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77.77% Cavorting with Death / Chapter 14: Chapter 11 Part 2

Chapter 14: Chapter 11 Part 2


A knock was heard before the door slid open presenting Neville, Ginny and Luna.

"Finally got rid of that prissy owl, Harry?" Neville gestured to the Kneazle that was currently sitting in Harry's spot.

The teen in question snorted, clasping Neville's hand with a large smile. "Don't let her hear you. She can hold a grudge. Trust me."

Ginny giggled, greeting Harry with a hug that lasted a little longer than what was appropriate causing Hermione to narrow her eyes behind her book.

"You didn't visit us again, Mister!" The redhead pouted, poking Harry's chest accusingly whilst he smiled genially.

"I was-"

"-Busy. We know mate." Ron finished with a roll of his eyes. "What's annoying is that you won't tell us what you were doing."

"Stop pestering him, Ronald. If Harry wants to hide things from us, let him." Hermione said with a sniff whilst Harry's eyebrow twitched. Her words, though meant to defend him, had an edge he didn't miss. Her eyes didn't move from the page and her shoulders were tense. She was hurt, and she wasn't hiding it well.

Before he could retort, he looked down in confusion when Luna had her arms around his midsection. Her body was hugging him from the side and due to her height, she had somehow managed to tuck herself under his armpit with her usual ethereal calm.

"Luna?" Harry asked somewhat awkwardly.

"I heard hugs are good for the soul," Luna said serenely, as though that explained everything.


She got on her tippy toes, dragging Harry down by his bicep.

"Me and Daddy are glad you and your family are safe." She whispered in his ear.

Harry's eyes minutely widened before his lips curled upward into a genuine smile.

He didn't know how she knew as the contents of that night were not made public. Harry hadn't even told his friends, not wanting them to worry, especially Hermione knowing her personality..

"Thanks Luna." Harry had found that he genuinely cared for the rather enigmatic girl.

"Wrackspurts Harry!" She said out loud causing Harry to raise an eyebrow. Luna nodded her heads towards the two girls behind him. "Their heads are full of them and it's making them quite cross."

Harry looked over to the girls' direction and instantly, they looked away, their cheeks flushing.

"Probably should let go then, Luna." The teen replied amusingly.

Luna shrugged. "I do find it quite entertaining to watch Hermione squirm. Its soothing."

A teasing smile appeared on Harry's face.

"Me too, Luna, me too." He whispered conspiratorially whilst Hermione looked scandalised, her cheeks darkening further.

After Ginny begged off, citing the need to see Dean much to Ron's rather loud disapproval, the group of five settled down as the journey to Hogwarts was underway.

Harry sat by the window; his eyes unseeing as he stared blankly at the moving scenery lost in thought. Beside him, Hermione sat primly, her face buried in a large tome. Though she was attempting to be discreet, she'd occasionally cast furtive glances in Harry's direction and though the teen found it endearing, he was quickly getting tired of it.

Across from them, Neville and Ron were engrossed in their fifth game of chess, the familiar clatter of pieces the only sound in the otherwise quiet compartment whilst Luna flipped through her copy of the Quibbler, her expression one of serene detachment only the girl herself could express.

The comfortable silence was only broken when Hermione gasped loudly. Snapping her book shut, she shouted out the Tempus charm and her face drained of colour.


"Merlin woman! Shout a bit louder won't you?" Ron exclaimed to deaf ears as Hermione rapidly packed up her things.

"Get a move on Ronald!" Hermione hissed, frantically packing up her things. "We're late as it is! We're Sixth Years now! We have to set an example for the rest of the school and the new Fifth Year prefects-"

The ginger groaned loudly interrupting Hermione's tirade. Hefting himself to his feet, he trudged after the brown-haired girl with a sullen look on his face whilst Harry and Neville watched on amusingly.

"Chess, Harry?"

"Why not."

Just as Neville reached for the board, a quiet knock was heard from the door.

The Kneazle perched on Harry's lap perked up at the sound as it hopped down and began pawing against the wood.

"Malfoy?" Neville asked warily. They hadn't had their yearly visit from him yet.

"No." Harry replied, looking knowingly at the Kneazle. "Last thing he'd know how to do is knock."

Snorting, Neville stood and slid open the door revealing a small girl, her wide eyes darting nervously around the compartment before she noticed the animal beside Neville's feet.

"Giggles! There you are you silly cat! I was looking everywhere for you!" She exclaimed, dropping to her knees to pet the Kneazle affectionately.

"Can I help you?" Neville asked kindly, with a clear of his throat.

With an alarmed expression, the child quickly stood up straight, almost toppling over backwards making Neville to reach out a hand to balance her. Well and truly embarrassed, she looked past the boy and locked her eyes with Harry's.

"Umm, Professor… uh… well," She stammered, closing her eyes tightly when Harry looked perplexity at her.

Taking pity on her, Neville placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Just relax, kid. He stares at everyone like that."

Gaining a small amount of confidence from his words, the child tried again. "I-I was told to give you these i-invites…" Fiddling around in her pockets, she plucked out two pieces of parchment before passing them over to the perplexed looking boys."

"Professor Slughorn… tea party?" Neville read curiously, turning over the parchment to see if there were anything extra written on it.

