/ Eastern / Chronicles Of Dimensions Investigations Between Demons And Gods

Chronicles Of Dimensions Investigations Between Demons And Gods Original

Chronicles Of Dimensions Investigations Between Demons And Gods

Eastern 83 Chapters 11.9K Views
Author: Sasina Zariel Emerodo

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Now it was easy to investigate hidden among the shadows, now it was something else, it was easy, when observing the world with different eyes, now, it was easy to show how everything could be different.
Now, he was in a new life, in which he in his vows to become the great hero and not just the great villain, so he became the mastermind of great parties, he enjoyed their time together, with their numerous plans being his own. machining workshop. in his newest and oldest relationship, which was basically at the height of his new life, where the world around him was supportive and changing.
Seeing that until now, that was all the world and their city got involved in the big parties.
Seeing that it was coming towards him, great emotions make us the greatest conquerors.
With him by his side his beloved, his great king, and he who is richest, among the best, in that hour, when he did all the most promising things possible.
Even though at that time, with great mysteries and achievements, rescuing great moments of your life, each moment and assuming that you could always change the world, then
when he starts to change the world around him, in his acting, when he changed everything around him, always with his great power when everything was most effective.


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    Author Sasina Zariel Emerodo