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Chaotic Universe Sovereign Chaotic Universe Sovereign original

Chaotic Universe Sovereign

Author: Emotion888

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Big Bang

CHAPTER 1: Big Bang

In the vast nothingness, only endless darkness exists. There was no light because stars did not exist yet. A small consciousness was birthed in this place and not many more were comparable to its existence.

"Who am I?"

The consciousness questioned itself. It did not know what, who, where he was. There were too many questions that made him aware of its loneliness in this place. For several thousands of years, its only interest was to know why it had come to this place. What could be its goal or destiny?

It became very intelligent and it did not question anymore of itself as it began only to seek companions in this lonely and dark place.

After contemplating of its further actions it began to think of the endless possibilities. It strived to move from where it is but it could not as he found that it was restricted on this vast nothingness. It thought of many ways for it to leave this place to see if there was anything around to where it was.

He began to comprehend the void. It studied that there was no law and it did not operate for there was only nothingness.

It was only a strand of consciousness it did not have power. It began to develop emotions as it perceived that this restrictions that shackled it could be undone if he found the way as began to become sad, angry and happy of its existence. If in the first place there was this shackles that bind him then there should be a way to unlock them. The intricate and complex mysteries that surrounded its existence made him felt of the things that it yearned of it to happen.

For millions of years, it did not found a solution. It became helpless and lost on what to do. His comprehension was stuck and it could not furthermore improve its understanding. It began to became Angry. It came to point that warmth was produced in this vast nothingness. It began to rise in temperature and it stored but it did not know what it was. It was angry that for thousands of years there was still no way on escaping this place.

For millions of years, it stayed angry and it came to be that its frustrations finally became so hot that it produced and materialized into light that sparked across the void. This miniature phenomenon that was a first exploded and made a cracked and soon destroyed this part of the void. The void was shattered for the first time and it was the first time experiencing it. Soon, the void mended itself and it became dark again like it never happened.

It had an understanding of what had happened. Its anger caused it to produce that warmth form it's pent up anger. It understood that currently it possess the three emotions in which it discovered the destructiveness of anger. It soon began to think of the ways to control its emotions. It did not know what emotions were but it perceived that it was a state that affects it and its actions. His train of thought was influenced by these unknown factors. As it contemplated more it began to become happy of its learning and understanding of these unknown factors known as emotions. It learned on how to deal and store with these emotions over time becoming a master of itself. Every time it would feel that it was affected by these emotions it would hurriedly store the emotion in its particular part of its consciousness.

It reflected of its past experiences when the spark made the void exploded. It realized that the power was strong but the void was stronger. That was why it stored its emotion as energy that it called warmth over time. Billions of years passed by and it was confident that this time it could destroy the void with its power. It began to circulate the stored the three emotions. For the past million years it tried to see what would happen if the other two emotions could produce this so called warmth.

It discovered that happiness could produce warmth but not as much as anger and that sadness made it discovered the coldness of the void. It began to try and fuse the warmth and cold energy. It saw that the two emotional energies tried to extinguish one another and it would spark a little but not as much as the anger emotion when it was made to its peak.

But its discovery that even though it was weaker but the two energies were faster to react and then it would make more sparks that scattered and explodes.

It formed the energies into balls and scattered it across the void. It formed a much bigger one that would destroy the void and cause a chain reaction that would further destroy the void. Billions of years it was not satisfied and confident that it could destroy the void entirely so it pondered of the things that could help his plan come into fruition.

It made large balls of energy across different regions of the void and called them Centre. It made Trillions of trillions of energy balls that were scattered across.

The time has come for it to execute its well-made plan. It sent a mixed energy of happiness and sadness that made a trigger onto the large angry energy that would make it explode. The two emotions began to extinguish the other but when it made contact with the large angry emotion it exploded.

The Void collapsed and made a chain reaction of explosions causing the void into chaotic streams of energy that was suddenly and gradually absorbed by it. It was shocked to see that the massive streams of chaotic energy were being stored into its consciousness. It did not know why and how but it felt that it could now propel itself to move across the void unhindered.

The explosions started to become more chaotic and the void could not withstand it and was pushed further away into the boundaries of this new called space. Huge Holes were formed at the boundary and as the void made contact with it. It was suppressed and sucked and was again pushed away further from the boundary. The consciousness called this current space as the Primal Chaos. The leftover void stream chaotic energy was further grinded down to simple elements of metal that formed bodies of lands across the primal chaos and the leftover warmth energies began to form the stars. Heavenly bodies were formed over after millions of millions of years. It began to saw the uniqueness of what it had made.

It did not know that other universes were being formed and was much faster than it was. It still did not know that other universes were being consumed by the more powerful ones as this part of the void was still desolate and did not contact with other universes. The void stream chaotic energy could make the consciousness powerful becoming the origin in which it could expand faster and also making it powerful.

Emotion888 Emotion888

I am not atheist. xD

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