Harry sighed inwardly, glancing at his invitation with resignation.

"We don't seem to have much of a choice… Luna, you going to be alright by yourself?" Neville asked Luna who made a shooing motion with her hand, her gaze still on the Quibbler. "Harry?"

"I'll join you in a bit, need to head to the loo first."

"Don't take too long. This little get-together is all the way at the front of the train." Neville replied before he walked out.

As Neville walked out, Harry stood. Feeling a pang of sympathy for the little girl who looked as if she was going to melt when her eyes caught his, he spoke up.

"Want to escort me to the loo?"

The girl's eyes widened in disbelief before a large grin took over her features as she nodded enthusiastically.

Harry offered his hand slowly, almost warily and watched with wide eyes when the girl took hold of it eagerly.

As they walked down the narrow corridor, Harry's heartrate sped up as his mind went elsewhere. His hand trembled slightly in the girl's grip, and when the girl frowned at him, he had to force a smile to hide his growing unease.

Ignoring the onlookers whilst the little girl looked back smugly, the odd duo eventually made their way to the carriage which held the lavatories. After telling her not to lose her Kneazle, Harry awkwardly patted the girl's head when she looked miserable that he was leaving her and sent her on her way before immediately stepping into a vacant cubicle.

Once inside, Harry locked the door and took a shaky breath when he saw his hand trembling wildly, the familiar sensation of cold sweat prickling at his skin.

Splashing cold water on his face, he attempted to alleviate his rampant breaths.

Bellatrix continued to haunt him and Harry hated it. Even after all this time, the memory of that night continued to make him feel so powerless, so empty and so very angry.

He stared at his reflection, his face was pale and drawn. Noticing the image of the dragon on his neck caused his anger to rise. With a thud, Harry slammed his fist onto the sink, the dull throb doing nothing to reduce the fury he felt for himself for losing control of his magic.

After taking a moment to calm down, the young Lord dried his face with a wave of his hand before using Occlumency to push away all the disturbing memories of Bellatrix to the dark recesses of his mind.

He needed to focus on the task at hand.

If upcoming meeting was a precursor to everything that was Horace Slughorn, then it definitely would be a long year.

Once again Harry cursed Dumbledore's name.


The blonde beauty took a calming breath and raised her hand. Lightly knocking on the dark wood, she heard a jovial voice from behind the door that beckoned her in.

"And you must be Miss Greengrass! Come in my dear! Come in!"

Daphne's electric blue eyes followed the voice to its owner - an enormously large man with a moustache that was shaped funnily like a walrus. His small eyes were shrewd but his demeanour oozed a tremendous amount of warmth which eased her shoulders a little.

"I apologise for my tardiness, Professor." She said, her tone clipped but respectful.

"Not at all my dear, not at all! I'm afraid we're a bit tight for space but do have a sit next to Mr Longbottom over there against that wall and we'll just wait a few more minutes for our last guest to join us." Slughorn replied with a smile before going back to the conversation with the student next to him.

Daphne nodded before making her way towards Neville. As she walked, she regarded the Gryffindor with a small glance, one which he quickly looked away from and took her seat perpendicular to him gracefully. Ignoring the eyes of the other students that she knew were fixated on her, she carefully smoothened out her long black skirt and Slytherin green blouse before eying the room with an impassive face.

Professor Slughorn was directly opposite her and due to his sheer size, occupied more than his fair share of space with a Seventh Year, it seemed, squished uncomfortably in the corner next to him. Next to the older student was that obnoxious Gryffindor, McGrubble was it? Who grinned widely when he saw her looking.

Averting her eyes from the creep with a barely concealed sneer, she curiously watched her fellow housemate, Blaise Zabini fill Ravenclaw, Su Li's cup.

Daphne felt her lip curl in distaste when Blaise flicked his long, slanting eyes towards her, momentarily dipping them down to her chest before quickly focusing his attention back to the Ravenclaw next to him.

Su barely glanced in her direction before looking away, proceeding to give a small to Blaise as a thank you that most definitely didn't reach her eyes.

To Daphne, there was something about the mysterious, foreign girl she couldn't quite place her finger on.

Su was small and lithe; her Asian descent giving her beautiful, silky black hair and blemish free skin. From what Daphne knew, the girl was a loner like her and yet at the same time, got along with everyone. From the handful of lessons they shared, she couldn't remember even once when Su spoke but that same person seemed to be on better terms with the rest of her year than herself.

Pushing away her thoughts, she carried her survey of the room until reaching a pair of familiar brown eyes.

Of course he's here.

Only reciprocating a small nod from the smile Cassius gave, Daphne watched Susan Bones and Neville whisper quietly between themselves before she looked down and eyed the menu fleetingly, her mind going elsewhere.

In normal settings, she would've had to sit next to Cassius but due to the way the tables were set up and the lack of space next to him, that wasn't going to happen. Sighing mentally, she was glad he hadn't gotten out of his seat to sit next to her. It was cramped as it is and the last thing she needed was his large presence pushing against her or anyone else's for that matter.

Small mercies.

"Still waiting, Professor?" The Seventh Year asked with a thankful sigh when McLaggen reluctantly scooted up next to a scowling Blaise.

