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58.33% Chaldeas | [FGO Waifu Catalogue Isekai] / Chapter 7: The First

Chapter 7: The First

AN: This chapter contains my very first sex scene, you have been warned. If you don't want to read it you can stop reading the chapter after the battle.


"You want to go on a date?" asks Ramiel as he incredulously looks at Esdeath with a raised eyebrow.

Their morning had started out like usual with the entire group having breakfast together followed by having a set of brief morning spars before breaking off to do their own thing. It had been while he was taking a shower that she had decided that they would use today to go on a date. It's been around a week since she's taken him as her own and, despite her wanting to, they haven't gone further than sleeping in the same bed. Ramiel is very focused on preparing for the Grand Order from what she can see and while she can respect that she only has a limited amount of patience before she takes things into her own hands. As such she waited for him to come out of the shower to accost him with her idea and this time she isn't willing to take no for an answer.

"Yes. It has been a week and beyond sleeping in the same bed we've done nothing intimate." she tells him as she crosses her arms under her shapely breasts. "So get dressed, we're going on a date."

Sighing, Ramiel uses his towel to wipe his wet hair and Esdeath can't help looking down at his sex before quickly looking back up with a blush.

"Fine. What do you have in mind?" he asks her as he makes his way to his drawers.

"We can go to a café, or have a picnic?" she says with uncertainty. She's never done this before and none of her memories are currently helping much, not even the fake ones of her life in this world.

"Hmmm, well Fuyuki City is too far from Tokyo so we unfortunately can't visit. We can always just walk around Tokyo and see what attracts our attention." he suggests as he gets dressed while Esdeath watches on.

She always finds herself fascinated by his musculature and how his body moves. There's a certain grace in his movements that reminds her of how a particularly lethal danger beast would maneuver about in its territory. Leisure yet alert with its lean and powerful muscles allowing it to fluidly navigate with a well earned self confidence.

"Esdeath." he calls out, shaking her from her thoughts and making her realize that he is already dressed and standing in front of her.

Looking at his choice of attire, a form fitting long sleeve, white turtleneck with slim black pants and shoes, Esdeath decides that she much prefers this over full on suit.

"My apologies, I wasn't paying attention." she answers.

"It's fine." he says as he places a cigarette in his mouth and lights it. "I was asking if you were going in your uniform."

"Is something wrong with it?" she asks as she looks down at her standard military uniform. She has no idea how, but everyone's bedroom has a closet filled with clothes in their style of dress, enough to last weeks without needing to do the laundry.

"I don't mind it. I was just asking." he says with a shrug. "You will, however, have to leave your sword here."

"I can just hide it in a bag." she suggests.

"It's not worth the effort. Besides, we're going on a date; not a Dead Apostle hunt." he says before she reluctantly agrees and unstraps her sheathed sword from her waist and places it on the bed.

"Very well, let's go." she says excitedly as she takes his hand and pulls him out of the room and through the house.

As they walk past Emma Frost, who merely raises a questioning eyebrow at her excitement, Ramiel briefly stops "Esdeath and I might be out past dinner time so one of you will have to cook." he tells her, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Absolutely not. You will finish your date and be here in time to cook dinner. I refuse to trust any of the others with dinner." says Emma with a slight frown.

"Unfortunately you'll have to make do." says Esdeath before she pulls Ramiel away from the irritated telepath.

"Ramiel if you do this I will lobotomize you when you return." threatens the woman.

"No you won't" answers Ramiel over his shoulder as they quickly make their way out of the house. "Alright, the closest place I can think of is Shibuya, from there we can go to Shinjuku Gyoen and then go to Giza before going back home." says Ramiel as they stand in front of the manor.

"Alright, let's go." she says as she wraps her arms around his and they begin to walk to the nearest subway that will take them to Shibuya Station.

Leisurely walking through the streets of Tokyo and taking in the sights, Esdeath can't help but be awed by the city despite having memories of walking through it. It's one thing to have the memories, but experiencing it in first person is completely different; especially since those memories aren't attached to any emotions.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" asks Ramiel with a smile that makes her heart flutter and causes her to tighten her hold on his arm even as she nods in agreement.

This isn't like her at all. She isn't the type to care about sights or finding beauty in her surroundings. It's evident that Ramiel has a bigger effect on her than she thought. Now that she thinks about it she somewhat regrets not wearing something other than her uniform. Maybe she should have borrowed something from Emma, although it would have been a tight fit in the breast area but she could have made it work.

