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Classroom of The Elite Re: Light Classroom of The Elite Re: Light original

Classroom of The Elite Re: Light

Author: KirathenewGOD

© WebNovel

0.5 - Reincarnation & Reunion

So...this is how it goes...huh?"

Looking around me, I see absolutely nothing, seeing nothing? Is that even possible?

The void...darkness...I don't even have a physical body.....

'How am I even able to exist? Is this the nothingness Ryuk was talking about?'

Well, this is going to get boring really quickly if this is all it is...

'This can't be it. This can't be the end, I was so god-damn close! Near, he was nowhere near my level, so how the hell did he win?!'

I could only focus on the past, not even the fact that my existence didn't make any sense, how did I even have a subconscious? Was it something to do with my soul? I couldn't even begin to hypothesize a theory.

'Bullshit.....bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!'

My destiny to be a God among humans was ruined by a kid, someone who didn't even compare to L.

'Fuck! What am I meant to do now?! Repent for my sins?! Screw that! I don't regret any of it, I was meant to be God! Ever since I got that notebook, I realized my destiny! My rotten world had to be fixed by force, if not then how was the garbage of the world meant to be exterminated from the rest?! Tell me who else would've done it?! Hah...70 percent, 70 percent of crime had been eradicated, I did that! No one could've ever even dreamed of getting close! So why? Why am I here?!'

Thinking out my deepest thoughts, I recalled something which I had chosen to suppress.

'I-I did get him killed...Soichiro Yagami...yes he was my father....yes he was my inspiration....he was the reason I even got so invested in justice.....I-he...'

Was I wrong...?

'He needed to die! He only hindered my operations, and would only continue to do so!'

But did he...? While thinking of my father, my mind was suddenly filled with many other people...

' many more?'

Just how many did I kill?....I never really gave it that much thought...

'The Death note, was it really the only option? Could've I have lived a better life without it? But yet I did pick it up....Why? Why? Why?! If it wasn't me then someone else would've just done something worse, it's not my fault!'

Using another excuse, I would never blame myself, there was always going to be another scapegoat.

'Ryuk! It was his fault! If he never dropped it then my life would've never turned to this shit!'

I'm was my fault? It was all my fault. There's no doubting it now.

" that so? I thought we were closer Raito."

Suddenly I felt myself blinking...

'I can actually open my eyes? Wait wouldn't that mean?'

"W-wah, this...this is..."

Hearing my voice, I looked around me and saw the surrounding area. 'Empty' and 'Rotten' were the words that came to me first.

'Shinigami...realm...this has to be it...'

After taking in my surroundings, I concentrated on my old companion. Standing on a hill, I could see him with his usual smile.


"Such an unenthusiastic reaction, I thought you would've been happier to see me."

The realization of who stood in front of me suddenly struck my mind. Immediately, my confusion turned into rage.

"You son of a bitch! You killed me! You ruined everything, all of my plans for the world were dismantled because of you!"

"Another disappointing reaction, do you not remember what I told you Light? I told you that I was never with or against you. My only reason for being there was to appease my boredom, nothing else. Overall I would say you did a pretty good job for the most part so congrats I guess."

"Are you mocking me?! I would've brought you much more entertainment if you would've aided me! You would've seen the new world that I could've created! So why? Why?! You knew that killing me would've ended your entertainment, so it's all your fault!"

Blaming Ryuk, his smile didn't waver, his eyes always on me.

"No Light"

Raising his finger at me, Ryuk continued.

"The enjoyment you once brought was long over. Even I have to admit, I never believed that humans would entertain me so much. You and L were so interesting."

Bringing out his wings, Ryuk had flown down to the same ground where I stood.

"However the downside of that is once one of you died, so would my enjoyment. While you were everything everyone saw you as, a genius, handsome, a killer, I only ever cared about you being entertaining. But once L died, you immediately became boring, you really bounced off of one another you know?"

'Bounced off of one another? Bounced off of one another?! What does he think this is?!'