Daphne's ears perked up.

Slughorn glanced down at his pocket watch. "Indeed. I do believe he'll turn up, however. I heard he enjoys the proclivities of being fashionably late oho!"

Not a second later, a knock was heard from the door and Slughorn's face brightened considerably. With a broad smile, the man invited the visitor in and Daphne's eyes widened comically.

She should've known it would be him and try as she might, she couldn't keep her heartrate from speeding up.

"Harry m'boy! Excellent, excellent!"

The teen in question gave a plastic smile as he closed the door behind him. "Hope I'm not too late."

"We haven't even started! Come in, come in." Slughorn replied, scanning the room with a hum, "We don't have much space but… aha! Why don't you squeeze in with Miss Greengrass over there."

Daphne stiffened immediately. Looking up, she watched him say a quick thank you and saw how his eyes roved around the compartment until it stopped at her.

He'd changed again.

It was instant. She didn't know how or why but she knew he'd changed simply by staring into his eyes.

There was something always dangerous about Harry Potter but he'd never looked at her like the way he was looking at her now. It was powerful, almost predatory.

She didn't like it.

Harry made his way around the table, and it took a herculean effort for Daphne to calm her warring emotions behind her impassive mask. She watched from the corner of her eyes how he pinched the fabric of his trousers just above the knees and gently pulled them up. His presence pushed against her as he lowered himself beside her with practiced ease.

The fit was tight – too tight.

Despite his cold exterior, Harry was warm. His shoulder and leg pressed heavily against hers and she couldn't help a small smile from appearing on her face as her mind travelled back to that night of the Summer Gala. That too was a tight fit.

She mentally scolded herself.

Damn him.

The black-haired teen threaded a hand through his hair, pushing away the once shorter hair out of his eyes and Daphne couldn't help involuntarily inhaling his scent.

Dangerous! Incredibly and utterly dangerous –

"Greengrass." Harry greeted.

Pinching the side of her leg to distract herself from the incredibly immoral images her mind created, Daphne was startled at how quiet and soft his voice was but noticed there was an undertone in it… something unfamiliar.

"Potter." The blonde replied, her voice icier than intended, "Or is it Potter-Black now?"

Harry raised an eyebrow but barely gave a half shrug in reply and Daphne couldn't help but feel slighted by his response and like a switch being flicked, all the repressed emotions of the past month hit her hard.

They promised to talk and they did. Sent mail back and forth, nearly every day until one day, he didn't reply.

Daphne originally thought nothing off it. Harry was extremely busy after all. Training and learning about his new found duties. She couldn't deny how proud she was of him and how much respect and admiration she had for his dedication and resilience. Everyday she'd wish she was there with him, helping in any sort of way.

The letters, she'd hoped, were his escape, just like they were to her.

A life she wanted so desperately but knew she could never have.

A fantasy.

Love was painful and it only got worse when one day turned into three and then three turned into seven and finally… Daphne had given up. The silence had become unbearable.

She felt abandoned. Used.

The one time she thought that she had something true. Something genuine and then it was gone and her countdown which had begun to become bearable, came back to the foremost of her mind.

The countdown of being locked in a loveless marriage.

Looking back on it, she both hated and loved her time with Harry.

He was perfect and she was a fool.

A fool to fall in love with Harry Potter for that was the fantasy and now she had to live in the reality. The reality that she had a task to do. To befriend Harry Potter and earn his trust so that her family could continue to play both sides of a war.

The only question now was how to make him trust her again. Clearly whatever sort of thing they had vanished after the Summer Gala and if she wanted to adhere to her father's command, then she needed another way in.

Another way in to Harry's heart.

The blonde's stomach dropped as she observed him from the corner of her eyes.

He looked more closed off than ever before.

Despite sitting next to him, feeling the warmth of his flesh against hers, his scent, his presence, Harry felt so very far away.

Would such a scenario even be possible anymore?

Daphne looked up when she heard Slughorn say something about appetisers and that's when she realised the majority of the occupants was staring towards her direction. Panicking for a second thinking she got caught staring at Harry, she calmed down when she realised they weren't looking at her but rather at the teen next to her.

Longbottom looked immensely relieved and seemed to relax a bit. He began briefly conversing with Bones who discreetly, had begun eyeing Harry up and down with a gleam in her eye whilst continuing her conversation with the Gryffindor who was none the wiser.

Daphne felt something ugly and vile forming in her stomach at this but ignored it wisely and instead continued her observations.

Zabini looked at Potter with an indecipherable expression before looking down at his menu and began ordering to the house elf that popped in front of him. The reaction to the girl next to him was also the same if not more lacklustre. Daphne couldn't even tell if Li had even glanced in their direction at all.

The Gryffindor Creep and that Seventh Year, Marcus, was making small talk with the professor whose conversation was lost in the thrum of the carriage. And then there was Cassius, her betrothed.

The blonde's muscles tensed the moment she noticed his eyes on her, though it wasn't on her directly but more at the subtle contact of her and Harry's bodies. Daphne shifted slightly; trying to ignore the lingering warmth of contact but her betrothed's stare was unwavering, like a weight pressing down on her.