Shaking her head in amusement at her own thoughts, Esdeath turns to Ramiel "Tell me your story." she asks.

"What do you want to know?" he replies.

"You said that you spent the first 12 to 13 years bedridden before becoming a vampire and then another year until you finally had the dragon heart implanted in you. So how did you become so powerful this quickly?" she asks as they arrive on the platform and wait for the train.

"It was pretty difficult to be honest, I had to take Osiris' power and make it my own." he tells her.

"Hmmm, how do you mean?" she asks.

"Well, if harvested correctly the heart of a dragon will possess all of its power as well as an imprint of its soul. To be able to access the power you need to dominate the soul imprint and absorb it into your own." he explains as the train arrives and they get on.

"I see. It's similar to how I received my Teigu." says Esdeath as they sit themselves. "I drank the blood of a danger beast and had to dominate the impulse it tried to press onto me into submission." she says before excitedly pulling Ramiel closer to her. "We really are fated to be together!" she exclaims with a wide smile on her lips and a blush on her cheeks.

"Of course." says Ramiel with a chuckle before he snaps his fingers and casts a small compulsion over everyone in the train to ignore them.

"Where did you learn your hand-to-hand combat skills?" she asks. "It's quite advanced and very impressive for someone who hasn't been practicing for a decade."

"While I may not be a genius in the same way as my siblings, I'm still a genius in my own right. Most forms of combat come naturally to me; it was just a matter of which one to spend my attention on, and considering my powerful body and the fact that I may not always have a weapon with me, hand-to-hand combat was the most logical choice. With my family's resources, finding a good teacher was a simple matter of looking." he explains to her.

"Impressive. As expected of my beloved." comments Esdeath as the train arrives at their stop. "However, while your hand-to-hand combat skills are quite impressive, your skills with the sword leave much to be desired. As such I will be training you from now on." she declares as she pulls him out of the train.

"Of course. Would you like me to call you teacher or would you prefer master?" teasingly asks Ramiel with a smile on his face.

"Master will do." she answers seriously, causing him to chuckle as they join the traffic of people in Shibuya.

They spend the rest of the morning visiting various stores in Shibuya buying anything that catches their fancy along with items needed for a picnic.

"Well, what do you think?" asks Ramiel as he places a set of black rectangular framed glasses on his face.

"I prefer you without them." she answers before placing a white pair on her face. "Well?" she asks with a smile.

"Beautiful." he says with a lingering look before placing his glasses back in the rack.

Paying for their items, the two exit the store. "She should make our way over to Shinjuku now." says Ramiel as he looks at the new white and blue watch that she picked for him.

With a nod she pulls him towards the station where they arrive just in time just to board.

"So tell me about your family?" asks Ramiel.

"Hmmm, there isn't much to tell. I barely remember my mother. She was too weak and was killed by danger beasts, and despite my father being more powerful he was overpowered by a northern tribe." she says nonchalantly. "I do miss him at times, but there's nothing to be done about it. The weak perish and the strong thrive."

"I see. So it's not that you don't love them or care about them, but rather that from your point of view what happened is only nature taking its course." replies Ramiel.

"Yes." nods Esdeath in confirmation.

"That's a twisted way to view the world to be honest, but at the same time it's not exactly wrong considering where you come from." he says.

"I knew that you would understand." she says excitedly.

"Just because I understand doesn't mean that I agree with that way of living." he tells her, causing her to shrug. She doesn't much care whether he agrees with her way of living as long as he returns her affections.

The rest of the ride is spent in comfortable silence as she cuddles with her beloved while admiring the passing view of the city.

Arriving at their way destination, the two leave the station and make their way into the park through the Shinjuku Gate.

"Beautiful." whispers Esdeath as she looks at the field full of blooming cherry blossoms. "There's nothing like this back in my world." she says as Ramiel takes her hand and guides her to sit under a cherry blossom tree.

"I'm sure that there are places that are similarly beautiful." he says as he lays out a blanket before placing the wooden basket on it.

"Perhaps, but I've never seen them. Or I may have seen them but not cared at the time." she replies as she sits across from him on the blanket.

"You can check when you return." he says as he opens the basket and lays out their food consisting of sandwiches, drinks, and various desserts.

