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76% Competent Poseidon / Chapter 16: New additions

Chapter 16: New additions

(Hephaestus POV)

"What are you two working on?", I hear Ra's voice as she sits next to Father, putting her arms around his neck. 

"I call it, Fish-Man Island. A place of harmony where everyone is welcome who adheres to the rules we set up.", he says. 

"And since you don't allow anyone inside your Kingdom, who you or someone you trust didn't personally allow inside, that won't be a problem.", Ra says and smiles. 

"What do you think?", Poseidon asks her. 


"It is remarkable like everything you do.", Ra laughs and pecks him on the cheek. 

I have come to appreciate Ra and her antics. She is a sunshine, which makes sense as she is the mighty Sun God of the Ennead. How two gods who represented such different aspects of reality and weren't even in the same Pantheon, could find one another, is beyond me. But for some reason, it works and they are very close. I see them as my parents and why wouldn't I? 

It has been roughly a decade since I was born. Zeus the God King of the Greek Pantheon was an unfaithful husband to his second wife, Hera. My mother, the goddess of marriage suffered greatly from the many sexual relationships and children which resulted from those. After one time, when Zeus once again lay with someone, Hera was very angry and quarrelled with him. And because of this strife, she bore me without union with Zeus. 

Hera threw me off of Olympus because of my congenital impairment. Can you imagine? Your own mother throwing you away. When I suffered much at the time of my great fall because Hera wanted to hide me for being lame, I was saved. I fell for an entire day into the ocean and my soul would have taken damage had I not been saved by Thetis and Eurynome. Thetis, daughter of Nereus and one of the 50 Nereids and the Oceanid Eurynome, daughter of the former Titan Oceanus. They cared for me and treated me as well as they could. But after a few days, they decided to bring me somewhere 'safe', as they called it.

I had no idea where they would bring me and I was a bit scared when I heard them talk. For some reason, Eurynome wasn't happy about the idea Thetis had. I could tell that she was scared and now in retrospect, her fear made perfect sense. She was there when her family and soldiers fought against Poseidon and were utterly decimated. I could understand her deep-rooted fear, but when I first met the man, I couldn't understand it. 

Thetis and Eurynome brought me into the ocean and swam deep down, further down than even light was able to shine through. After swimming through the deep water, we eventually reached the deepest bottom and the most wonderful sight greeted me. An underwater city. It was almost a metropolis and the design and architecture baffled me. I was in awe the entire way. I was amazed that I could breathe and see normally, but still swim around as if I was underwater. There were lanes for 'public transportation' and all kinds of inhabitants. After we made our way through the city, we arrived at a heavily guarded area. Thetis told me that was the only way, into the Kingdom of Poseidon. 

When she said that name for the first time, I felt that there was power inside the name. Like saying the name carelessly would have consequences. I asked Thetis and Eurynome about it and they confirmed my suspicion. Only those worthy of it can say his name and still keep their voice. Unworthy, would either lose their voice or get punished more severely. The reason why Eurynome didn't say his name, was that she was scared. As a daughter of Oceanus, a former enemy of Poseidon, she didn't dare see if she was worthy. She also didn't live in the Kingdom of Poseidon and only resided in the city of Hydropolis. 

The guards who protected the portal were some of the most powerful I have ever seen. To this day, I don't think I can defeat them without my most powerful tools and even then, I am uncertain of the outcome. I found out later, that the guards can grow stronger as well as long as they train. It was thanks to Poseidon that they had this ability. After testing Thetis with a device, I still don't know how it functions, we were both let inside. And what I saw ...


It blew my young god's mind. I malfunctioned for a moment and even Thetis was surprised at the changes in the short time she wasn't there. First, Thetis brought me to one of her apartments. It was a very lovely complex of rooms she could design herself after a template which was provided by Poseidon himself. 


Thetis told me back then, that there were billions of templates to choose from. And she went with that one. After getting a better dress and getting me special clothes as well, we were finally off, to see the infamous Poseidon, whom I had heard so much about. I couldn't help but wonder at the extravagant dress Thetis wore but she just said that it wasn't enough and she hoped she could still look somewhat presentable. We moved to an official building, that had many officials inside it who handled most things concerning the organisation of the Kingdom. I was surprised to see all forms of creatures there, not just Nymphs or Nereids. There were animals, beasts and even minor gods ... gods ... who worked ... GODS!!!

Yeah, that is nothing unusual in this Kingdom. If you live here, you are also working. It doesn't matter what you are working on, it could be anything. 



"Yes? How may I help you?", the woman at the desk asked Thetis as we approached. 

"We would like an audience with His Majesty, Poseidon.", Thetis says. 

After she drops the P-word, it is like she cursed the most terrible word in existence and everyone looks at her. Now I am interested in that reaction. Is the King Poseidon a terrible person? Should I be afraid now? Did Thetis trick me? Will I get hurt again?

