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50% Chase Me, Detective / Chapter 1: Chapter 01: Slip Off

Chapter 1: Chapter 01: Slip Off

"On my position, waiting for command sir."

I whispered on my radio, as I silently stilt and settle on the ground with my left knee while looking on my binoculars behind the thick bushes.

"Subject located on my North-West."

My eyes were locked on the man together with his maid. The guy was wearing a black-fur coat and long pants with his bonnet on. This guy was under investigation and today we have a search warrant issued by the judge regarding on the recent murder case.

I simply turned on my body camera and started recording. Suddenly, the commanding officer gave the command.

"Alpha Team, along with the prosecution, storm the front." I can see him pointing his left hand towards the area.

"Team Bravo, hold your position."

"Team Charlie, seal the exit."

"Copy sir!" I replied, then I started running towards the front gate.

"Our safety is the top priority next to the items, be safe." Captain added.

You can hear the rustling of leaves as I traverse through the thick bushes that hinders my path until we faced the tall see through metallic gate.

There's a long clanging sound from the gate as we push it open and step inside the area. The target being spotted, so the police officer halted and called them to introduce the search and seizure warrant, but in a split of a second the maid rush through the hallway and enter the house hastily.


I quickly ran after the woman, but she was quite as nimble as me. Her steps were quite faster compared to her slender teenage build.

"Run! No matter what happened don't let her go inside the kitchen!" shouted by the commanding officer through the radio, fearing that the maid may get rid of the evidences by burning it inside the oven.

I rushed through the front door. I looked around and saw the maid parkour through the sofa in the living room.

"Stop! Don't move!" I was trying to stop her, but she continued to sprint through the corridor.

"Freeze! Put your hands in the air and lay your palm at the back of your head!" I pointed my 45mm caliber pistol on her.

She followed as what I've said and I walked towards her location.

"Turn around and face the wall."

Everything took place in a snap. She pivoted 180 degrees, grab my arm and divert the pistol away from her face to the wall. I clicked the trigger twice, but it was before she pressed the button and unloaded my pistol at the same time switching the safety lever.

The magazine fell off the ground, she quickly kicked it away from us. Her elbow landed straight on my face followed by a round-the-house kick on my head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have enough time to play with you."

I was lying on the ground aching from her solid elbow strike. She totally beat the hell out of me.

She then ran quickly, goes inside and locked the kitchen door.

The prosecution team that was tailing me earlier, took over the situation. Another officer helped me stand up. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice coming from prosecutor Shawn McCallister.

"An act of destroying the evidence is considered as obstruction of justice, the prosecution could file a case against you!"

That loud and clear threatening statement coming from the prosecutor Shawn echoed inside the building enough to stop everyone from making even a single move.

A moment of silence filled the entire hall. No one is making a sound, aside from the air rushing through the officer's nose as they pant.

"You don't have the right to search that place."

A deep masculine voice coming from the man at the back interrupted, then he slowly walked towards the kitchen. A black-fur coat, long pants and bonnet, without a doubt, it's the suspect.

"I'm afraid that a smart man like you could be mistaken. It is stated under your search and seizure warrant that the scope of your search was only inside my room, specifically room number 14." He added.

A sudden grimace can be seen from his face followed by a smirk. I can see some of the police getting pissed off by that guy and attempted to hit him. But the prosecutor quickly blocked them using his right hand and stop them.

Shawn bites his lower lips and brush his hair from the forehead going through the back of his head using his palm. He then looked down on the floor, I can see a little smile curved on his lips, then he started walking very slowly towards the suspect, seems like he is watching his very own steps, his black shoes created a clattering sound, then he halted directly in front of the man.

"Boys, what does the prisoners used to call me again?" In a low but horrendous voice that is enough to make us feel nervous.

"M-Mad Cow." Stuttered by one of the officer.

"Do you think; why do they call me that?" referring to the suspect.

"It's for me to know, and it's for you to discove..."


Before he could even finish talking a powerful "HEAD-BUTT" coming from the prosecutor interrupted that sent his forehead bleeding severely.


"Holy Cow!" we opened our mouth but nothing came out. We did nothing but flinch.

"Don't you dare play those dirty tricks on me because I'm sick of those plays." He said with a blazing eyes and a devilish grin.

Using the back of his right palm he wiped his forehead to scrub off some blood then blew some air on her face enough to lift off his bangs and expose his wide forehead.

He then turned on the radio transmitter.

"Team Bravo, state your report."

"Positive." said by the officer on the other line.

"Agent Pi?"

We are shocked because no one knows that we are in an operation with the agents.

An enticing feminine voice coming from the other line rang through my ears. "Items secured, on my way to report in person."

There's a sudden creaking sound from the door as it was slowly opened and the rest turned as if in a slow motion.

*You're my peace of mind, in this crazy world. *

She tousled her blonde wavy hair while both of her eyes are shut and lifted her chin at the same time.

*You're everything I've tried to find; your love is a pearl. *

Her hair bounces from side to side, then she slowly unbuttoned her white coat and slowly stripped her white pants down.

*You're my Mona Lisa, You're my rainbow sky and my only prayer, is for you to realize. *

Jaw dropped and flabbergasted, we saw a stunning lady wearing a black t-shirt with FBI imprinted on its chest paired with black shorts.

*That you'll always be beautiful, in my eyes. *

Some of the officers almost drop their jaws. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I've never thought that there's someone so beautiful like her that would appear in this situation. It was obviously unleashed the wild guy inside the other officers.

