/ Others / Changes My Heart, Changes My World, Changes Me

Changes My Heart, Changes My World, Changes Me Original

Changes My Heart, Changes My World, Changes Me

Others 35 Chapters 135.2K Views
Author: 7midnight

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Portgas D Ace is dead in the Marinford, or also known as the war of best, saving his little brother with a smile on his face. Even after years passed some people are still hurting for his death. Still wishing that he was surviving and continuing his journey in life. Some of them are young, some old. Some are criminals, some are civilians and.... Some are gods.

One of the gods is a god from Ethereas Dimension, where his people are magical but mostly illogical. He stumbled upon Ace's adventure by mistake and took a liking to him. It pains him that he can't save Ace when Ace needed him the most. So, when a ripple happened in his dimension, he takes the chance.

As one of his children is asking for a second chance, he grants it while used the ripples to take Ace soul, and let it be born again in his realm. Hopefully this time, in his realm here, Ace's adventure will last long and long...

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Author 7midnight