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46.15% Chat Group: Plus Ultra! / Chapter 6: Chapter: 6

Chapter 6: Chapter: 6

Chapter 6:

I sat down on Momo's bed and pulled out my phone, deciding to check the chat group. Maybe someone else wasn't busy.

- Plus Ultra is online-

- Ice Queen is online-

Oh, looks like it's just me and her currently.

[Plus Ultra: Hey there, Queen. How's it going?]

[Ice Queen: ...ok. I talked with some people, and they found the existence of potential alternate worlds to be... interesting. I doubt they believed me though. I couldn't stay with them long anyway. Living in groups is problematic right now.]

[Plus Ultra: Assuming this isn't some elaborate hoax right?]

[Ice Queen: Indeed.]

[Plus Ultra: Yeah, as I said before my dad and my future college's dean already know. Since time won't stop or anything like that when we're gone, they'd have to know otherwise I'd end up getting reported missing.]

[Ice Queen: You told your school dean? And he wasn't freaked out? What kind of school do you go to?]

[Plus Ultra: I'm not technically enrolled yet, but I will be going to UA. It's our world's greatest hero school.]

[Ice Queen: Hero... School? A school that trains heroes? Your world sounds strange.]

[Plus Ultra: It's necessary, though. In my world, 80% of the population is born with mutations or what we call quirks. We have an entire society of superpowered people, and unfortunately, a lot of bad people try to use their powers to commit crimes. That's why we need a large number of heroes to counteract them.]

[Ice Queen: 80%! You're telling me 80% of your world's population are mutants!]

[Plus Ultra: Yeah, we really don't use that word, though... its offensive. Unfortunately, people without powers here are in the minority and are treated pretty badly.]

[Ice Queen: wow… your world is the complete opposite of mine.]

Did she come from a world where mutants are in the minority and hated by the population?... I think I figured out her world. I kept typing.

[Plus Ultra: Do you want to talk about it?]

[Ice Queen: Maybe later. I have to go, but I'd like to chat again.]

- Ice Queen is offline

I turned off my phone screen and set it back down. She was intentionally being vague in her entries. Except at the end there. That was strange yet informative. I think that she's a mutant, possibly from a Marvel universe. I'll try talking to her when we meet in person to find out more.

With not much else to do, I layed down and decided to close my eyes as I waited for Momo's scolding to end.

I don't know how long I was out, but a bit later the bedroom door slammed open and a flustered Momo stormed inside.

"So…how did it go?" I asked the girl.

Momo turned to me and I could see the embarrassment still clear on her face. "That was absolutely mortifying!"

I just snickered at her. "She didn't ground you did she?"

"No, she didn't ground me! I'm an adult!" Momo explained. "What she did, was give me a stern lecture on the do's and don'ts of a 'proper Yaoyorozu woman.'" Momo said as she imitated her mother's proper speaking voice.

"I'm pretty sure what went down last night was anything but proper." I said. Momo just raised her eyebrow at me and gave me a look that expressed 'obviously.'

"So nothing else besides an embarrassing lecture? No taking your unlimited credit cards away or freezing your bank accounts?" I asked her. I expected more drama for some reason. Were Momo's parents a lot more chill than I thought they were this whole time?

Momo just gave me a strange look. "You watch too many drama's. And what good would taking my credit cards away do? Did you forget I can literally create gold anytime I want?" Momo said. Oh right, she could do that. In fact, I'm pretty sure this girl could single handedly shatter the economy if she really wanted to. Her skill over her quirk was far ahead of her 'canon' self. That made sense considering we were years older. And, she had been training herself seriously after I had revealed the 'plot' of this world to her. Momo didn't want to be a helpless background character. Neither did I obviously.

"It may have slipped my mind." I admitted.

"I can understand that. You did have a pretty crazy day yesterday after all." Momo said as she sat down on the bed next to me with a sigh.

"Yeah, and now I have to head over to my dad's tower soon as well. Ugh!" I slammed my face into one of Momo's many bed pillows and sighed. I was so tired that all I wanted to do was sleep all day! I could hear Momo laughing at my pain.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Just go say hi to your dad, pick out a room and then crash for a few hours."

"Yeah, I'll probably just do that." I said tiredly. "Inko and Mitsuki really went at us all night, didn't they!? That was crazy…" A blush fought its way to my face as I recalled the night before. Especially some of its more pleasurable highlights.

Momo nodded and a blush spread across her face as well. She fidgeted for a moment before she turned to me with a slightly red face. "Are you going to see Mitsuki and Inko again?" Momo asked. From the look on her face I could tell that Momo wanted to. They had left us both their numbers and told us to call them anytime.

"I wouldn't mind seeing either of them again." I said and Momo nodded in agreement with a smile. "I'm also pretty sure we'll be seeing them occasionally in the future anyway." I added on.

"Why's that?" Momo asked.

"I'm pretty sure Mitsuki and Inko were the two protagonists' moms." I stated.