"A game"

"W-what? You could read my thoughts?"

Brushing off my annoyance, Ryuk continued.

"This was always a game Light, nothing more, nothing less. What? You believed you were a God? Please, don't make me laugh. You never meant anything, all humans mean nothing. You were never a God Light, only a human with a notebook given to you by an actual God."

"Shut up! You claim to be a God, but you hardly did anything, I did far more than you could ever! I should be a God instead of you-"

"Whoever said a God had to do anything?"

Cutting me off, Ryuk spoke with no hint of emotion.

"You humans are the ones to make up a belief that a sole being you call "God" will actually help you, however, there is no actual confirmation of that is there?"

My words were caught in my throat, as soon as he finished, I knew that what Ryuk had said was the complete truth.

"A God? Please, a true God isn't what you think. We Gods are beings that you humans could never even think of reaching, and I can assure you that the majority of us don't care about "saving" any of you humans. All we only care about is existing, although you'd probably be surprised to hear that most of us only do the least to exist, which is to hardly kill any humans over the course of a century."

While I wanted to say something to Ryuk, my interest had peaked.

'You're telling me that you could've taught me more about your world and philosophies? But instead, you would ask me about when I'll be buying apples and playing video games?!'

I wonder if Ryuk was playing dumb the whole time we were back in the human realm, he is a shinigami after all.

" what's next then, huh? Why am I here? Didn't you say I would go to MU or cease to exist?"

"Well yeah about's starting..."

"What? What's starting? Be more clea-"

I couldn't even finish my statement before I felt a familiar pain shoot through my body.

'It hurts! It hurts! It fucking hurts!'

"Lind L. Tailor, Heart attack."

"R-Ryuk! Help..."

I was completely helpless and desperate as soon as I realized what was happening to me, exactly like I was back in that warehouse.

"It's no use, it's that old fart's notebook. He's the only one who has the ability to revive and kill someone over and over again."

'I'm dying again! I can't do anything...why? Why?! Why?!....Why?'

My thoughts dissipated as my conscience did the same.




Opening my eyes, I understood where I was and what had just happened. Seeing Ryuk ahead of me, I feared the worst.

"This can't be...why am I here again? No no...."

Remembering what Ryuk had said before I died, I start putting the pieces together.

"This is your fate Light until your consciousness finally disappears of course."

"I don't want to die again! Ryuk please stop this!"

"Sorry Light, but what can I do? The old man's just going to kill you again and again. But on the hopeful side, you are Light Yagami after all, so you can surely find a way out of this one, right?"

'How? How? How?! Think! What can I even do here?! I'm screwed! I can't do anything!'

"Naomi Misora, Suicide"

Losing control of my hand, my own limb began choking me.

'Stop! Stop! I can't-no! How many people have I killed?! How many times do I have to die?!'




32 times

"So Light, this is going to take a while, huh? Wanna talk about something, it's probably going to get boring really quickly. Hmm...Light?"


"Tell me something Ryuk."


"I'll die over and over again, the number of times equivalent to that of those I've killed, right?"






"Ah, does this mean more entertainment?"

"Over 200,000 times, that's how many deaths I'll have to face. Over 46 days' worth of this misery. Even more that I didn't count."

Getting up and stretching out my arms, I made my proclamation.

"This is the shinigami realm which means more shinigami like you right Ryuk?"

"Hmm...sure, but they'll probably be boring."

"But what about a ruler, the one who commands all of you, "that old fart," you said?"

"Yeah well, he could probably be way more intriguing for you to talk to."

"Precisely, I'll strike a deal with him and get my life back. If he can kill me over and over then he should be powerful enough to bring me back into my own world. Like hell, I'll give up here and now after all I've been through!"

'It's not over, I'm far from done.'

Looking at Ryuk with a smile, I spoke once more.

"Now Ryuk, you wanted more entertainment right? Bring me to him, and I'll gladly grant your wish."