"And the reason for such a request?", the woman asks. 

"Tell him that his nephew is here to see him. It is of utmost importance, but only if he can make the time.", Thetis says. 

"Naturally. Let me have a look he- ... Hm? That's strange.", the woman says. 

"What's wrong?", Thetis asks. 

"It looks like ... you are already expected."

"What? Are you- I see. Very well, so what should we do now?"

"The best course of action is to take the royal train and meet the representative of the King there. Everything else will be discussed then and I have no information about it."

"Understood. Come, Hephaestus, this way.", Thetis tells me and we are led to a vehicle that doesn't apparently is called a train. I don't know why it has that name since it doesn't look like a train and I should know, as crafts are my thing. It looks like a strange ship, but elegant.


"Thetis and Hephaestus, is that right?", a man asks us after we enter the ship.


"Please this way.", he says and leads us to a special room, with a marvellous view. 

"If you would like, this is our restaurant. Usually, the royal envoys dine here, so the food is remarkable. If you prefer to rest now, that is also possible.", the man tells us. 

Thetis looks unsure about what to do and looks at me. I must have a hopeful look on my face as I have never had any food except the seafood Thetis and Eurynome gave me. So this is new for me. 

"*Sigh* very well."

The ride was the best thing that has ever happened to me. The food was so good, I almost cried and everyone was so nice to me and Thetis. Everyone seemed to be happy about their lives here and I couldn't help but hope for the best. 

"Thetis and Hephaestus, I hope you had a nice stay with us. We have arrived at the official palace of His Majesty. The view is remarkable, if you would like to have a look.", the man returns and informs us. 

We walk on the balcony and look outside. He is right, the view is unbelievable. 


"How can the ship move up the waterfalls?", I ask. 

"Whatever our King does, works without fail. His power is higher than we can imagine. So we stopped asking how things work.", Thetis answers. 

She is in awe as well, I can tell. She was never here it would seem. Something within me is urging me to find out how things are created. After a short while, we arrive and are led to a grand hall, where we wait for an official of Poseidon to arrive. 

"Oh, visitors. How nice!", we hear the feminine voice of someone and look up. 

One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen stands there, more beautiful than Mother. She has brown skin and a sensual body. Every move of her screams elegance and power. She reminds me of the rising sun for some reason. The woman arrives in front of us, in her beautiful blue dress and looks me in the eyes. 


"Now who do we have here?", she smiles.

(Flashback end)


That was the first time I met Ra. She is very playful, especially with Poseidon. While he is a very charismatic man, Poseidon is more of a quiet and powerful observer, at least that's what it appears. Unlike other gods, he is very active and is doing something most of the time. He spends a lot of time with Ra, and while I have no idea what their relationship is exactly, they are most likely in love. But I could be wrong about that. 

I met Poseidon sometime after Ra. She was the one to introduce us. He smiled when he saw me like Ra did as well. They didn't care about my appearance or the limb, they saw me for who I was and accepted me. Poseidon took me in and taught me almost everything I know. He is my father and Ra my mother, in all but name and I will be thankful for them both my entire existence.

I was given more and more responsibility. Our newest project, Fish-Man Island introduces a home for the new race, Poseidon created, the Fish-People. Fishmen and Fishwomen. And it has turned out amazing. Father's imagination seems boundless and he likes to add themes to everything he does. And until now, not one thing has the same theme as another. He is so creative and I hope to one day be as creative as he is. 


"So do we have a house here?", Ra asks playfully.

"Why would you need a house here as well? Aren't the other mansions enough for you?", Father answers her just as playfully. 

"Poo, you know I am a flexible woman in need of change. Come on, show me!"

"Haha, alright. I might have created a home for us to live in.", Poseidon smiles. 

"Aha, I knew it."

So Poseidon and I spent hours showing off what we had created. It was mostly Poseidon's work, but he told Ra that I was also involved in the process. Ra saw right through Poseidon, she always did, but that wasn't a problem for him. He wasn't like other gods I had come to learn about, who felt threatened whenever someone was better or smarter than they were in an area. He wasn't petty at all and enjoyed Ra's antics. He once told me that every victory of hers was also one of his. Despite not being clear about their relationship, they have to love each other ... right? I don't know. 

Our enjoyable time is interrupted however as a messenger arrives. 

"My King, a message has arrived."


"Yes, my King. He claims to have news for you from his father, Zeus. Should we send him away?"

"No. Teleport him to the Throne room. We will await him there and add the security seals to him before you send him there.", Poseidon says. 

"As you command."

"Oh, are you going to meet someone in the Throne room again finally?"



"We will."

"We? What do you mean?"

"Come I'll show you.", Poseidon says. 

He grabs her hand and they disappear from Fish-Man Island, leaving me alone here. I should find someone as well. 


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