Envy and jealousy were no strangers to her; they had always been prominent in her life. Whether they be the looks of envy her family received to the bouts of jealousy the female population directed towards her throughout her time at Hogwarts. Though she may not have the best relationship with her family, Daphne had quickly learned to wear her family's legacy and her natural beauty like armour, repelling the harsh whispers and jealous stares with cold indifference and a sharp tongue.

Her eyebrow twitched as her annoyance flared.

Daphne despised weak willed individuals, those that lived with their insecurities causing it to fester and therefore initiating issues for those around them. And Cassius? He was the worst kind. Behind his haughty bravado and many accolades, he was a predictable man. Completely and utterly driven by his fragile ego that Daphne couldn't even muster pity for him. They were childhood friends, someone she was able to tolerate when growing up but now, all she felt for him was loathing, a simmering disgust.

It's why she glared at the older boy until he begrudgingly looked away and began conversing with the other Seventh Years.

Her mood had now pummelled even further. The carriage seemed suddenly smaller. She was, at first, fine being sort of friends with Cassius and now, ever since her betrothal to him was decided, she began to abhor him.

Just as Daphne's emotions threatened to bubble over, the train lurched. The movement was sharp, jerking everyone slightly in their seats, enough to pull her out of her spiralling thoughts and the cup in her hand.

Daphne squeaked in alarm when its contents flew everywhere.

Everywhere being all over Harry.

Her eyes widened in horror when she saw the deep, red wine beginning to seep into the fabric of his trousers and she hastily began to dab it with her napkin, pressing it everywhere she could see the colour changing.

"Morgana, Morgana, Morgan-" In her frenzy, she barely registered the absurdity of what she was doing until her hands stilled when a calloused pair grabbed on to them.

She froze.

It was soft and yet firm, hard and yet gentle. Daphne couldn't help the shiver that ran up her spine when she cautiously looked up at him. Past memories of sitting on a cozy bench began to surface.

"You okay?" Harry asked, his voice spiked with amusement. His emerald eyes shone with mirth, a stark contrast to the coldness she'd seen earlier.

Daphne felt heat rise to her cheeks, the flush quickly spreading to her neck. She was painfully aware of how close they were and how Harry's calm expression seemed to mock her flustered state. She felt a familiar tingling sensation forming in the pit of her stomach.


"F-Fine." The blonde beauty stammered, feeling utterly ridiculous. "Your clothes, I-"

She went to remove her hands from his grip but found that she couldn't. His grip was tender but unyielding. Looking up at him again, Daphne felt her heart skip.


"We're wizards… Daphne. We have magic, remember." His voice was pleasant, sensual even, and she couldn't help the tighten of her hands as it felt as if her heart was about to burst from her chest.


"Do it then." Her voice was barely audible. The sounds of the train and conversations masking their voices.

Harry's lips curved into a wry smile. "I'm not very good at cleaning charms."

Daphne felt herself leaning closer, drawn to him without realising it. She could feel every contour, every warmth of his muscle beneath the fabric.

There was a small voice in her head reminding her of something important but she negligently cast it aside. Daphne felt herself wanting more… Slowly but surely, she was once again sinking into the whirlpool that was Harry Potter.

"Let go then."

The young Lord's eyes turned cloudy as if he was having an internal dilemma. Eventually, as if he made up his mind, he let go, only of her wand hand and even then Daphne felt the emptiness of his touch.

She raised her wand with her now-free hand, the words said with hardly a whisper. "Scourgify."

But as the magic worked, she couldn't help her gaze from slipping. The taut lines of his shirt, the fabric clinging to his frame like second skin –

Dear Morgana help me!

She dipped her head down, hoping her face didn't show the massive blush it was sporting as she put her wand away. Without thinking, she spoke, her words tumbling out in a rush.

"Big wizard like you can't do cleaning charms, Potter?"

Harry dragged his fingers across the area where the wine stains used to be. An amused smirk formed on his lips whilst he raised an eyebrow at the blonde bombshell next to him.

"Well, we can't all be perfect, Greengr-"

His words trailed off abruptly and Daphne's eyes shot up to meet his in shock. Her blush intensified when she saw Harry's cheeks pinken and his own green eyes widen as if he couldn't believe he had said that.

The two blushing teens stared at each other in disbelief and shock, their hands enclosed underneath the table forgotten. The world around them seemed to fade the longer they had their eyes locked on to one another. The moment felt surreal as if they were in their own little bubble.

" – Introductions!" Slughorn exclaimed from the front.

As if hot, scalding water was poured on them, the pair instantly let go of their linked hands.

Daphne could groan.

"For those that do not know me, my name is Horace Slughorn. I am a Potions Master and had once taught at Hogwarts many years ago now. Many of your parents, yes! Under the request of the Headmaster, I will be taking over as your Potions Master." The old man smiled widely.

"Just to clarify Professor… you will be taking over as our Potions professor?" Susan's asked incredulously.

Slughorn blinked at her, as if surprised by the question. "Naturally, my dear."

"Then that means…" The redhead began excitedly towards a wide-eyed Neville whilst Daphne could only wonder curiously about her sallow head of year. She doubted Snape was sackeddespite what Bones seemed to believe. If she were honest, she had a hard time imagining anything unseating her professor if he had managed to survive this long.

