It took a moment or two for me to process what it was that Rudy had just yelled. I didn't think that I was hearing him properly the first time. That, and it was like me and everything around me was moving in slow motion. Each step that I took to turn around and face the new beast, the new threat, seemed to take forever. And the screams of the boys were long and drawn out.
However, the moment that Rudy's words actually clicked inside of my head, the moment that I actually realized what it was that he had said, I stopped moving so slowly. I felt like I was whipped around at double speed as his words echoed in my ears.
Why did those words chill me to the bone? Why did it sound to me like Rudy was scared shitless? And why did it feel like things had just gone from bad to worse.
Hey everyone, I wanted to let you all know that I am going to drop back down to 1 chapter per day starting in February. I have had some medical issues lately and I will be having surgery for it soon. I need to have a stockpile for the time that I take off for that surgery so I hope that you all understand. When I can I will go back to releasing 2 chapters per day for this story. I am so sorry to be doing this to you all, and I hope that you understand that it is a necessity at this time. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Happy reading,
Deni Chance