We were still a few municipalities away from reaching Jessica's place, which was smack-dab in an airport where a good chunk of it was surrounded by the Sacobia and the Pasig-Potrero River, though they've already branched out to the useable farms in the area and the gated community they reclaimed for themselves.
They weren't as far-reaching compared to me or even compared to Mauricio but they were a tight-knit group of 300 or so people who were growing in power slowly but surely.
In any case, their fighters should also be thinning the herd not only in their territories but all around the area to further reduce the oncoming threats because we were a city or so away and we were doing their jobs for them.
But yeah, the place we were in was technically closer to Mauricio's area but it wouldn't hurt to take care of their neighbor's shit from time to time.