The rotund man then gestured towards the gangly boy next to him and the blonde immediately began to zone out as the fool began his monologue.

Daphne couldn't help but discreetly turn her head towards Harry and she had to give him props, it wasn't easy to pull off the I'm paying attention look when he clearly wasn't.

Harry sat relaxed; his left hand was on his lap whilst his other gently swirled the goblet of water that was set on the table in front of them.

Raking her eyes up his neck, she saw the faint outline of a curious, silver necklace and at one point, thought she'd seen a black mass on his neck but it quickly vanished as soon as she blinked.


Daphne observed how he raised his goblet up slowly, how the arm that held the cup softly butted against her arm, how his shirt strained against his chest and arm. The blonde couldn't help herself from wetting her lips as she watched the rim of the cup in between his own, inadvertently swallowing with him as Harry gulped down the liquid.

" – Like what you see, Greengrass?"

His teasing voice cut through her thoughts like a bludger. Daphne had to use every single ounce of her training in Occlumency to stop the rapidly approaching blush from appearing on her skin but even if she had managed to do so, she couldn't help sucking in an involuntary breath.

Damn him!

She met his gaze challengingly, already knowing by the smirk curling his lips that the idiot knew. He always knew.

Trying to regain a semblance of composure, the blonde took a swig of her own goblet, the cool liquid bringing some much-needed relief. Daphne hoped the delay in her response would somehow throw him off but that damned smirk still remained on his annoyingly, handsome face.

"You've changed again." The blonde finally muttered.

Harry's smirk faltered, a small frown taking its place before it quickly smoothed over.

"How so?" His voice had lost its earlier teasing edge which caused Daphne to clench her fist.

Daphne hesitated as if searching for the right words, "I don't know." She went out on a limb. "What happened?"

Harry quickly adverted his eyes. A stiffness befell his body as he avoided her question.

"Nothing." Realising even to him the response sounded pathetic, the young Lord chanced another look at her. His expression guarded. "I grew up."

Daphne's frustration bled through. "As did everyone, Potter. It's how the world works.

Despite her frustration, Harry couldn't help but be amused at her answer though it didn't quite reach his eyes. Putting down the goblet, he turned his head.

An indecipherable expression came on his face; his emerald eyes turning both cold and old at the same time causing Daphne's stomach to lurch.

"People hate me, Greengrass." He said matter-of-factly.

The simplicity in his voice caused her expression to falter. She turned her head away from him. Opening her mouth to respond, Daphne found that nothing came out.

"It's not anything new." Harry added.

"No," Daphne eventually whispered, "But – "

The smile Harry sent her was completely devoid of warmth. A smile so pristine, so bright and yet so fake and emotionless. It almost fooled her.

" – The ones who hate me, hate me enough to want to kill me and everyone I hold dear and they almost succeeded."

Daphne quickly found that she hated that smile.

It didn't fit him one bit.

"You'd once told me I've changed and I suppose I have. Back then I was weak, undecided. Now… now I know the role I must play. Be smart Greengrass. Don't get involved with me."

His words, so cold and calculated, sent a deep chill down Daphne's spine. She studied his face, his eyes which had once looked so innocent and so full of life now held a power that was both terrifying and captivating.

In the past month since they last spoke face to face, the boy she had fallen in love with had changed again. It was undeniable. She could still see him in there. It was small but now, something else had taken over. Something vengeful. Something dark.

Daphne distinctly heard Longbottom stutter out an introduction as she mulled over what Harry had said and before she knew, it was her turn.

"Daphne Greengrass of the Most Ancient House of Greengrass." She said automatically, expressionlessly, monotonously.

"-And finally, Mr Potter who I'm sure needs no introduction but for continuity's sake, if you would please m'boy."

Slughorn looked like an over enthusiastic, enlarged child and Harry barely reacted.

Sitting back down, Daphne watched as the slightest flicker of exasperation crossed his face and despite the obvious tedium, he stood, his demeanour shifting.

That plastic, effortless smile she hated, reappeared as he addressed the compartment. His green eyes swept across the small room, meeting everyone's gaze with calculated precision.

"Harry Potter." The teen said simply.

Neville grinned whilst Slughorn looked a bit put off by such a bland introduction but recovered rather expertly. "Splendid! Well don't let me keep you folks any longer, help yourselves! For those of you unsure on how to order, simply say the name of your dish or beverage and it'll appear."

There was a chatter of different meals being said while light conversation began between people.

Though still deeply troubled by her earlier conversation with the person next to her, Daphne's stomach had other ideas when mouth-watering scents filled the room tempting her senses.

Daphne was always a picky eater. That was a fact that only a select few knew. Naturally, it was something she had kept well hidden beneath layers of composure.

She glared at the odd-looking pheasant that was somehow supposed to be gourmet, prodding it around with her fork and wishing it would turn into something more appealing to consume but no amount of wishful thinking could make the dish look any better.

It was moments such as this when Daphne particularly loathed the lack of pictures on menus. It bothered her immensely because it could've prevented things like this from happening but as always, Daphne's pride kept her from voicing her displeasure.

So here the blonde sat, uncomfortably or was it comfortablyshe wondered, looking from the corner of her eye at the boy, no, man next to her.

