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Child of Fate Child of Fate original

Child of Fate

Author: Icekid

© WebNovel


„So you have three wishes"

That was the first thing I heard when I came out of the shock of the ridiculousness of the situation that I was in.

I was a normal middle aged man. Had a normal job, was living in a normal small apartment in a normal part of my town.

I was on my way home from work not ever suspecting something like that to happen to me. I not only met truck-kun and plane-kun I was even shot twice from stray bullets of a nearby street fight and had a knife sticking inside my body. And that wasn't even the end as a bomb blew on my head.

How do I know all that since I should have died after the first thing that hit me?

Well that was because the being in front of me showed me the scene of my death.

When I was on my way home I heard nearby gun shots and tried to run inside the nearby convenient store when a robber suddenly ran outside , he must have thought that I was a cop or something like that after hearing the gun shots and stabbed me without hesitation. After stumbling back I was then shot twice in the back from stray bullets.

But as if it was not enough a nearby truck had its driver shot too and after losing control hit me with precision. I was already dead by that point. But as if the universe wanted to make sure, a plane crashed with precision into the already mangeled pieces of what used to be my body once. And to make matters worse it seemed the plane had a bomb on bord which exploded on impact and destroyed the whole block.

I was really felt speechless. How the fuck could something like that happen. I mean seriously how much did fate want me to die to send so much my way that not even a single piece of me remained on earth as all was first turned into a bloody pulp and then vaporized in the explosion.

And when I asked how much fate wanted me to die I quite literally meant that fate wanted me to die since I should have died a day earlier due to poor health but I somehow didn't.

And it seemed that it wasn't that uncommon for someone to not die on the day fate decided for someone to die since it couldn't possibly watch all beings and let them die on their fated day and so it led shinigamis take care of that. But with the increasing population on our planet even shinigamis find it challenging to watch over all of us mortals and so it happens that a mortal sometimes lives a day or two longer than they should. But it normally isn't that much of a problem.

But my case was different since my shinigami somehow disappeared and so no one was responsible for me to die a day later.

But I had to die and because of the disappearance of the shinigamy that should have normally corrected his mistake, another shinigami had to do it.

But due to bad communication and I don't know if I should call it luck or not but instead of one shinigami taking care of me, instead five did.

And that at the end led to the ridiculous situation in which I was killed so througly.

But not only I died in that situation but many others too and there were even a few special ones.

For example, the robber that stabbed me with the knife, would have been caught soon afterwards. But inside of the prison he would meet a few other people and together they would form a group of robbers with him as the leader. This group would then rob many many stores and after they got the hang of it switch to robbing private properties. And on one fateful day they would rob the house of a powerful but good minister that was fighting against corruption in the state. But when they robbed the house the minister would come home early and surprise the robbers while doing the deed. The robber that stabbed him would then kill the minister. With the minister gone The corruption of the state would worsen and would soon become the puppet of the underworld and it's new boss.

This new boss was also under the deaths of the people that died in the explosion. He was one of the thugs in the war. He would have led his people to win that fight and start his rise to the top after. And he would have been a very tyrannical and brutal hegemon that would lead to the death of many people to come.

Another person that died in this accident was a minister that would later become the most corrupt of all and the biggest opponent of the good minister that fought corruption. With him gone the minister that fought corruption easily managed to win and later become the president of the state and help the people and become a very good leader. He would lead the state in many diplomatic campaigns that would lead to a very peaceful world for many years to come.

And so I unwittingly became the spark of peace in the world with my ridiculous death. That gave me a lot of good karma and so I could now be reincarnated and make three wishes.

I still can't believe that something like that happened to me. But I had to first think about what I want to wish for.

Well the first thing that came to mind was a system as it is simply very powerful and convenient. And the next thing would be that I wanted to be reborn into a fantasy world. Somewhere where I would be able to live a live full of adventure and not something boring like my past live. But first I had to make sure about the circumstances of my reincarnation.

And just as I looked at the being in front of me and ask about my reincarnation the being began to answer my question as if it was able to read my mind.