"..." There was a brief moment of silence as she took in what I just said.



A few hours later I left the Yaoyorozu mansion with a bag of all my belongings as I headed towards All Might Tower. His building was all the way on the other side of the city, so I used my quirk to travel there at high speed. I can't even remember the last time I bothered with public transportation.

"Ok, wow…" I gazed at the sight below me. When I arrived on the rooftop of a building near All Might tower, I knew my life of anonymity was truly over. There were hundreds of media crews and reporters circling around the building! Traffic had been completely stopped nearby as they blocked off the street and circled the whole building. They were all clearly there to try and get the scoop on me!

I wasn't against speaking with reporters, since I knew that would be required of me in the future. I didn't want to deal with so many of them at once though.

I took a few steps back on the rooftop before, I zipped forward with a running leap. I launched myself clear over the crowd of reporters as I landed right past them superhero style in front of the building.


I looked down and cringed a bit as I had noticeably left some cracks in the pavement. I'd have to work on my superhero landings in the future…

"Ms. Akane! Ms. Akane!"

"Can you please answer some questions!"

It didn't take more than a moment for the reporters to notice I had landed in front of them but I was already heading for the building's main doors at that point.

I chose to ignore them calling out behind me as I hurried inside. As I entered my dad's hero agency building, I couldn't help but find it strange at how empty it was. Dad's agency didn't employ any other heroes or sidekicks.

As I walked through the lobby, a woman holding a clipboard approached me. She was dressed as a typical business woman and her demeanor screamed 'no nonsense.'

"Hello, You must be Akane. I've been waiting out here for you for hours now. In the future, might you be kind enough to inform your father or me of your timetables so this doesn't happen again." The woman sternly lectured me as she gave me an annoyed glare from behind her glasses.

"I'm sorry about that… um, who are you?" I asked.

"You may refer to me as Secretary Minami or just Minami. I'm your father's personal assistant. I'm in charge of his day to day affairs, and now I'm in charge of yours as well. Come, I'll explain more in the elevator. Your father is currently in his personal gym with… a guest." Minami turned and headed towards the nearest elevator. I quickly followed her inside.

As the elevator door closed behind me I turned to Minami. "This guest of my father's wouldn't happen to be a green haired teenager named Izuku Midoriya would it?" I asked her.

She nodded at me. "Indeed it is. All Might hasn't told me much about the boy. He did mention how he would be training Mr. Midoriya personally since the boy has great potential to be a hero. At least according to your father… We'll see…" Minami explained to me. From her tone, she didn't seem to care one way or another about the boy All Might was training. That was interesting as most people would be dying for the details of anything that goes on in All Might's life.

"You don't sound super enthusiastic about that information. How come?" I pointed out and asked.

Minami scoffed. "You wouldn't know, but All Might has found and mentored many other 'potentially great heroes' before. All of them were found wanting after a few weeks and were sent home packing." She explained.

That was interesting to know. Izuku wasn't All Might's first choice as a successor apparently. All Might had found others before him but none of them were up to par with his standards I guess.

I gave Minami a small smirk. "And what do you think about me?" I asked. She seemed pretty blunt and I wanted her honest opinion.

Minami turned and her eyes stared into mine. "Your power is already easily enough to put you into the top ten hero rankings in the future. Beyond that though, I don't know enough about you to claim if you'll measure up to your father. Only time and your actions will tell. We're here now by the way." She gestured forward as the elevator doors opened.

The elevator reached the 18th floor and I stepped off. Minami stayed on though. I gave her a small wave. "Thank you for your honesty. I hope we can talk more again in the future." The woman gave me an indifferent nod as the elevator doors closed between us. I spun around, and followed the signs on the walls to the private gym.

"That's it young Izuku! Just a few more reps!" I heard my dad cheering loudly as I entered the gym.

Dad was in his buffed up form standing behind Izuku as the latter was bench pressing…the bar. Izuku looked like he was struggling with it too. That was just sad. The bar only weighed 45 lbs (20kg) max after all.

"It's so heavy All Might! But I won't give up! I'm going to be a hero." Izuku exclaimed as he triumphantly finished his last few reps.

"Excellent work young Izuku! You're on your way to being a true hero!"

"Thank you All Might! I'm going to do it! I'm going to be a hero!"

If I actually had anything to eat this morning, I might have been gagging right now from the pure cringe happening in front of me…

The two of them were so lost in their little training montage that they didn't notice I had even entered the gym. I approached the bench and loudly cleared my throat. Izuku jumped up and yelped in fright. All Might just casually turned around.

"Akane! There you are!" Dad finally noticed I was there. He gave me a large smile. "Welcome to All Might tower! What do you think? It's pretty great right!?" He asked me. His eyes looked a bit nervous, like he wanted my approval of his 'cool' tower.

"It's the greatest ever, isn't it! I can't believe I'm really here right now!" Izuku shouted loudly before I could answer.