A wave of annoyance came over her as Daphne watched how his stupid eyes sparkled as he speared a chunk of juicy, medium-rare steak with some sautéed mushrooms that looked absolutely divine. She looked over at his plate and then looked at hers and the annoyance doubled.

Of course, Potter would end up with the perfect meal… just my luck.

Harry, seemingly oblivious, continued eating with an air of casual ease but Daphne wasn't fooled.

He had noticed her glaring, she wasn't even surprised at this point, and judging the way his eyes kept flicking between her face and her plate, he'd likely figured out the source of her irritation.

"Glare any harder Greengrass and your poor bird will turn into dust." Harry whispered teasingly.

Whatever tension that was between them earlier had apparently disappeared.

" – Probably will taste better." Daphne murmured with clarity in her eyes, slipping her wand into her hand and aiming it discreetly at her plate from under the table.

Harry blinked unbelievably at the action and before the blonde could obliterate the bird, his hand shot towards hers, grabbing her fist.

"What do you think you're doing Potter?" Despite their closeness and her feelings on the matter, Daphne somehow spoke in a measured voice.

"Preventing a mistake." Harry replied as if she was oblivious.

Daphne scowled though she did not pull back her hand from his grasp. "What I do with my food is none of your concern."

"Tell that to the others when they turn to see the explosion you'd cause."

Pouting in annoyance, she reluctantly conceded to his argument and lowered her wand.

Daphne morosely looked down at her plate until she heard Harry sigh next to her.

Feeling him shift, her eyebrows shot up when he quickly switched her plate with his.


She turned back to him with the same surprised expression on her face.

"Why?" Daphne demanded after a moment,

Harry pursed his lips before looking down at the plate that was now his with a grimace. "You looked like you were going to cry."

Daphne's cheeks pinkened. "Should I conjure some new glasses for you Potter? You clearly still need them." She whispered back heatedly, discreetly making sure she wasn't heard by the others who thankfully were preoccupied.

Daphne Greengrass did not cry.

Harry rolled his eyes before looking back at her. "Please, I could've had my eyes closed and would've still felt the glare you subjected to that poor pigeon."

"It was a pheasant and I wasn't glaring!"


The blonde beauty huffed at him before she turned her gaze towards her new plate.

Her stomach felt as if it was leaping for joy.

Daphne couldn't quite keep the small smile of her face as she raised her utensils and speared a cut of steak and mushrooms and carefully popped it in her mouth. A soft sigh escaped her while she luxuriated in the taste. Her tastebuds exploded with delight as she chewed slowly to ensure maximum pleasure.


Daphne merely hummed in response as she took another bite.

"You know, most would say thank you when someone does a good deed for them, Greengrass." Harry said casually, grunting quietly when he bit into the tough bird. "Stupid pigeon…"

Daphne paused. Daintily dabbing the corners of her mouth with her napkin, she turned to him.

"You didn't have to but thank you… Potter."

Harry dipped his head slightly in her direction before going back to his meal.

A brief silence came upon the pair as the only sounds were the ones around them as they indulged in their meals; Daphne enjoying every second of hers whilst Harry wandlessly vanishing every bite from his fork.

"Y'know, I thought you'd restrain yourself a little more than that." Harry started conversationally.

"If I waited any longer, the food would've turned cold, Potter." Daphne sniffed. She placed the final piece of meat in her mouth, her lips holding the fork a little longer than necessary as she savoured the final bits of godliness.

"I don't mean that."

"What then?" The blonde could practically see the amusement dripping from his voice as she looked at him from the corner of her eye.

"We practically just kissed."

Daphne rolled her eyes, pushing away the image her mind conjured. Reluctantly placing the fork back on her plate, she reached for her goblet.

"You wish."

Harry hummed before he turned and offered her a small smirk, his eyes gleaming with mirth as he whispered.

"Right… not like you were practically molesting my fork or anything this entire time."


"Offer me a bone at least, Cassius!"

Cassius flicked his head, sending his curls away from his eyes with an indulgent smile. There was an almost theatrical air to him that made him think of that fraud, Lockhart.

Harry looked over at Neville and rolled his eyes whilst the round-faced boy snorted behind his cup.

" – As a thanks for this lovely get-together today then, Professor." Cassius began smoothly, leaning back in his seat as though the room itself were an audience to be charmed. "December twenty-seventh. I have been invited to a tournament that the Noble and Most Ancient House of Azure is hosting at their home in Italy."

Slughorn's eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets. "I-Indeed? My, my what an honour…" His sly eyes flickered briefly over to Zabini who sat relaxed, his face effortlessly calm.

Too calm, Harry contemplated, his emerald eyes narrowing as he observed the dark-skinned boy. Andromeda had once mentioned that Blaise's mother, a notorious black widow, had been wed to a member of the House of Azure. The connection wasn't lost on him, and judging by the slight glint in Slughorn's eyes, it wasn't lost on their professor either.

Picking up his goblet while still in thought, Harry almost missed Cassius Warrington's next words.

" – Naturally of course, Daphne will be watching in the stands as my number one supporter."

Daphne stiffened next to him. Her reaction was almost imperceptible. Almost.

"Ah… sweet love." Slughorn crooned happily as he gazed back and forth at Cassius and Daphne, "It's final then?"