"Entertainment you say? Yeah, sure why not, it's not like I have anything else to do. Let's go."

Stretching out his wings, Ryuk started flying in a direction, and I immediately followed.

'Kira will be back, just you wait.'


'I'll never get used to that shit.'

Getting up after another heart attack, I straightened my uniform out. I hadn't even paid much attention to it, but I was back in my school uniform from high school, in fact, I had the same appearance as I did back then. I had concluded that I was meant to look the same from when I first got the Death note.

'At least it's comfortable.'

"Hey, Light!"

Looking up I saw Ryuk, waving over to me.

"It's only a little more, you should probably hurry, don't want your deaths expiring on us right?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming."

Walking up a steep hill, I saw no real discernible difference between where I started then from where I currently was. The shinigami realm was desolate and empty in all parts of it.

"This place doesn't change, does it? We've walked for miles, and it feels like we haven't even left the area from where I started."

"This is how the shinigami realm always is, boring and dead. It's also dull of course, man I could go for some apples right about now."

"Could you shut up about that? I've heard nothing but your constant nagging for apples these past days."

"Hey, it's not like I can just go to the human realm and grab some apples."

"Is that so? Why, why can't you just grab some apples?"

"We shinigami have rules too you know."

"Even Gods of Death, huh? Well, that's just great."

Walking and walking, that's all this was.

"Hey, Light."


"If you do strike up a deal with the old man, you think you can take me with you to the human world? That is if you go to the human world. "

'Why? So you can kill me again?'

I joked in my mind, not expecting a response.

"No, so I can get some more apples."

"Son of a-"

"We're here."

Cutting off my chance to share some profanity, Ryuk went a bit farther ahead. I could see a skeleton covered in jewelry, tons and tons of jewels. Sitting on his throne, he didn't even bother to move when Ryuk approached him.

"Hey, Justin!"


In a flat tone, the skeleton named "Justin?" spoke.

"We're here to see the old man, or rather my friend here has come to see him."

"Friend, you say? We both know we could never truly make friends. Perhaps an acquaintance of yours then."

"Yeah I guess so, but we're to see the old man, you think you could let us through? He's probably been expecting us."

"He is, he already knows of your presence here. I'm sure he'll have a fun time speaking with you."

Acknowledging me, I felt disturbed by the way this God of Death spoke. I was used to Ryuk and even Rem, both showing a hint of emotion whether that be for Ryuk's stupid antics or Rem's care for Misa.

However, this shinigami was different, calm, and collected almost as if though he was all-knowing.

"I see, well I'm sure we will both get something out of this."

"Of course, it's not every day you get to speak with a human who claims to be a "God", much less one who gets as far as you have, Light Yagami."

"I see, so you know who I am."

"Naturally, most of us have at least decided to watch a part of your antics. Whether that be for a gamble or solely entertainment. I've never seen so many shinigami gather around and watch the human world since your most devastating war."

'Most devastating war...? Is he talking about World War 2?'

It was surprising to hear how the shinigami had decided to watch over the human world when the world was at war, I wondered what their thoughts were on the matter.

"Now that was truly intriguing, humans can be such monsters, even greater than us."

'Greater monsters, huh? I can attest to that, there are certain people's names that immediately come up when I think of true monsters.'

Looking directly at me, the shinigami named "Justin?" spoke.

"While you may have not been a God, you were certainly an even greater monster than most of us and those from your realm."

'To be compared to those same a complete disrespect to everything I was.'

I didn't feel well as he spoke to me, I didn't feel scared but rather unnerved as I looked into his "eyes".

"I'm not exactly sure whether to consider that a compliment or insult, but it does unnerve me."

"You need not be afraid or shaken up, you are relatively safe for now. As you can tell, you are currently not dying, and it shall remain this way until he deems it to continue. As for being recognized as a 'monster', you can consider it a compliment since we are Gods of Death, after all, there are many of us who would like to get the chance to speak with you, but that would be for another day."

