"Dear Sir, I hope you won't blame me for taking two days to write this letter. The matter you entrusted to me involves the movements of several Transcendent Wizards, and I had to proceed with caution to avoid startling the snakes in the grass," Nabby detailed in his letter.
On the morning of the third day since he had formed the soul contract with Nabby, Noland Lee received his letter.
"According to my statistics, there are a total of ten Transcendent Wizards interested in exploring that Stargaze. They are Clint 'Windhawk' and Benjamin 'Gathered Thunder' from Hotams, Master Slark Brewgold from the Wealth Creation Society, and Laron Rockbone, the King of Rockbone, from Laron Rockbone's lineage…"
Nabby listed a roster in the letter.
Accompanying the roster was an extensive document detailing each Transcendent Wizard.
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