"You will naturally be coming along." she tells him sternly as she wipes her hands before taking a sandwich.

She knows that he says that he won't leave her, but she's not willing to take any chances. Perhaps it's time for him to try binding her with the shroud. Granted he'll have to prove himself; afterall she isn't one who lets others dominate her. She's the one who dominates others.

"Of course I'll be coming." he says as if it were the most obvious thing and opens his mouth just wide enough for her to shove a sandwich into it.

"It's almost as delicious as your sandwiches." she says as he sends her a glare that lacks heat, Ramiel proceeds to eat the sandwich.

"Almost, but not quite there." he answers as he takes another.

The meal is spent in light conversation as they talk about anything that comes to mind, from fighting techniques to the best desserts. Like this they slowly lose track of time until the crash of thunder interrupts them.

"It looks like we won't get to go to Ginza after all." says Ramiel as he looks up at the quickly darkening night sky and the gathering storm clouds.

"That's fine. I'm not one for shopping anyway." she answers as they get up and pack their things.

"Well I was planning on having dinner there." he says as they make their way out of the park. "It looks like Emma will get to eat my cooking after all." he jokes.

The trip back to the manor is spent in a similar fashion as the one earlier in the day, and before they know it they're walking back to the manor from the station.

As they arrive within a mile away from the manor Esdeath's body becomes alert as her senses warn her of danger.

"So you sense it too." observes Ramiel as he inhales a mouthful of his medicine.

"There's a surprising number of nuisances around here." she says as she looks up at the roof of a building and a shadow near another building. Any lesser warrior would have easily missed them. "The one that just hid, I know you're there. Come out. If you do not, I shall not hesitate to attack." she says as she creates a rapier of ice and points it at the shadow's direction.

"I thought that I hid pretty well. How impressive for a savage of this backwater island." says the intruder as he steps out of the shadow. "To let your woman be the first one to notice me, how disappointing of you, Tōsen. Have you fallen so low as to now be a third rate?" says the man.

"Do you know this… thing, Ramiel?" asks Esdeath as she looks at the being in front of them, for that can no longer be called a man and instead a thing.

"I do. He's a particular nuisance that I met in The Clock Tower. As the third son of some family that I don't care to remember, he had the freedom to do what he wanted, which was joining the enforcers. We never got along and the last time I saw him was during a Dead Apostle hunt. Although at the time he was quite handsome, shorter, and quite dead too." says Ramiel as he takes another deep breath of his medicine.

Standing at six and a half feet tall with a lanky body that borders on anorexic, the thing that was once a man seems to be made up of the mangled body parts of different people, giving him mismatching limbs and inconsistent coloration on the skin. His pitch black hair is slicked back, contrasting heavily with his very pale skin and crimson red eyes.

"You're one to talk Tōsen. Have you looked into the mirror lately? Red eyes are the mark of anything not human." replies the thing with a laugh that sounds like glass breaking.

"Congratulations, you know your colors." mocks Ramiel. "Why are you here Addison? If you're here because you blame me for dying go to someone who cares." he says.

"Are you not going to ask me how I survived?" asks Addison.

"Considering that you will be dead soon, there would be no point." answers Esdeath.

"Mind your manners girl." growls Addison. "I am not above torturing women or making them suffer before disposing of them."

"Then come beast, I will slay you just as I have slayed countless danger beasts." she declares as the beast growls one more time before lunging at her.

Launching herself at the monster, Esdeath reaches him first and begins their exchange by slicing his left arm off before slashing her rapier towards his neck. As her sword comes close to removing his head, the same hand that she had previously sliced off, now reattached to his body, blocks it. Raising an eyebrow at what seems to be this world's curse of restoration owned only by vampires and those of similar ilk, Esdeath multiplies her speed and proceeds to slice and slash off Addison's body parts only for him to recover just as quickly. Dodging under the creature's first attack, Esdeath encases his entire body in ice before taking the opportunity to hop back and create some distance between them.

"What do you think?" asks Ramiel casually as she lands next to him.

"Skilled, but not enough. Without the curse of restoration it would be dead dozens of times over. Unfortunately without the proper equipment I can't kill it." she says as they watch slowly break free from the ice.

"I can help with that." answers Ramiel as he places as he crouches down and places his palms on the ground. As he channels his magical energy on the ground, a part of the asphalt rises up and takes the form of her rapier.

