Qian Meng suddenly remembered her conversation with Li Li Hua so many months ago. How she had been when she told that Qingchen and she didn't plan on having children.
She remembered the picture of Qingchen as a little boy. And just as it did back then, her heartbeat quickened when she imagined a little boy with their mixed features.
"You mean they won't hound us for grandkids since they are getting one from Xiao Chen."
"Exactly," Qingchen said flippantly as he pulled out the car from the parking space. "Better them than us."
"You are talking about pregnancy like it is a disease."
Qingchen shot her a confused look like he felt exactly that way and her statement was surprising.
"Don't get me wrong. I am happy they are embracing the situation and seem to be happy." Qian Meng watched him carefully as he pulled out into the street and drove. "But I am not ignorant to what they are in for, and I don't envy them."
This segment is more of their life, so it will seem like time is flying by. Don't be too unhappy. We will get loads of fluffy love.
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