"It's alright," I said plainly. Dad's enthusiasm deflated and Izuku looked like I kicked his puppy at my blunt remark. "I mean, I've only seen the lobby and this gym so far. It's honestly kind of weird being in a large gym that's completely deserted." I pointed out as I looked around. All the equipment looked state of the art and custom made. It was just eerily quiet without the sounds of anyone else exercising.

"That's fair I suppose." Dad said.

Izuku had quickly slipped out of his depressed state as he started looking at me with metaphorical stars in his eyes. "Are you really All Might's daughter!? The way you punched away the sludge villain was so cool. How did you do that!? What your quirk!? Is it similar to All Mights!? But that shouldn't be possible because–"

"Young Izuku!" Dad shouted out loudly to interrupt Izuku before he accidently spilled the secrets of One for All.

"If you're worried about me finding out about One for All, don't bother." I said as I set my bag down and walked over to a high tech looking deadlift machine. I examined it closely and found that it was mostly electronic. I could just enter the wait I wanted to lift and the machine would supply a counter force to match that wait for me. I typed in 1000 kg to start easy before I put my hands on the bar and squatted down.

It took Dad a moment to reboot mentally before he spoke to me nervously. "And how exactly do you know about One for All!?"

"My phone." I replied casually. I figured that was an easier excuse for the time being.

"Your phone?" Izuku questioned out of the loop. He would continue to stay that way if I had anything to say about it.

"Ah, that's private between myself and Akane." He said before turning to me. "We'll discuss that later…I suppose." Dad still wasn't comfortable with the whole multiverse chat group concept.

"Sure," I replied before I gripped the bar and heaved upward. I didn't feel much resistance at all from the deadlift. 1000kg clearly wouldn't do anything for me. I'd have to up the wait.

"Holy crap…" I heard Izuku whisper as he was watching me. I turned my head and smirked at him causing him to blush and turn away.

"So will you be training Izuku in this tower the whole time?" I asked Dad.

All Might had a contemplative look on his face. "That wasn't the plan initially, I had actually planned on taking Izuku to Takoba beach to clean all the garbage there. Someone had already beat us to it though. Without a back up plan we ended up here."

"Oh, sorry that was me. Cleaning that beach knocked out all 200 hours of UA's community service requirement in one go for me." I explained.

"200 hours?" Izuku looked at me questioningly.

I just gave him a deadpan stare. "Yeah, you can't even apply to the hero course without completing 200 hours of community service first. It's a requirement to separate the true noble heroes from the brutes or something. I'm not really sure. Maybe Nezu just thinks that it makes the school look good if all the students are good samaritans on paper." I speculated out loud.

All Might coughed. "Yes, that is indeed why Nezu made that a requirement…"

"What am I going to do, All Might!? I don't have any community service hours done and UA starts in only a few months!" Izuku exclaimed in dejection. Then he started to mutter again…loudly.

I take back what I thought earlier. A silent gym was much more preferable to one that had someone constantly muttering incessantly… I only did a few more lifts before I decided to call it. I was still a bit tired and sore from the night before after all. I was also hungry from not eating anything the whole morning.

"So does this building have a kitchen somewhere?" I asked. Dad nodded and told me it was on the top floor which doubled as the penthouse where the bedrooms were.

I picked up my bag off the floor. "I'm pretty tired and hungry. I had kind of a crazy night out with Momo. I'm just gonna eat and take a quick nap."

"That's fine Akane, I'm glad you're here now." Dad said.

"I'm glad I'm here now too."

"It's not good for a future hero to stay out all night! What were you doing?" Izuku rudely asked like it was any of his business. Which it was not.

…I could have chosen the high road and ignored his question. I could have just said "none of your business even." I did neither of those things…

"I was out all night with your mom." I said to Izuku. He looked shocked before glaring at me. As that was one of the most cliche insults there was, Izuku obviously didn't believe me.

"Akane, don't go bringing young Izuku's innocent mother into this!" Dad scolded me. That woman was anything but innocent…

I didn't say anything else as I just laughed and headed back to the elevator. It's not my fault Izuku clearly has no idea what his own mother and her best friend get up to when they go out together… I can only imagine what Katsuki's reaction would be. I'd almost want to tell him just to see it, but I liked my time with Mitsuki too much for that.

A few moments later I stepped out of the elevator and took in the penthouse suite. It was pretty swanky and spacious. There looked to be a 100 inch tv in the living room with every current game console hooked up to it. I walked over to the window and whistled to myself at the view. I could see the entire city for miles all around from this high up. I'd miss living with Momo, but I already felt less stifled here than I did in her ritzy mansion.

I think I was going to enjoy it here. At least until UA started and I moved into the dorms.


[A/N: Bit of a slower chapter after the previous two *ehem* chapters. Next chapter will be the start of the chat group's first mission!

If you'd like to support me or read ahead, then visit p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/StarWaves.

My Pat.reon is R-18 so you'll have to google or directly type in the url.

My other story is also starting up there. It's called -The Fallen Gamer-]

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