/ Fantasy / CLOWN

CLOWN Original


Fantasy 16 Chapters 13.9K Views
Author: Edel_Elensi

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The world will be a sad, sad place without a bit of humor in it, a dreary place without a bit of thriller and action. And even worse than this, absolutely unexciting without gods to tease, demons to taunt and monsters to tame.

From a long line of strange, from a clan unwilling to conform with the generic rules of the world, sprouts a seedling of beautiful chaos with a knack for pranks, taunts and bone to never let go of a grudge.

To all lay a path, to a fated destiny, and of all the myriad paths to choose from, he chose to become the Lord of Jesters, to bring about a happy ruin, to put a smile on the faces of those he holds dear and the opposite on the face of those who dare go against him. The world is not ready for him, yet they must deal with him best they can, beware the path of the CLOWN.

  1. Edel_Elensi
    Edel_Elensi Contributed 234
  2. Gray_Phenom
    Gray_Phenom Contributed 8
  3. Edel_2194
    Edel_2194 Contributed 5

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Author Edel_Elensi