With a smile on her face Esdeath takes the weapon and gives it a few swings. Not only is the weapon far better balanced that the one she received from the Empire, but it also feels as if it is made specifically for her while also being of a much better quality.

"Not only will this rapier enhance all of your attacks, magical or otherwise, but it also has a similar effect on spirits and the dead as the Church's Black Keys albeit in a slightly less effective manner. To make up for that however it causes them to burst into flames once pierced." explains Ramiel with a proud grin. "Think of it as a personal Mystic Code. Unfortunately however, it's not bound to you so it can be stolen by anyone and used against you." he warns.

"If this is your way of proposing to me then I accept." she says, causing him to laugh.

"Finish him off first and we can talk about it." he tells her as Addison finally frees himself from her ice.

"You infuriate me." says Addison as he cracks his neck. "I was going to tell my dead familiars to spare the women in your house since they would make for good experimental items, but now I'm going to have them all slaughtered."

"You sent dead familiars to my house?" asks Ramiel as he laughs while Esdeath chuckles alongside him. "Damn, I would say that I'm sorry for your loss, but you'll be joining them soon." he says just as Esdeath launches herself at Addison faster than he can react.

Slashing both of his arms off, Esdeath follows through by stabbing him in the heart, causing him to burst into flames.

Stepping away from Esdeath, Addison howls in pain as the flames continuously burn him until there is nothing left.

Hearing Ramiel's approaching footsteps behind her, Esdeath turns around, removes his cigarette from his mouth and throws it away before pulling him into a passionate kiss, pushing her lips onto his as she conveys to him her want. Feeling him reciprocate her kiss, Esdeath goes further and pushes her tongue between their lips before plunging it into his mouth where his own meets hers.

For an unknown amount of time their tongues war with one another as she tastes him for the first time since placing the collar around his neck. As the one lacking experience she quickly finds herself on the losing end as Ramiel gently grabs the back of her neck and pulls her further into the kiss.

Eventually he separates from her, leaving her breathlessly staring up at him through lidded eyes.

"We'll continue at home." he tells her before she can go for another kiss.

Nodding her head, Esdeath grabs him and launches herself towards the manor at her quickness speed. Arriving in seconds, she doesn't bother to open the door and simply smashes through it while pulling him into another kiss. As she tries to take control however she finds herself pushed up against a wall and cracking it as Ramiel's tongue plunges into her mouth as his hands reach under her skirt to grab her ass with his cool hands, making her gasp.

"We should probably go to our room." he says as he picks her up from ass and speeds into their room where he throws her on the bed before closing the door and pinning her back to the bed just as she recovers.

"Use the shroud." she says before they begin kissing. She wants to be bound to him with the shroud. Not only would it make it so that they'll always be together, but it will also make her more powerful; something that she will need for the upcoming battles.

"You're going to fight aren't you." comments her beloved, making her smile at how well he's come to know her.

"Regardless of the situation, I am the one who dominates. If you want to bind me to you, prove your strength." she says with a challenging smirk.

"Very well, I accept your challenge." replies Ramiel as his eyes turn into slits and his already sharp canines turn into fangs.

Before she can do anything his clothes jump from his body and cover her limbs and stomach, leaving only her sex, ass, and breasts open. Taking control of her body, the shroud forces her hands over her head and spreads her legs wide open. With none of the gentleness that she's come to associate with him, Ramiel rips her uniform to shreds making her shiver from the feeling of the cool air on her nipples and already wet pussy.

As she tries to break free from the shroud, Esdeath watches as her beloved leans down and captures one of her breasts in his mouth while the second is molested by his hand. The feeling of his warm mouth suckling her nipple brings her so much pleasure that for a split second she stops struggling. However, like she told her beloved earlier, she isn't one to be dominated so easily and Esdeath renews her struggles despite wanting to be bound to him.

As she gets used to the pleasure enough to regain some clarity to try and use her Teigu, Ramiel's other hand gently rubs along her clit and her body freezes as the pleasure is once again heightened. Shifting his mouth to her other breast and plunging two fingers into her wet snatch, Ramiel continues his attack on her with renewed vigor and it takes all of her willpower for not to submit then and there.

The feeling of his hot breath on her skin, his teeth around her nipple and his fingers in her pussy makes her moan out loud and Esdeath knows that she's going to lose this fight.

