"I lead a team of thirty people. I believe if you feel like there is no way to escape, you should work harder. Let's not complain. 9-9-6 is inevitable and has been a part of society for two decades or more. If you don't do it, there is a long line of people willing to do it in your place."
Qian Meng sucked in a horrified breath.
"I know that the business-owners sitting in the studio with me today won't admit to the same, but from the perspective of the corporation, if someone is not willing to do the work, there are others who are. If the company doesn't work on overdrive all the time, they will lose out to other companies who are. The cost of the functioning of the company will increase and the efficiency will decrease."
The tech CEO nodded. "Absolutely. In the end, such companies will be overtaken by the competition."
I am going to have some lunch and then finish up the last two or three short scenes I have in mind. I am adamant about completing the story today. What are your thoughts?
Smash that vote button on the algorithm. Let's crawl to the top!