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73.68% Celestial Fairy (Celestial Grimoire Si in Fairy Tail) / Chapter 14: Fairy Heart 2.0

Chapter 14: Fairy Heart 2.0

"What's up with you today? You're not usually this energetic in the morning," I remarked, poking her in the face as I lay with my head on her lap. We were lounging on the bench, occupying ourselves while waiting for Erza at Magnolia Station so we could head out on our mission.

My sister didn't exactly look thrilled or in a great mood, but she seemed strangely relaxed, like a massive weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It was as if all the hidden tension and stress that had been building up inside her had finally melted away, leaving her refreshed.

Which was odd, considering I was the one who had the exciting deeds with Aquarius yesterday, so I was the one who should be buzzing with energy today.

"Nothing," Lucy replied, shaking her head with a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, her hands already in legendary head-pat mode. "Just peachy."

"Urghh!" Natsu's aggravated roar reached our ears, making Lucy look towards the source. Natsu and Gray, for once still fully clothed, were butting heads and shouting at each other.

"Teaming up with you is the worst!" the pink-haired mage shouted, getting an equally irritated glare from the ice mage.

"Guess what? The feeling is mutual, you pyro! Erza made a huge mistake by asking you to come!" Gray retorted with equal heat, causing the people around us to fidget nervously.

And rightly so. The locals of Magnolia were well aware of how troublesome our guild could be, and how destructive Natsu or any wizard from Fairy Tail could be.

So yeah, they had every reason to be nervous.

"We don't know them, please ignore us," Lucy said, waving her hands to dismiss the attention, unknowingly showing off her guild mark to the world.

"Lucy, Lucas!" Happy cheered, flying toward us at full speed, likely to avoid getting caught between Natsu and Gray's brawl. The cat crashed into Lucy's boobs with a comical boing sound, his wings disappearing as he fell onto my chest with dizzy eyes.

"How do those two have so much energy this early in the morning?" I asked the blue cat, my hand instinctively patting his fluffy round head.

"Don't ask me. Those two will fight each other over literally anything, anywhere," Happy replied, his voice turning into pleased purrs as I let my hands work their magic.

Yup, my head-patting skill was still high level. Having a pet cat in my past life certainly helped, even if she wasn't a talking cat like Happy.

"Sorry I'm late," a familiar voice rang out, snapping us all to attention. People around us hurried away as Natsu and Gray froze mid-glare, their heads still butting together. In an instant, they were hugging like best friends, turning around to face the newcomer.

"Whoa, look at that luggage!" Happy shouted, pointing his paw at the familiar redhead woman. Erza had stopped in front of us, dragging a mountain of luggage on a wooden plank with wheels, almost like a miniature carriage.

"Let's go and finish the job," Gray cheered with blatantly fake enthusiasm, jumping around while Natsu still clung to him like a koala. "Aye, good buddy."

"Ah, it's good to see you two getting along," Erza commented, earning an eye roll from me. She obviously knew they were faking it but decided to play along instead of calling them out.

"And I see you two arrived on time," Erza said approvingly as she nodded to herself. "I don't know how well you two do on jobs since my only knowledge is from rumors, so follow my lead, okay? Think of this as a personal test. I want to see what you can do."

"Okay, Samurai lady," I said with a smile as I began to float, still holding the surprised Happy as I swam through the air.

"You can fly?!" Erza asked in astonishment, with Happy, Natsu, and Gray also staring at me in shock.

"And Samurai lady? That's a new one," Erza murmured, more to herself than to me, as she looked at me in a new light. Her brain was likely registering new details about her new comrade.

"Okay, Lucas, stop showing off and come down here," Lucy called out, ending my fun. My lips turned into a pout before I quickly controlled myself.

Men don't pout, dammit.

"Oh, stop pouting already," Lucy said, patting my head aggressively as we sat on the train. Natsu was already down for the count, motion sickness taking him out immediately.

"I'm not pouting," I huffed, looking out the window, suddenly finding the green forest very interesting.

"Natsu, I totally forgot about his motion sickness," Lucy said sadly. "It must be really hard to travel from one place to another, especially since we need to do that regularly as mages."

"Here, let me help," Erza reached out to grab Natsu, and my eyes widened dramatically as I remembered what was coming next.

"Hold it," I said, turning toward Erza and blocking her hand without any fear. Gray flinched when I smacked her hand away. "Knocking him out is not a good plan."

Instead of being angry, Erza merely tilted her head, her hand moving to her chin. "Oh, you have a better alternative then?" she asked.

I nodded, getting up from my seat and approaching Natsu's fallen body, his face already blue as he grunted painfully. I put my hand on his forehead, cringing immediately from the wet sensation due to his sweating like a pig. But I held on. I couldn't shy away or be embarrassed. I may not be a proper doctor, but with healing magic, I needed to be a fair healer.