"Is that so? Well, I'll agree with your opinion, there are things that fear can be useful for."

The shinigami proceeded to chuckle when I said that fear could be useful, I could only wonder what he was thinking at the time.

"Do make haste, he awaits you after all."

Speaking to both Ryuk and me, I couldn't respond as I was cut off by Ryuk.

"Heh, sure."

Flying forward, Ryuk made no time to even wait for me. Shaking my head, I cursed at the fact that I still needed Ryuk at the time.

Walking forward, the shinigami covered with jewels spoke once more.

"Perhaps this shall be the first and last time we meet, so do keep my name in your consciousness for as long as it lasts, Armonia Justin Beyondormason."

While I felt like he had almost insulted me since he made it sound as if though I wasn't going to last much longer, I decided to be polite.

"I see, well you already know mine, but for introduction's sake, my name is Light Yagami."

"Charmed I'm sure."

With Armonia Justin's last apparent sentence being finished, I continued forward. After walking for a bit of time, I had expected to see another shinigami on the ground or even one on a throne the same as Armonia Justin, but I was surprised to find no one.

Seeing Ryuk, I approached a bit more.

"Ryuk, are you sure this is it?"

"Heh, look up Light."

Looking upwards, I saw a monster.




'What am I looking at? What-I don't...'

My thoughts were a jumbled-up mess as I felt sick and wanted to leave, but I knew that I couldn't. This was my only chance to save my existence.

"Light Yagami, a pleasure I'm sure."

I couldn't even keep it in after he finished his first sentence, I immediately threw up from my nerves.

"I'm surprised you lasted that long, thought you would've screamed or attempted to run away, hehe."

Ryuk joked when I was clearly not in the mood for his bullshit.

'Lasted? Lasted?! He said one sentence and I immediately threw up!'

"Yeah yeah, loosen up a bit."

'I swear when I get out of here, I'll-'

"Now, now. There is no need to fight. There is much we need to talk about."

Recovering from the sickness that I felt, I brought up the confidence to look back up at "him". That is if you could even label that being with a gender.

"Now, you shall no longer feel fear. You are free to share out all your thoughts' child. Calm as you were for many of your predicaments, you shall be the same for now."

I suddenly felt calm and no longer nervous nor even angry. I was the most relaxed I had ever been, at the being's words, my mind followed his command to the letter.

"How did you-?"

"My power is immense Light Yagami, simply making a human feel a certain way is child's play."

'That power that you behold, I want it. But I know that I might as well be grasping at straws here, I'm not exactly in a situation to ask for much.'

"I see, while I would like to discuss a lot of this with you, there is really only one thing that I want to talk about. You should already know what I'm here for? Yes?"

I decided not to pursue and ask about his power, since my mind was advising me to not question this being's power, and I didn't want to piss whatever that thing was off.


Hearing the sound of Ryuk's wings expanding, I glanced at where he was.

"While I would like to stay and hear the future plans, I really am craving some apples right about now."

Ryuk spoke up as hunger overwhelmed him, finally, I would be relieved of him until he would decide to come back.

"Yeah yeah go on ahead."

'Just leave already, I don't need you here.'

"No, 'thanks' Light? I did bring you here after all."

After a moment of silence, I stared at Ryuk.

'Just say it and I'll never have to deal with him again.'

"Thanks. Is that what you wanted?"

Forcing my words out, Ryuk just laughed and looked satisfied to piss me off one last time.

"Heh sure, bye now."

Flying away immediately, Ryuk disappeared out of sight.

Refocusing my attention on the being before me, I continued our talk.

"So before Ryuk so rudely interrupted us, I wanted to speak about coming to an agreement of sorts. Something we can both get out of a deal."

"Bartering for your life with the King of the shinigami himself? How intriguing."

'King of the shinigami? So this is who I'm dealing with.'

"King of the shinigami....?"