"Soon to be," Cassius said brightly, his voice dripping with pride, whilst Daphne's eyes turned hollow, merely nodding, as if by rote. "Once we both graduate."

"Excellent! Excellent! You two really suit one another impeccably! A good girl you got there Cassius, and you too, Miss Greengrass. Having a prodigious dueller as a future husband… doesn't get better than that! Though… speaking of prodigies… Harry m'boy!" Slughorn contemplated Harry for a moment as though he was a succulent piece of meat. "Where do I even begin? I feel I barely scratched the surface when we met over the summer!"

Looking down in her lap, Daphne's stomach dropped when she no longer felt Harry's arm and thigh against hers anymore. The absence of his warmth felt almost as physical as a slap. She chanced a look at him and saw the same sickening, fake smile on his face but this time it felt a hundred times worse.

"Tell me Harry… is it true?" Slughorn leaned in conspiratorially, his voice dripping as if he was whispering a great secret. "Lord Potter and Lord Black?"

Harry simply shrugged. He lifted up his hands showing the compartment the Potter and Black rings.

Slughorn's round face split into a massive grin. "Splendid! Simply splendid! Lord Potter, I, and I'm sure others expected, but Lord Black too? An enigma if there ever was one. Say… am we to look forward to a special announcement in the Prophet soon?" He asked with a wink.

Harry smiled pleasantly, "Despite what people may think and hear, Professor, there is no such person in my life at this moment – "

" – I was under the impression that Draco was to inherit the Black estate. He was the next in line, was he not?" Cassius Warrington drawled, much to agreement of the others who nodded.

In all actuality Harry couldn't blame them. Throughout the years, if there was one constant that everyone knew about Draco Malfoy, it was his ability to able to tattle to his father whenever he wanted and to remind everyone nearly everyday that he would be next Black successor.

The young Lord leaned back, crossing his arms with a slow, confident motion. His lips were pulled into a sharp smirk. "My cousin is quite the joker. He wasn't wrong… he simply lacked necessary information."

An odd sort of tension fell over the room like a heavy fog, the kind that made everyone sit a little straighter, a little quieter. Cassius' eyes gleamed with challenge whilst Harry's narrowed; the two sizing each other up whilst some watched on warily while others looked on intrigued.

"Oh dear!" Chuckled Slughorn, his laugh nervous but carrying on even with the clear tension in the air. "You be careful with this one Harry. I've seen first-hand Cassius' skill in duelling and it's one not to be underestimated."

Harry acknowledged the compliment with a slight dip of his head, though his smirk remained fixed in place. Cassius looked smug, clearly eating up the praise, while Daphne sat rigid and silent beside the former.

" – Then again, Harry here is no slouch are you, m'boy?" Slughorn continued with a twinkle in his eye when he saw that he had everyone's attention. "Such rumours this summer. Of course, nowadays, one cannot decipher between what is fact and fiction when it comes to the Prophet but… even that seems incontrovertible when your recent escapades has reached international headlines. More specifically, straight from the ICW's mouth."

Susan perked up with wide eyes. "It's true then? What they have been saying?"

"About?" Harry raised an eyebrow at the redhead.

" – That you fought Voldemort in the Ministry?" said Su Li.

Harry's eyes minutely widened as he ignored the small pandemonium that had erupted from Voldemort's name. Turning his gaze at Su Li, he regarded her carefully whilst she did the same, her dark brown eyes staring directly at him, her attention unwavering, a stark contrast from her earlier countenance of cool indifference.


The young Lord's voice was sharp and cold, cutting through the voices around them instantly.

Slughorn, glad that the room had gone quiet again, quickly took control of the conversation once again. "You were there then? But the rest of the stories – so sensational, one doesn't know quite what to believe. Something about a fabled prophecy, for instance – "

"We never heard a prophecy," said Neville, turning pink when everyone's attention switched onto him. His confidence, however, grew when he saw Harry look at him with a grateful smile. "All this 'Chosen One' rubbish is just the papers making things up as usual."

"You too were there, Mr Longbottom?" asked Slughorn with immense interest.

Neville stammered. "Uh – well – "

" – It all happened quite fast Professor." Harry took over with practiced ease. "You must understand, it wasn't just … You-Know-Who … but his followers were there too. Neville and I, we were fighting for our lives. We had no time to really concern ourselves with other things. Certainly, no prophecy."

"Yes… well… it is true the papers often exaggerates, of course…" Slughorn agreed sounding a little disappointed. "Why, I remember dear Gwenog telling me – Gwenog Jones, Captain of the Holyhead Harpies that is – that somehow the papers had concocted this bizarre story of her wanting to retire! She was only twenty-five at the time!"

" – Wait so it isn't true that you've become Dumbledore's apprentice then, Harry?" Susan interrupted not so politely.

Harry, who couldn't see a way out without outright lying, nodded reluctantly after a bit of hesitation.

Slughorn looked as if Christmas had come early, his earlier disappointment all but forgotten. "So modest, so very modest you are Harry m'boy! No wonder Albus is so fond of you and made you his apprentice." The Potions Master shook his head in astonishment, "I must say, what an honour."

"We all know how he got that." McLaggen's sullen voice spoke up, laced with obvious envy.