And being embarrassed or disgusted while healing is not a good sign for someone who saves lives. I sighed, my hands glowing gold brightly.

"Healing Hand."

I'm still a rookie at this spell, but I hoped it would work.

"You know healing magic? That's incredible," Erza said in an amazed tone, and rightly so. Healing magic is notoriously rare in our kingdom. Only a few people have an affinity for it, and those who learn without an affinity for healing magic usually suck at it.

So the people of Fiore mostly use potions from alchemists, modern medicine, or go to hospitals. Some even go to churches, as some nuns with magic are capable of their own brand of healing magic.

It's just that they're extremely biased, and their methods don't even work fast.

"Not healing magic, Erza, just a healing spell. This is just part of my true power," I explained, summoning the Grimoire. I handed it to Lucy, who began to explain what it was and my backstory as a muggle.

I had nothing to hide anyway, and explaining my abilities to my allies seemed like a good idea. Even if someone was spying right now, it wasn't like I would reveal something that could potentially be used against me.

"Whoa, it's glowing," Lucy cried out as the book began to float. I looked up, abruptly ending the healing spell.

"What's happening? Is this something we should be worried about?" Erza asked, pointing a black sword at the Grimoire. Why was that short sword giving me such a bad vibe?

"It's fine, guys," I calmed them before floating toward the Grimoire as it opened, shining more brightly. "The Grimoire is just unlocking a new spell!" I said in excitement. I never knew this happened inside my soul whenever I rolled something from it.


You rolled: Meditate [Sonny]

Everybody who fights uses magic here in some shape or form, and since your primary method of fighting relies solely on it, you need all the focus you can get. By taking a moment to rest, you can rapidly regain internal energies. However, there must be complete inaction on your side while this is happening. Beings that rely on your magic, such as automatons or summons, don't have to obey this.

(Note: Synergy with Highborn!)

Cost: 100 CP

Roll successfully

Purchase the roll?

Fuck yeah. It may cost me the class card again, but I already have mana regeneration due to elf blood coursing through my veins. If I add this, when I meditate, I could combine both regenerations, instantly recovering my lost mana. I will never suffer from mana depletion, or "magic exhaustion" as people call it here.

Total: 100 CP

Achievement unlocked 

Unlimited Magical Energy (Fake)

You have a potentially infinite source of magical energy. Unfortunately, it's not never-ending nor everlasting, but every time you stay still for one second, your magical reserves will be filled immediately. It's a passive effect, so you will never run out of magical power for more than one second!

The host gained 100 CP as a reward!

Total: 200 CP

"Yes!" I cheered, holding the Grimoire in a bear hug before literally shoving it inside my chest, retreating back to my soul as I flew around with pure ecstasy.

"Did you get something good?" Lucy asked, making me turn toward her with a large grin. I barreled myself toward her, my head bouncing against her chest as she captured me in a hug. I was too busy celebrating to be embarrassed.

But perhaps announcing I have unlimited magical energy in public might be a bad idea.

"I'll tell you guys later, but this is really something game-changing," I grinned before breaking out of the hug. I looked at Natsu with renewed vigor, all my pouting and whining disappearing instantly.

"Healing Hand!" I shouted, channeling my magical energy recklessly, letting it pour out without restraint as Natsu's body glowed with a golden hue.

"Did it really work?" Gray asked, noticing the discomfort slowly melting away as Natsu's skin lost its blue tint, replaced by a healthy rosy red.

"Holy fuck," Natsu swore in shock. I raised an eyebrow while Erza shot him a glare, but the pink-haired Dragonslayer didn't pay attention to anyone as he looked around in amazement. He glanced out the window before turning back to us.

"This is amazing, but something ain't right," he announced, confused.

"What's wrong, Natsu?" Happy asked worriedly. "Didn't the healing magic work?"

"I don't know. I'm not hurting, but something's off," he said, scratching his head.

"I think I know," I said, bringing their attention back to me. "You see, Healing Hand focuses on healing physical injuries rather than curing illnesses or conditions like motion sickness."

"But I feel…" Natsu stopped himself before shaking his head. "Okay, I'm not feeling okay, but at the same time, it's not hurting like it normally does."

"I think Healing Hand didn't cure your motion sickness, as Lucas just said," Erza interjected, her serious voice tinged with amazement and appreciation. "The spell just alleviates symptoms. By restoring health, it helps alleviate some of the secondary symptoms of motion sickness, such as nausea or fatigue, making the condition more bearable."

"You know your science," I nodded, impressed.

"You have to know these things if your aim is to reach S-Class or higher. Combat is not everything," she nodded with a pleased expression as she looked at me. "Can this spell be taught? It seems like a useful spell to have."