"To simply explain what I am would break your mind, no human can comprehend the truth, not even most of the shinigami in this realm could. Only the most gifted such as my right hand, Armonia Justin Beyondormason. Thus, it is better to refer to me as the King of the shinigami."

'Damn it, guess I am not getting the information that I want.'

"I see, so you're kind of doing it for my own safety, huh? I am a bit disappointed since I would love to receive any information I could but if it threatens my already shattered existence then I'll just leave it be."

"You can see it that way, yes. It would surely be a shame to let your existence go this early, even in your current state, you realize that it's not in your best interests to speak any further about it."

"That doesn't sound ominous at all, so should we just get down to business then?"

'The faster this is over, the sooner I can enact my plans to the world.'

"No, not yet."

'Really now?'

"Huh? I thought that you shinigami wouldn't want to waste time since it may as well just bore you to speak."

It seemed to me that most if not all shinigami appeared lazy or unmotivated, even Armonia Justin. That's why Armonia Justin hardly moved when he spoke and certainly why it was such a chore for Ryuk to travel so much even though I should've been the one to struggle considering the fact that I was dying every 40 seconds.

"On the contrary, shinigami have nothing but time. What we do with this eternity, is ultimately decided based on intrigue and energy."

'Sounds just like humanity.'

"Yeah, I can attest to the human side of it, it feels like we have all the time in the world yet when it goes by so fast, only then do we really notice."

"So it seems and so it is, time is very important, and yet we do nothing with most of it. In that aspect, we are both very much like."

'To think we are both alike in some way is surprising, the human race and the shinigami are similar since many will waste their time. The shinigami are constantly bored yet never do anything about it and the human race has the potential to achieve even greater successes than we already have, but we waste our time bickering with one another, killing each other, robbing each other, and not getting anything done. That is why Kira was necessary, I stopped crime by an overwhelming percent, war was over and politicians even started becoming more efficient, whether that be because they genuinely meant it or their fear of getting paired with the rest of the scum. While I was mainly focused on criminals, I was eventually going to move on to politicians as well, Mikami was right in that regard. It's not just criminals, but the trash in our society includes an even bigger circle full of scum that needs to be eradicated.'

Yet I couldn't save the human race, not the way that I currently was. A deal needed to be made otherwise I may just cease to exist.

"We're doomed at the rate we're going, Kira was needed to progress the human race. It's insane to think just how rotten the world truly is, and yet we do nothing about it. I was the only one ready to take action, I was the only one ready to sacrifice anything to create a perfect world, I was the only one willing to do it. Even if another shinigami drops a Death note, the person who picks it up won't achieve the same results as I have, no one could replicate anything that I have done."

The being simply laughed at me.

"Hahaha, your existence is truly unique. One of the few humans to take action in your era, it's fascinating seeing how different humans born in different times have to adapt to attempt to change their world."

"Yeah...sure, but none of them ever really saw a realistic goal which could still have an impact decades later, I saw a vision in my dreams, I know that my way could change humanity for decades to come, someone else would've been able to take up my mantle even after I died, Kira would've become the law, the judge, the jury and executioner. A God constantly worshiped, equivalent to that of the God from the Bible. Eventually even surpassing him, Kira was a true God someone who would actually help people, take action instead of being a fictitious character made up by-"

"Action you say...? You spoke about this with Ryuk did you not? Ah, of course, you did, what do you believe a God is, Light Yagami?"

Getting cut off by the shinigami king, caught me off guard.

"A God, a God is meant to be someone-a being rather that can bring hope to people but not just that, a God is invincible and omnipotent however not even those factors are enough, a God needs to take action to protect his people, a God should actually act in a way instead of simply watching. That is why I was a God among men, destined to change the world and bring salvation to the people before we destroyed ourselves."

"Hehe I see, but you do understand reality, don't you? A God isn't what you think nor what anyone else thinks."

