hidden room within the palace.

"With this festival and this dance I will perform, calling upon the spirits to attack the enemies of the Northern Water Tribe," muttered Arnook as he wore a ceremonial outfit.

He held onto a staff in one hand and a crystal ball in the other. The crystal ball was a tool used to summon spirits.

Arnook began chanting loudly, "Summon the spirits! Summon the spirits! Come forth and bring destruction to the enemy!"

He placed down the orb and then began to dance with the staff in hand by hopping from one foot to another. He began to chant under his breath but when he did so, the air shimmered and the room became dark. In the darkness, something appeared. It was a small white spirit that was floating above the ball.


The spirit was glowing brightly as it floated about in the air.

It seemed that the spirit was able to see what Arnook was doing since the spirit kept looking at the staff and dancing around.

Arnook ignored the spirit and continued to do his ritual dance and shortly afterward, another white spirit appeared along with the previous one. Within minutes, another appeared and they stopped appearing.

The three white spirits floated and danced around Arnook.

Suddenly, a dark color appeared within the white color of the spirits and they started to grow in size, becoming ominous.

"Please! Spirits! Destroy my enemy!"




The three spirits screeched and turned into black streams of negative spiritual energy leaving the secret room and exiting the Northern Water Palace.


The three spirits shot through the sky and headed towards the sky before spreading around and outside the Northern Water Tribe.

One spirit traveled to the outside of the capital city, another traveled to a spirit forest and the last one traveled to the sealed area of a portal to the spirit world.

Before long, silence had returned to the North Pole while the dark spirits moved about quietly.


Both firebenders had eventually met their demise. One was burnt alive by his partner's firebending and the other was drained of all his energy and eventually his life force.


Genji used acupuncture to make the firebender's energy erratic and make fire come out his body. Within mere seconds, the man had all his energy depleted. However, instead of his body stopping there, his life force was slowly being burnt up as it turned into chi for bending and then as fire.

It only took a minute for the firebender to burn up his life force in such an agonizing way.

In order to not gain any experience points to prevent his growth, Genji had to use these 'indirect' means of killing these two firebenders.

'My morals are all over the place,' thought Genji as he buried the two dead firebenders deep within the ice. 'However, I know some things for sure. I won't kill innocent people, I may implicate them, but no killing. People with bad intents? Kill them. Women? Seduce them!

Who gives a shit what people may think of me! I don't wish to be a hero and neither will I be one. If it hurts my peaceful future of living lavishly, then I will do something about it! If saving the world is what needed, then fuck it! I will save the world.' (A/N: I've set on having this ideal to be the main focus point of his current personality. Now, I will slowly change this personality in the future, but it will still have some key parts like living carefree in the future and lavishly.)

Genji frowned, but despite his frown, Genji felt like he felt like he currently knew himself right now. With this, he knew who he is and his goal.

To live quietly in the future, lavishly, and with some bitches in his arms.

'Ahh~ such a nice dream,' thought Genji as he walked back into his house and fixed the torn down wall.

Luckily for him, no one had come to ask about the fire that had shot up into the sky or the wailing.


[+1 Spirit]

[Spirit: 22]

Surprisingly for Genji, the stat with the most points in it was spirit. He still wasn't too sure of the effects of Spirit, but he knew at the very least that he needed it to break into the next rank for his skills.

Standing up, Genji was just about to head out of his house when he felt his body suddenly start to change.


Genji groaned in pain and fell to his knees.

With furrowed eyebrows, Genji looked around his house and didn't find anything out of place and the feeling only began to get worse as time passed.


Suddenly, Genji felt his bones move and twist within his body. His muscles were destroying themselves and regrowing and his body even bent at awkward angles. He bled as this process was ongoing and couldn't help but curse the heavens.


It wasn't long before the pain disappeared and Genji was left lying down on the ground in a pool of his sweat and blood.

[<Expert Martial Artist> (Lvl. 40)]

[Ding! Congratulations on <Martial Artist> leveling up to skill level (40), skill advanced to <Expert>!]

[Rewarding Host proper stat points for advancing <Martial Artist> skill to the next rank, <Expert>!]

[Applying <Expert> multiplier: 2x]

[+4 Power, +2 Vitality, +2 Energy]

[Rewarding Host further rewards for advancing this Class skill!]

[Ding! New skill learnt!]

[<Martial Body> (MAX)]

[ - Passive Skill - A body best suited for performing martial arts and physical activities. Will always be at peak state, unless; drugged, illness, poison, disability, etc. States like exhaustion still occur.

Will also use less energy and stamina when performing physical attacks.

Helps physical skills level up faster.]

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