I nodded easily. I wasn't sure if Skyrim magic could be taught here, but I had to try. Healing Hand is a relatively low-tier spell that doesn't require much skill or condition, one of the easiest spells to learn from the Restoration School. That's the only reason I picked it up so quickly, without the Grimoire's direct aid. The Highborn perk certainly helped, but I learned it all on my own.

"We can definitely try. We have a few hours to spare right now," I said with a bright smile, still feeling giddy. No matter what I did, my magic power always felt at one hundred percent.

I'm basically Fairy Heart now. I may not dish out ultimate magical energy all at once like her, but I can use my magical reserves over and over with only one second to cool down.

(AN: For those who don't understand this perk, it's not Unlimited Mana like MP: . It's more like MP: 1000, but each time it decreases, after one second of rest, it's back to MP: 1000 again.)

"Speaking of all this, I nearly forgot to ask, what's this mission about?" Gray asked, his voice carrying a tone of slight worry within his cool-headed tone. "It's not like you to ask for our help unless you're taking us to teach something."

"Of course," Erza nodded. "I have reason to believe the Dark Guild Eisenwald is planning something big. I'm not sure what it is, but it has something to do with a magic item called Lullaby." She began to tell us what she had overheard in the bar before coming to Fairy Tail yesterday.

"Lullaby?" Gray questioned after Erza finished her story. Lucy and I exchanged glances of recognition. Unlike in the canon timeline, we hadn't encountered those Dark Wizards and learned about Lullaby from them, causing negative consequences like this where the good guys don't have info about what they're running into.

Thankfully, these guys have me to fill in.

"Lullaby, that sounds like a song people sing to their children to sleep," Happy said in confusion.

"Yeah, except this time their sleep will be permanent," Lucy said grimly, shocking everyone as all of our guildmates present looked at Lucy sharply.

"Permanently? Like…" Natsu trailed off, his hands clenched into fists.

"Yeah, permanently as in death. Lullaby, I've heard of it before. It's a cursed flute-like object that whoever listens to its song will die alongside its user," she said, spooking Happy while Erza massaged her head with a very serious expression, clearly bothered by this new information.

"How sure are you?" Gray asked.

"Very sure," I nodded. "We were taught by Celestial Spirits to avoid certain items with all our powers when we started our journey."

"Disturbingly enough, it's very possible you are right as this Lullaby was probably sealed away for this very reason, and these dark wizards are now after it, no doubt allured by this kind of power," Erza said, biting her lip with clear distress. "And their Dark Guild leader, Erigor the Reaper, who only accepts assassination missions, further proves your theory."

"So that's why you asked us," Natsu said, a bit excited. "We are storming that guild, aren't we?"

"Yes, I'm not foolish enough to believe I can handle the whole guild by myself. But after this whole revelation about Lullaby, I'm not too sure now," she said, worry hidden behind her soft voice.

"Don't worry about that," Lucy said, bringing all of our attention to her. "Lucas and I are perfectly equipped to deal with any kind of evil or demonic power, trust me. We have faced similar threats before."

"And it's too late to turn back anyway," I chimed in. "How about I begin to teach you that healing spell now? I think it's too important that you learn, especially since the danger level just increased more than we all thought." I suggested, dispelling the gloomy vibe as I released Healing Hand to all. It may not be needed, but at least this will help their sore muscles and headaches.

Judging by their expressions, I was right.

Erza nodded, her resolve hardening. "Alright, let's start with the basics. Lucas, show us how it's done."

"It's easy!" I exclaimed for what felt like the hundredth time. "Just clench your butt-cheeks and say 'Healing Hand!'"

Natsu looked at me like I was crazy, while Gray muttered something under his breath that didn't sound very nice. Lucy just shook her head, and Happy, always curious, fluttered around trying to mimic my gestures.

Erza, though, looked like she understood something as she noticed my hand gestures instead of magic circles like a normal mage. And I've been saying that too—hand gestures are the keys, not incantations or magic circles like magic in this world.

She stepped forward, her calm presence reassuring. "Lucas, perhaps you could show us the hand motions clearly," she suggested, her voice patient.

I nodded eagerly, even though I knew my demonstrations were a bit clumsy. I waved my hands in what I thought was a magical gesture, at least better than the embarrassing pose I first learned the spell with, feeling a bit embarrassed under their skeptical gazes.

"Like this! And then... say 'Healing Hand!' Or just grunt. Sometimes that works."

Gray scoffed, crossing his arms. "This is ridiculous. Can't you teach us properly?"

Happy chirped in, "I think it might work, Gray! Erza, what do you think?"

Erza glanced around at all of us with a small smile. "Let's give it a try," she said, her voice calm and confident. "Focus your energy..." Was she really clenching her butt?