"I've heard from Ryuk already, but it doesn't make sense, essentially God would be considered a 'villain' in a sense. Since God doesn't act nor show any empathy for the people he should protect, then why should they still be considered a God? Most of the religions believe that the God they pray to and worship will bring them salvation so if those same people knew the truth, that you, Gods, the ones to truly exist aren't going actually going to help them then would they still be classified as 'Gods'? While you still retain your power you won't be worshiped by the masses, besides what's a God without believers?"

"Haha, while your different perception of a God sure is interesting, you must know that Gods of Death don't care about any of that. In fact, we usually care about very little, if anything at all. Ryuk has already said it: Gods of Death only care about existing. But I shall elaborate on that, after all, there were those shinigami who were surprisingly willing to sacrifice themselves for a human they fell in love with."

"Rem and Gelus I assume...?"

"Of course but they weren't the only ones, there have been even more over time, both females and males, although it is certainly rare. Why care about a human so much to sacrifice yourself? Haha, but at the same time there have even been shinigami who simply allow time to wither them away."

'Wither them away...'

"...You mean there have even been shinigami that don't write names in their Death note on purpose?"

"That is exactly what I am saying, you see it gets really boring for shinigami, after all, we sit here for years doing absolutely nothing. So why continue to exist when you have no true purpose but to exist? However, while shinigami have nothing to do, there is something to alleviate their boredom. They can sit and watch your world, The human world."

"So the human world is simply your entertainment then, may I ask why? What is it that interests you about humanity?"

"What is there not enjoy? Unlike shinigami you humans have everything else we don't; care, love, hatred, determination, energy, persistence and so much more...absolutely fascinating. Your minds can be so complex or so simple but for us, anyone can be very intriguing. There are boring moments but then their exciting ones as well. Take your game against L for example, all of us watched one way or another."

"I've heard about my game of cat and mouse with L being quite popular, but what about other moments that intrigue you?"

"Would you like to know what intrigues us the most? The one thing that we shinigami will always watch regardless of us liking violence or not.....?"

The way the King spoke was terrifying, for him, it seemed as if though he was really excited to spill out the answer he held.

'Regardless of if they like violence or not? So it's also connected to my actions, even if a shinigami didn't like the deaths of thousands they would still like another element about it, I guess it would have to be my overall goal then. To change the world. But to change the world should be impossible without a paranormal power, right? So then how else could you change the world? You can't simply change the whole world, there will be limitations even in a powerful position so there has to be another way then...'



"....The answer is simple Light Yagami, it's war."


"War, Light Yagami. It shall always be interesting, there was a moment when all shinigami watched your second world war at the same time. To watch it was wonderful, all the death and violence was so interesting."

"B-but why war? I-it's morbid and wrong, civilians die during the war, not just the scum, if it was only them then it would be fine but..."

' has always been disgusting, from thousands of civilians being killed to the possibility of millions of civilians dead in only a single war. Of course, I should've expected this answer, their nothing but monsters after all.'

"We are shinigami Light Yagami, we have no sense of what you label as right nor wrong, in fact, from our perspective you humans are the ones to create a system of wrong and right, but in reality there is no such thing. Years and years of your ancestors believing in morality is why you feel the way you do. Isn't the reason you crave 'true justice' as you call it because of your father teaching you about the world's perception of justice?"

Even as I hated what the King said, I understood that he was right. These are beings have a completely different perception from humans, they are God of Death after all.

'So that's one of the major differences, huh? While I just heard and thought about our similarities, it would be a mistake to truly think of us on the same level even if you take away the Death Note.'

"But even with your justice system and morals, humans can become such monsters, can't they? Haha, to think that many of you have tried to justify yourselves to validate your actions. You avoid the guilt of your own system that you built by claiming to be righteous. After viewing the human world for such a long time I can say that the most dangerous people are those who believe they're always right. Sounds similar to someone we know right Light?"

