As we finished our meal, I also got acquainted with Jeremy and Cindy and they were as I thought they would be. Jeremy was the older one between the two, cool and aloof, while Cindy was like the word spontaneous combustion. She acted like Quinn in a way, but she definitely clammed up when she was face-to-face with the real thing.
It was one thing to act like an Alpha-Bitch but it was a different thing to actually be one.
But yeah, these two were picked up by Mr. & Mrs. Dewey from another couple who eventually had to say goodbye to this world and they might just be our in into the Idress Maritime Academy.
"You two were both enrolled?"
Jeremy answered, "Yes, sir. We were actually there when it hit but we got here as fast as we could. We used to have an open communication with them but since all we could do was just talk with them when the airport got too infested, we've just been dropping in weekly just to check in."