Together, we attempted the spell. Natsu mumbled "Healing Hand" half-heartedly, Gray muttered something sarcastic, and Happy chirped it in his usual high-pitched voice. Lucy hesitated for a moment before joining in, closing her eyes in concentration.

"The key is to concentrate on the person's well-being. Feel their pain, their discomfort, and channel your magic to soothe it. It's not just about energy; it's about empathy." Erza said to herself while looking at all of us.

To everyone's surprise, a faint glow appeared around Erza's hand. A shimmer of healing magic flickered briefly before fading away. Happy gasped in excitement, while Gray raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"I think... we did it," Lucy said softly, looking at Erza with wide eyes.

Erza nodded, a reassuring smile on her face. "Lucas, your spell works," she confirmed gently, giving me a pat on the head as I preened at the praise and head patting. All hail the head patting.

"It needs a little refinement, but you've shown us the basics."

I couldn't help but grin widely. "I knew it! See, I told you it was easy!"

Natsu, who had been watching the whole time with a mix of skepticism and curiosity, finally spoke up. "Alright, teach me this Healing Hand thing," he said with a mischievous grin. "I've got motion sickness to cure!"

"Not motion sickness, dude. It just helps your upset stomach," I clarified.


You rolled: Thor Card [Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA]

The class card of the divine spirit Thor has come into your possession. Including the class card as a weapon will bestow you with an enlarged arm capable of great feats of strength and Megingjord, a gauntlet capable of doubling the user's strength. Installing the class card into your body will grant you an enlarged arm, Meginjord, the clothing of the thunder god Thor and Mjolnir, a hammer capable of devastating attacks ranging from lightning strikes to immense pillars of lightning capable of breaking through A ranked magical barriers instantly and leaving scars on the earth they travelled distancing kilometers .

Cost: 400CP

Roll failed

100CP banked

Total: 300CP

Oh come on! Someone is really fucking with me or this Grimoire is just pranking me. Where were these rolls when I had fucking seven hundred CP? Urghh! At least I have an anti-evil sword and Infinite MP cheat.

Speaking of the anti-evil sword, I could feel it pulsing inside my Grimoire as I stood up, earning myself my team's attention as I remembered something very crucial.

"What's up, Lucas?" Lucy asked, noticing my sudden shift in focus.

"You guys, it's very important, follow me and be ready to jump if I'm in danger," I said, walking out of the cabin.

"What's the matter, Lucas? The station is nearing; we need to focus on our job," Erza said sternly, grabbing my shoulders tightly.

"Believe me, I understand that. But you have to trust me, Erza. I wouldn't do something foolish to jeopardize my first job with you," I said with resolve, facing her stare with my own.

We stared at each other for ten seconds before she sighed. "Very well, I will put my trust in you. If you really think it's that important, then we will do as you say." She nodded and turned toward the group, ordering them to do the same.

I gave Lucy a reassuring smile before walking out of the cabin, letting my instincts guide me. My teammates maintained a clear distance as I moved, offering apologies to the crowd of people as I navigated through them, getting closer to my target of interest.

As I approached one of the cabins, I heard voices raised in argument. Peeking through the cracked door, I saw Kageyama (wannabe Shikamaru haircut) and his Eisenwald buddies, gathered around and speaking harshly about the Light guilds. Their words dripped with disdain and mockery.

Are they idiots? Speaking like that clearly screams "Yes, I'm a Dark Wizard, look at me!" At least they aren't speaking about that Flute in Kageyama's hands.

I pushed open the cabin door and stepped inside. The Eisenwald members turned to look at me, their faces shifting from arrogance to surprise as they spotted the Fairy Tail emblem on my hand.

Stealth from this point forward was useless since they were facing me directly.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Kageyama sneered, attempting to regain his composure. "A little Fairy Tail fly."

I didn't dignify his taunt with a response. Instead, I approached them steadily, my gaze fixed on Kageyama. I knew this guy well enough—foolish and arrogant, he once kicked Natsu, oblivious to the danger and despite his reputation as Salamander.

This one is too arrogant.

He smirked, clearly underestimating me. But before he could utter another word, I swiftly closed the distance between us, delivering a swift kick to his face. The satisfying thud of impact reverberated through the cabin as Kageyama staggered back, clutching his nose in pain. His guildmates stood frozen in disbelief, mouths agape at my audacious move.

Kageyama's smirk turned into a snarl of rage as he clutched his nose, blood seeping through his fingers. His guildmates quickly overcame their shock, their faces hardening with anger and rage. They began to summon their magical powers, intricate magical circles forming beneath their feet and lighting up the confined space of the cabin with an eerie glow.

But I was already a step ahead. Holding the three-eyed flute tightly, I raised my free hand, my fingers forming a precise and deliberate symbol.

"Domain Expansion: Mirror World, bitch."

Kinda short chapter for today.

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Heliel43 Heliel43

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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