They're confused whether what's more shocking than knowing that the lady maid was our accomplice or the wild thoughts that keeps on storming inside their head. It took us some time to synthesized this information.


Their wild thoughts were shut after the prosecutor spoke.

"I implanted an agent in case this guy wants to mess up with the mad cow... and I was right. He falls directly right into it." Followed by a curved smile and a smirk.

"Under the provisions of search and seizure warrant; police may search outside the scope indicated in the warrant if they are acting to prevent the destruction of the evidence." He added.

"Don't worry, you just have to wait for several days, we will meet again, but this time it is whether in the interrogation room or inside the prison cell." He uttered then followed by a smile that was meant to pissed him off.

"To-go, Miss."

He lends his blue peso bill to the counter and I take our order. I turned around and followed him towards the exit. I can see the FBI agent that helped us in search and seizure operation earlier.

I raised my other hand that's carrying our food and gave off a wide smile trying to lift up the mood while walking towards her location.

"Give me your key." Prosecutor Shawn said in a cold voice and expressionless face.

I toss the key on him and I sat on the front seat leaving the agent alone in the backseat. He drives us on the way to the forensic. I was looking away from them watching the vanishing lines of lights as we passed through the night market. I was diverting my attention on cars, people and buildings beside the road. We're stuck in a long traffic. He hit the music playlist, choose a song and press play.

*Do you remember, 21st night of September? *

The music suddenly rang on my ears triggering an auto-smile effect.

*Love was changing the mind of pretenders. *

It was one of the most memorable songs on my high school years.

*While chasing the nights away. *

The memories of my high school years flashed in my head all of a sudden.

*Our hearts were ringing. *

I close my eyes, I can see faces, smiling faces.

*In the key that our souls were singing. *

Those days, if only I could turn back the time.

*As we danced in the night, remember. *

Those youthful days.

*How the stars stole the night away, oh yeah. *

"I wish I could go back in time." I whispered to my self.

We arrived at the forensic laboratory and handed out the evidences for DNA test and fiber analysis. The forensic expert was inside the laboratory and the prosecutor was in a hurry, so I helped the forensic guy took the samples in the laboratory to examine it.

The black suit is one of the items being examined. It was the suit wore by the suspect when the murder took place. He sticks some sticky patches on the suit and then pull it off. He gathered enough fiber samples, then he examined it under a light microscope. He saw different types of fibers, then he labeled it. To see clearly if it will match on the victim's cloth fibers, he viewed it under a microscope with ultraviolet lights and it turned out to be as the same fibers.

But it wasn't that strong of an evidence itself, so he took the item in a dark room and spray some luminol on it. This chemical exhibits chemiluminescence that makes it emits blue light as a by-product of a chemical reaction from blood.

We saw spots of blue light on the coattails, meaning that the suit was stained by blood. He tried to gather some remaining blood cells on it and performed a blood test. Suddenly I heard my phone rang, it was an incoming call from Mr. Chase, a detective from a remote police station.

"We need the results!" He asked in a hastened manner as he was out of breath while gasping for air.

"Yes, the result was positive. He was the culprit."

"Call prosecutor Shawn, we don't have enough time." He replied.

I quickly dialed prosecutor Shawn, he was outside the building. He came in rushing through the corridors. I handed over the results.

It's another call from Mr. Chase again, this time it was on prosecutor Shawn.

"The suspect was on the run, he managed to escaped through the tunnel."

"It would take 3 hours before we can secure a warrant." Prosecutor Shawn replied.

He then touched his chin and took some time off thinking what to do next.

"We're ten minutes away from you. Gather the team, we will come up with a plan."

The phone call ended.

"I left my things inside the office I'll go and get it. You may go first."

Then I boarded inside the elevator going to the second floor to get my things inside the office. As soon as I pressed the button, a tall man with a face mask and black hoodie barge in.

"I'm sorry but I'm on a rush. I'm headed towards the basement." He uttered in a cold voice without looking at my face.

He pressed the B button. His other hand was inside the front pocket of his jacket and it was bulging like there's some stuff that he was grasping inside.

"Where's the results?" His voice was threatening.

"W-What?" I was stuttering.

I knew it. He was suspicious that he forced his way through inside the elevator earlier, though he was already there standing as soon as I've arrived.

I took one step backwards and grab my phone inside my pocket. I started to dial prosecutor Shawn's phone, but as soon as the phone started ringing the guy turned his face on me.

I'm busted.

He quickly drew a pistol from his pocket and pointed it on my forehead. It is a black Glock 45mm automatic pistol with silencer. I was trembling and my knees we're literally shaking.

"Where are you? Hurry, I was waiting outside the building in the parking lot." Shawn was talking on the phone.

"Give me your phone." Said by the guy pointing a gun on me.

I gave him my phone then he talked with prosecutor Shawn.

"Chase me, detective." Then he ended the phone call.

He dragged me all the way to his car and tied my hands and feet with a rope, then he put a masking tape on my mouth.

He started the engine, stepped on the accelerator and drifted outside the basement. You can hear the tires screeching and the engine roaring. We're moving 150 kph in the highway in the middle of the night. The next thing I knew is we are inside the abandoned house.

Prosecutor Shawn was in the middle of the police officers and detectives.

"We have the warrant of arrest now. The suspect was on the run and he took Ms. Katelyn Larsson a detective from Duskwind Police District as an hostage, we need an immediate action." He uttered with a serious face.

Captain Kelly Vandross of Duskwind Police District gave his command.


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