'This...this doesn't matter, from my own perspective I am right? What a joke. It's not just me but my own supporters who saw my vision for the world. They knew I was right, and they supported me, these are shinigami so of course, they would have a twisted view of our world. When nothing's at stake for them, they can't even begin to understand things from our perspective! I know that my way is correct. I do know that, morally, killing is wrong, I've understood it ever since I wrote that first name down in that notebook but while it isn't right, it's correct. How else can you change the world? There are only two main factors that will motivate people to act, self-interest and fear. However, fear is a way more powerful factor, it's proven time and time again. Whether that be from what we know as North Korea, a regime that would mainly use fear to prevent their people from rebelling, from protesting, and even those from the outside to take matters into their own hands. However, Kira would destroy the regime, after America fell, China was soon to follow. I just needed to progress a little further, and then I could kill off that false dynasty, and there would be no one to protect them. The internal structure would collapse from fear, their ally would collapse from fear, even their own enemy had fallen to fear. Who else could do it, but me? Tell me! Who else? Who else had big plans such as these?!'s not over just it's certainly not.'

"Your rantings may be similar to that of a madman, perhaps your own kind would consider you so. Your plans really are enticing Light Yagami."

"Yeah...sure, I've always had a bigger vision and I don't plan on disappearing any time soon."

"Is that so? Well, let's get back on the reason you are here, after all, there is only one reason you refuse to cease to exist."

"Yes...well, I wanted to make a deal with you."


"You are bored in this realm no? Then how about this, I'll bring you the entertainment you want."

"But if you do recall you are dead, it would be quite difficult to play a good game of cat and mouse when you shouldn't even be alive."

"Even after death, I can still enact my plan in the world. After all, L stayed anonymous and battled with me, didn't he? It may be in reverse with Near, but I am very good at adapting to my surroundings. I can eliminate everyone who was with me back at that warehouse, and then I'll move on to bigger endeavors."

"Would you need the Death Note to make this possible?"

"Of course, as long as you agree. It would make everything a lot easier. I can come up with unique ideas if I do have the Death Note."

"Then I shall have to decline."

'Even I anticipated this result, but it shouldn't falter me, as long as I have a second shot I'll be fine.'

"Really? Well, that's a shame. Just reincarnate me then, I'll be fine on my own. Just make sure to keep my memorie-"

"I don't believe you understood me Light Yagami, I declined your deal to get reincarnated in your own world in general."

'W-what?, not yet.'

"Wait, we still haven't even gone through the stipulations. I can change the world, all I need is a second shot! If you have anything major you want me to agree to then I'll do it, if I don't have the Death note then that's fine. Just allow me to create a few of the rules."

Looking at me in silence, the King opened his 'mouth' and spoke after I finished.

"If you'll agree to anything I want then I'll allow you to have another chance at life, but there will only be one deal available, and I'll be the one to make all the conditions."

'Shit...damn it..I can't let this happen.'

"Now wait a moment, I understand tha-hrk!"

'My heart! Stop it! Stop it!'

"I understand your persistence Light Yagami, you are someone who needs to be in control at all times. However I am in control and I won't allow you to interfere, this is solely for my entertainment as you've said so you will either agree or live out the rest of your existence in your misery."

'Make it stop!'

"Yeah yeah, I understand."

Feeling the pain subside, I finally felt relief. The plan didn't go the way that I wanted but the main thing that I should really be focused on was my life.

"So...what's your offer?"

"One, you will not receive the Death note when you'll be reincarnated, I want to see you work without the use of it."

"Fine, I'll work without it."

"You may find this interesting to hear so you should perhaps listen."

'What is he talking about?'

"The minds of all Death note users change once they kill their first victim, yours is in a state of your 'Kira' persona and the 'Light Yagami' that you once were has been brutally suppressed. I've already seen you act as your 'Light Yagami' persona once you relinquish ownership of the Deathnote but I want to see your 'Kira' persona without the Death note and in your new circumstances. I want to see what happens next..."

'Whatever...this mental state of mine is fine as it is, I'm more guided on my view of what I actually want to accomplish than I did back then. The Death note would've been useful but I can handle anything without it.'