Despite wanting this and deeply needing to be bound to him her instincts won't allow her to do so, not without a fight. Freezing her body in order to do the same to him, Esdeath is surprised when he only exhales a small flame that evaporates the ice completely.

"You can always just submit and we can enjoy this." he tells her as he stops suckling her breast, causing her to shake her head. "You asked for this." he says before kissing her again as his fingers continue to fuck her.

Not long into the kiss she feels the pleasure that had been building up till now reach a crescendo and her body spasm as she cums all over his hand and whimpers into his mouth.

Separating from their kiss, Ramiel repositions himself between her legs before bringing his hand drenched in her fluids up to his mouth to taste. With the fangs and slitted pupils he paints the perfect picture of a vampire playing with its prey.

"Are you ready?" he asks with a smirk, and she can only glare at him breathlessly while slowly recovering. Looking away from his handsome face and admiring his well sculpted body, his lean and powerful muscles that hide more strength in them than should be possible, Esdeath looks below his waist to catch a glimpse of his dick and the sight causes her breath to hitch in her throat.

She had seen it flaccid before and had thought it impressive based on her nonexistent knowledge of sex, but seeing it erect simply excites her more than she already is. After all, it's her beloved and he will be using it on her.

While she had been admiring him, Ramiel had grabbed hold of her arms and enlarged the shroud to cover them both in a cocoon. Giving her one last look, Ramiel plunges his dick in her pussy and Esdeath can only gasp at the feeling of being filled by him. Before she can close her mouth however the shroud sprouts a tentacle that is shoved into her mouth and down her throat. The feeling is once again overwhelming and it takes her entire willpower not to submit there and then when she feels the shroud reach into her soul to bind her to him.

"Remember you asked for this." Ramiel tells her with a devilish grin that sends a shiver down her spine before he begins fucking her. Pulling his dick out of her snatch even as it clings onto him, Ramiel gives her one last look before roughly plunging it back in.

As her beloved picks up speed and intensity, Esdeath finds herself becoming used to the size yet for some unknown reason the pleasure that she feels just keeps mounting and the shroud's grip on her soul strengthens. By this point she's only struggling out of habit and had it not been for the shroud's tentacle fucking her mouth she would have been moaning loud enough for the entire manor to hear.

Eventually the bed begins to creak under them, but seemingly not caring at all Ramiel simply envelops her waist with an arm before beginning to fuck her with even more intensity. With a lust and pleasure filled daze all Esdeath can do is enjoy the feeling of his cock filling her and rearranging her insides as it plows through her pussy.

As she reaches close to her climax, Esdeath feels Ramiel's hot breath on her neck before he plunges his fangs there and begins to suck her blood. The pleasure of the bite overwhelms her so much that she cums right there and her mind goes blank for an unknown amount of time.

When she comes to, Esdeath finds herself no longer bound by the shroud, at least not physically. Instead she feels a very deep connection in her soul that she assumes is her binding to Ramiel.

"You're awake, good." says Ramiel's voice next to her.

"What happened?" she asks as she turns around to face him. Like her, he's completely naked on the bed with the cover being the only thing that hides his modesty below the waist.

"I may have gone overboard and turned you." he says.

"You turned me into a vampire?" she asks, causing him to nod.

"That's why you passed out. When you get turned into a vampire, anything you feel at the moment is dialed up to eleven and along with your emotions. " he explains. "Fortunately between Talent Sharing (Soul Talent), the binding, and a vampire's natural inclination towards anything mind related, your emotions were adjusted back to their normal levels."

"I see." she answers. She honestly doesn't mind being turned into a vampire. "Why did you turn me?" she asks.

"It was an accident to be honest. While I always feel my vampiric impulses, they're usually somewhat muted by the medicine. But with you challenging me while I wasn't taking the medicine neither my vampire side nor dragon side could stay dormant so I had to choose one impulse and follow it. The vampire one was tamer than the dragon one." he answers.

"So how exactly does the binding work?" she asks.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow. Right now we need to sleep." he says as he pulls her into his chest and they cuddle. It doesn't take her long to fall asleep while listening to the slow cadence of his heartbeat.


AN: My very first sex scene, how did I do? I'd love it if you guys gave me some feedback.

Servant_Ambrosius Servant_Ambrosius

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