„You will be reborn into the world of Lunaterra. A world that is at least a few hundred times bigger than the earth were u are from. It is filled with many different races. The most prominent are the humans, demons, elves, dragons, dwarves, beastmen, magical beasts and the elementals. The whole world is furthermore filled with a system that every sentient being has access to. As for which race you are going to be born into that will be decided at random after you have chosen your three wishes."

So the world I am going to be born into is such a vast and exiting place, and it even has its own system. Then I don't have to waste my wishes on those tings.

Now that I know what kind of place I am going to be reincarnated in I should probably try and prepare for it with my wishes.

Hmmm… since I don't know which race I am going to be I should mentally prepare myself to the possibility to even be reborn as a goblin or so. And in order to survive in such a huge fantasy world I'm gonna need to have power. So I should probably wish for something like overwhelming talent.

„First wish Overwhelming Talent granted. Please choose your next two wishes."


I didn't even say anything and the entity in front of me already recognized my first wish, is it really able to read my mind? Well it doesn't matter, I should be more carful with my thought from now on. It probably recognized the word I wish for as me stating my first wish so I should avoid this phrase for now.

Well aside from talent I also need the techniques and resources in order to become powerful. So I could my last two thing for that but then I would have no more of those. But I could get those too if I have a corresponding high status. And although a high status could hinder my freedom a bit since I would probably be embroiled in the struggle for authority if I want to have the best resources I should still be fine.

„OK my second wish is to be born with a very high status."

„Second wish granted, please choose your last wish."

Hmm so I now have talent and the means to reash a very high level of power so what should be me last thing?

I could go for the standard harem like most those mc in most of the novels that I normally red when I had some free time. But do I really want to have more than 1 woman? Hmm better not it would be troublesome to manage them for sure. Even though I only had one serious relationship with a girl my whole life it was still pretty tiresome to try and please her not to mention understand when she was angry and why. I can't even imagine wheat it would be like with more than one woman at the same time. So better no harem.

Then the question remained what I should use my last thing for? I have talent and status and in the future power and authority probably. Then maybe looks? Nah that would be a waste of a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Maybe knowledge? Hmm that I should seriously consider, knowledge is power after all. But I can probably gain it with time. Especially with my status.

Man what a pain in the ass how could all those MCs in the novels always shout their wishes so and without much thought. Really a pain.

Well I can't really decide what I should wish for then lets forget about it.

„I wish for something random."

Let fate decide what I will get. It had already given me such an amazing opportunity so let me bet in my luck.

„You have surprised me. Well since u want to let fate decide, then so be it."

After the entity said that it waved ist hand and a huge spinning wheel appeared in the space besides us. And it was huge. At least a few hundred meters in diameter. And on it there were countless small columns that were not even one centimeter wide.

Before I could get a closer look at the spinning wheel, the entity already waved ist hand and the wheel started spinning with such speed that I fought it would start to take flight.

A long while later.

I don't even know how long I have been staring at the wheel now, but it finally started to settle down.

As it was getting slower and slower I could finally see some of the columns and could!d read what was written there.

‚Power to turn people into stone with one look'

‚Gods Eye'

‚Full Spacetime Mastery'

‚Immortal Body'

‚Divine Soul'


‚Seven Sins Body and Soul'

I saw many powerful ability's in there, some I didn't Ben know what it would do but the name alone was suggesting that it would be powerful. But not everything seemed to be something that I want.

‚High attraction to the same sex'

‚Natural Uke'

‚Natural Trap'

‚Completely emotionless'

‚Zero desires'

‚Tested by destiny'

I was really afraid of some of these choices, since I was my whole life straight and had never ever considered the same sex as anything other than friends but with some of these gifts I would be like a magnet to the same sex. So I was kinda relieved when they passed. Others I didn't know what to say, although having no emotions or desires could be good in some cases and from time to time I think if you are like that all the time it would get boring pretty fast. And the last sounded like being in constant danger and that would be pretty tiresome. I don't know who would wish for something like that.

Well the wheel was finally showing signs of stopping and I held my breath. Not that I was able to breath at the moment anyway. And as I thought some useless thoughts the wheel stopped at least and I couldn't believe what fate had in store for me.

‚Child of Fate'

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