"Two, you will keep your memories and looks. You're used to looking like 'Light Yagami' so you will remain as such, and your memories are what creates you so of course, I won't touch them."

'Well that's fine, works out better for me in the long run.'

"The third and last stipulation, you will not reincarnate back to your world."


"What?! But then what's the point of this?!"

"While you will not be reincarnated back into your world, you will be back on earth in a different reality."

'A different reality....?'

"I know I wasn't meant to object but may I ask why?"

"To appease my boredom Light Yagami. Your battle with Near wasn't as, shall we say, 'fun to watch'. So another battle with him would simply be outright boring. You have failed already in your world and humans only get one chance. So, you will be taken to a parallel world with an alternative history."

'A parallel world...?'

"What is this world? I know it's an alternative one from mine but how different is it from my own?"

"It is quite similar to your own, however history itself is different such as World War 2. There are even wars that didn't happen at all and in some cases, the other side won the war. Technology itself is a lot more advanced in this world, but even with many different factors. You may still consider it rotten."

"I'll be the judge of that, but what about my own circumstances. I want to get as much information as I can, who will I be born to? My own alternative parents or....?"

"Your family as well as everyone else in your original world does not exist. I won't say the circumstances you will be born to since that would be a spoiler to your new life but it will change your perception of the world which is why you'll be in the situation that you are in. I want to see how you develop and go about changing the world."

'How I develop and change the world...? As long as the world is changed and I accomplish my vision then that's fine.'

"But wait, you mean to say that there are different worlds? This doesn't make any sense, how can this even be possible?"

"Me simply existing shouldn't be possible to you humans, and yet I do. There are things better left unknown unless you'd like your mind to snap."

'Snap huh...? Yeah, we'll see...'

"Does this satisfy you? You would do better to make haste."

"Wait, one last thing. Why me? Why am I still here, shouldn't I have disappeared before this?"

"'Why?' You ask, because Light Yagami, because I was bored."


"I knew that you would approach me given the chance, I knew that you would've never given up even after death and I know that you can appease my boredom for a while. I will become a bored individual without something that captures my interest and that is why I'll give you a second chance Light Yagami. Your existence remaining is simply beneficial for me, so what do you say Light Yagami, will you accept my terms?"

'These terms aren't really what I wanted but I have no other option. To either live or cease to exist, the choice is obvious.'

"I accept"

As soon the words escaped my mouth, I felt as if though the God of Death seemed to be thrilled.

"Good, good. I knew you would."

"Well if you did, then why create this meeting? Wouldn't it be better for you to get the fun started a lot sooner?"

"Haha, I brought you here since I wanted to have the chance to speak to you and have you know your circumstances. But also I wanted to allow you to have the last bit of control you will have for a while."





"You didn't think it was over, did you? The heart attacks. Regardless of if you accepted my deal, you have to suffer all those same deaths you inflicted on others. Just like every other Deathnote user."

Immediately realizing what was going to happen, I panicked.


"Ah! Stop! Why?! Why?!"

Collapsing to the ground, it began again. I clenched my chest as the pain continued until I would eventually die.




'I'm back.'

I was back where I had just died, however....

'Again?! It's too soon. What is this?!'

"Don't you want this to end Light Yagami? I'm doing what you prefer. Ending it sooner than it should. I'll speed up the rate at which you get heart attacks, so we both won't need to wait as long as it should take."

'Again?! I'm going to keep on dying over and over?! I thought we had a deal! Stop, please! I don't want to feel this pain anymore! Stop!!'

The last thing I could hear was the being's laughter as my conscience faded away.



'White, white, white...'

I was in a white room, no color but white. The lights, doors, walls.

'It's all around me....'

'What is this....?'

'Other kids...desks....lessons...?'

Even the kids wore white, as did I.

'Ah I see, so that's how it is....'

My old life was over and the new me would begin ever since that day. My reincarnation had just begun. The only thing I could do was smile at my circumstances.

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