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1.51% Cloverless
Cloverless Cloverless original


Author: Alfir

© WebNovel


I love watching anime. My recent favorite is Black Clover!! It's rad, has magic, and has a gutsy protagonist. It is awesome, don't you think so too?

Sadly, the series has come to an end. Not really the end as in its epilogue, but it might as well be. I'd love to watch the next season but for particular reasons, Black Clover will have to go on a hiatus for a long while.

Ostentatiously saying it's a hiatus is too much even for me. I guess I am still in the denial stage as I truly love that anime. Though the animation has kinks, I have no problem with it at all as in fact, for me, it was aesthetically pleasing.

There are manga and some fanfiction to stave my Black Clover hungriness, but I still prefer watching it. It's quite a dilemma for me. As someone who is a sucker for magical fight scenes, I had my fair share of animes— Naruto, Fairy Tail, and even the generic isekai templates.

Admiringly, the slime isekai was actually a good one.

I was idly browsing the internet at that time, when suddenly… There was a blackout. It's annoying as it didn't just take the electricity away but also my internet.

Sigh… I have to suck it up. Left with no entertainment in my reach, I feel totally empty inside. Since I have nothing better to do, I uninterestingly make way for the terrace with my flashlight.

As a grown-ass man, I take pride I have a terrace. Seating on the cold stone bench, I melancholically gaze at the starry night sky. It's beautiful. Perhaps, is there a Clover Kingdom out there?

The thought was entertaining.

Out of nowhere, a shooting star makes its presence in the night sky. "I wish, I am at Clover Kingdom right now." Without hesitation, I utter my sincerest wish.

Is it just me? Or is the shooting star is shifting its trajectory? Hmmm… Wait a minute, doesn't it feel like the shooting star is getting bigger and brighter?

What the fuck!! It's coming for me!

Before even the pain registers itself, my existence mercilessly turns into flames, dust, and messy charred remains— at least that's what I was imagining.


Chains are restraining my movement. It has been some days since the shooting star incident. Opening my eyes to this dark and cramped space, I imagine this place to be purgatory.

But no, it isn't. Through the manifestation of my wish, I suddenly find myself in this place, in this world, the world of Black Clover.

After a person claiming to be my dad was done explaining to me what had happened, I was forcefully made aware of my situation.

Like what the Wiseman usually says, 'Be careful what you wish for,' I open my eyes to a world familiar to Black Clover. I don't know what to feel anymore. Blessed? Cursed?

On the bright side, my wish has come true. Thinking about it negatively, in the next years to come, I'd have to be very careful so as to preserve my life. Like right now.

"Is this really Clover Kingdom?" I ask myself in trepidation clearly aware of my predicament, yet still in denial…

Sigh… Why am I still in denial? Well, it's all thanks to my new dad, Philip Jester with his Grimoire floating in the corner… "Son, are you okay? Here, drink some water."

This new dad of mine isn't exactly thrilling. I regret ever wishing to come to this place. "No, fuck!! Leave me alone! I ain't your son." I try pushing my new dad away with all my might but the chains are holding restraint of me.

My hostility to him is understandable. Who wouldn't? I am the victim here. Apparently, Philip Jester under the threat of his noble title's revocation did something quite appalling.

It was summoning magic. I didn't intend to really come in the first place, it wasn't my fault, and this is all due to the insane Philip's magic. Why insane? Well, in order to summon me, he effectively massacred all of his people as sacrifices. It's really ridiculous.

In an attempt to create a suitable and strong heir, Philip without hesitation conducts an experiment on his own son… and I am the end result of it. At least, that is what my insane dad is telling me. This is exactly why I am in denial. It is because I don't want any of this.

Dead carcasses surround me, and the smell of blood is thick and nauseating. Philip Jester insistently keeps on calling me son, son, son… damn, this is too much.

After the shooting star made charcoals of me, I find myself in chains here in this damp, humid, and underground cellar. The damaged ceiling provides very little light, which adds to the creepy atmosphere in my immediate surroundings. Honestly, that's better than just dark.

At least with a little light, I can extract information from my surroundings. For example, by observing my surroundings, I can see that … hmmm… there are bones… aah… rotten meat… what else? Skulls… lots of 'em… there is also an infant's carcass… ugh… disgusting… sheesh… I have nothing. The information I was getting are totally useless.

My new dad after forcing me to drink a cup of water is now suddenly tap dancing like a maniac. With a jubilant cry, he calls to me. "Son, son, son… You'll be the future Wizard King. You'll salvage our noble family's honor. What declining nobility!? We are not, we are not, we are not…"

Philip Jester, at 100% full psycho, hysterically rambles on about his difficulties as a lowly baron of Clover Kingdom. Effortlessly, I am learning of my current situation's more intimate details.

Currently, Philip is my only source of information as such, I do my best to cater to him.

I answer him with an affectionate tone. "Yes, dad… I'll be the greatest. Can you help me, see if you have any mirrors? I'd love to see how handsome am I?"

My poor insane dad accedes to my request as he straightaway comes and goes. "Yes, son… wait for your daddy…"

Quickly, the madman returns. Holding a shard of a mirror right in front of my face, I was able to see my reflection. Dark hair, crimson eyes, and a relatively handsome face. Young, not even in his 20s, I believe.

I was already handsome before, but coming here, it's quite nice to see that I have become more charming. Haaagh… 'I am going on the wrong path, narcissism is bad, remember that!' I chide myself, straightening my priorities in my mind.

Only now do I realize there was slightly some blood on the mirror shards. My imagination as wild as it is can't help but think ominous of the mirror shard.

And I wasn't wrong as my psychotic dad frantically sings in high praises. "Aren't you handsome, son? You look like your dad, right? Do you see the blood on it? I used this shard to slit those peasants' throats! Aren't I great? Don't you like this mirror shard?"

My stomach churns in disgust. But I didn't show it to my face. "Dad, won't you free your beautiful son? The steel is hurting my wrists." I expectantly ask my father… I can't take this anymore. There has to be something that I can do.

Philip gazes at me in odd silence, a second, then a second more. It was eerie and nerve-wracking. "You are not my son," Trace of rationality momentarily returns to him. "YOU ARE NOT MY SON!!" Then, full insanity retakes control of whatever rationality is left of him.

It is always like this, and it has been a week. The madman as if he were a clock repeats the same pattern always. After tending to me, he'll have scary sessions like this— the kind of lucid depraved insanity.

Magical constructs in the shape of ghosts and all kinds of monstrosities come to life.

Such summons made the underground cellar so much more terrifying. I close my eyes, lacking any inclination to watch. Outside of my sight, the monsters start their feast of devouring the remaining carcasses in the cellar.

I can't say I am getting used to this. A week is not a long time to adjust, but I am managing just fine. Still, I pray for all of this to end. Being here, I realize... it wasn't fun.

Watching the anime and being here are entirely two different things.

Philip Jester was screaming at top of his lungs. "SINGULARITY!! I SUMMONED A SINGULARITY! MY SON! NOT MY SON! MY SON! NOT MY SON! GIVE ME BACK MY SON!"

Alfir Alfir

The Singularity wants your stones! Give it!

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