/ Fantasy / Collection of beauties in the world

Collection of beauties in the world Original

Collection of beauties in the world

Fantasy 6 Chapters 15.3K Views
Author: 742894572

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A young man who was still childish was meditating with full concentration. After a while, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. The boy shook his head helplessly, and then opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were dull and a feeling of despair rushed into his heart.
The boy's name is Chen Shaotian, the son of the famous hero Chen Qingtian and the white-clothed fairy Ning Meilan. He could dance with a sword when he was three years old, and when he was six years old, he was guided by the little sword master and killed a grown giant bear alone in a dense forest with a sword, showing his unparalleled talent for swordsmanship.

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Author 742894572