"Fool." Su Li spoke up with a soft voice, eying McLaggen as if he was dirt whilst next to her, Blaise snorted in agreement, his eyes flicking toward the Gryffindor with disdain.

McLaggen's face reddened.

" – None of that now, Cormac." The Potions Master chided, measuring a disapproving gaze at the Seventh Year. "Premier Mage of a country is no silly title a wizard can just throw about and despite Dumbledore's eccentrics, I've never met a person more thorough than him and well… given the recent disturbances that occurred at the Ministry not long ago, I believe Harry is more than apt for such a role."

The afternoon wore on with Slughorn recollecting his past students, boasting on how they had all become illustrious professionals after joining his exclusive 'Slug Club' and it wasn't long until the sun began to set.

"Merlin's beard! Is that the time?! Off you pop now all of you. I reckon one or two hours at the most before we arrive at Hogsmede. Susan, you must tell me that story of you meeting with Gwenog when you have the time! Did I mention that me and her go way back? Same goes for you, Cormac, drop by when you have the time and I'll let you borrow that book on nogtails. The invitation is extended to you all. Naturally, you as well Harry m'boy!"

The students trickled out into the darkening corridor, most choosing to ignore Harry whilst Cassius and Cormac glared at him as they walked past.

"I will join you later, Cassius." Harry heard Daphne say to the older boy who huffed before walking away whilst she walked in the other direction.

"I'm glad that's over," murmured Neville with a sigh. "Bit of an oddball, isn't he?"

"I'll say." Susan quipped. "Anyway, I better head back. Say Harry, are we still going to continue with the D.A meetings this year?"

Harry looked down at the busty Hufflepuff who couldn't help her cheeks pinken at his gaze.

"No point now that we've got rid of Umbridge, is there?"

"Shame… do let me know if you change your mind. I quite liked those secret meetings of ours." The redhead winked at him before she walked off.

"Eyes up soldier." Neville pointed up with an amused voice whilst Harry rolled his eyes.

"So, she has a nice arse, arrest me."

"Don't let Hermione hear you." Neville chuckled, shaking his head.

"I can technically look. Not like we're together." Yet.

"Right… Anyway, we should go. If we're quick, we can make the last round of the trolley before we get off." Neville urged.

Harry nodded but paused when a voice called out from behind him. "Potter, a moment."

"Zabini." The green-eyed teen replied with a raised eyebrow whilst Neville glared at the Slytherin behind Harry's back. "You go on, Neville. I won't be a moment."

Neville reluctantly nodded before he walked away.

Blaise whistled low. "When did Longbottom grow balls?"

" – Cut the shit, Zabini. What do you want?"

The dark-skinned boy held his hands up in mock surrender, smirking. "Relax will you. I'm not here for a fight. Even I know duelling you is practically suicide, no matter what Draco says. " His hand then reached for his pocket causing Harry to minutely stiffen, his green eyes narrowing.

Blaise, noticing the subtle shift, smirked wider. "I'm not stupid, Potter. Here, I was told to give you this." He handed Harry an envelope, the seal marked with a distinct, intricate design that the young Lord immediately recognised.

Harry tore open the seal, unfolded the letter inside and began reading its contents while Blaise watched on curiously.

"Seems my hunch about you was right, Zabini." Harry eventually spoke as his eyes scanned the elegant script.

"Oh? Do tell."

Harry ignored him, continuing to read the letter before glancing up. "One of your mother's ex-husband's?" He held up the letter for emphasis.

"Biological father, actually."

"Not part of the main line, Zabini?" The young Lord questioned with a tilt of his head.

"I'm the bastard. A drunken night made me. Knowing my mother, I'm sure it was all planned." He let out a dry laugh. "Half-siblings hate me but my grandfather, the head of the family, is different."

"You're surprisingly open about it."

Blaise smirked. "No one had the balls to ask. In the right circles, it's quite common knowledge but for those out of the loop, the moment they dig a little deeper and see the name Azure, they suddenly clam up real quick. Clearly as you knew my connection, you're not one of them, Potter."

Harry smirked. "I'm the Lord of quite a dangerous family myself, Zabini."

"Used to be."

"Is that what they say nowadays?" replied Harry amusingly.

Blaise shrugged. "Only what I've heard. You can find out straight from the horse's mouth if you accept that invite."

Harry looked down at the letter in his hand, reading the name of the sender at the bottom.

Lord Giovanni Azure, Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Azure.

"Well?" Blaise questioned.

"I'll send a reply soon." Harry said curtly.

"My job is done then." Blaise didn't dally, choosing to walk past Harry towards his compartment.

The young Lord sighed; his eyes drawn to window paving way to the beautiful countryside that went past him. His thoughts were torrented as he watched the darkness ebb away at the final remnants of the light.

The House of Azure… the family that controls Italy behind the shadows. Seems like they've made their move and I'm sure they're not alone but does it have to be on the same day as that duelling tournament they're hosting? Great… all I need is another stuffy party.

Pushing his away his irritation, Harry blinked in surprise when he saw Hedwig flying along the train close to the window. Opening the latch with a soft smile, he held out his arm and watched her gracefully land.

After generously rubbing her head against the side of his face whilst he petted her, Harry waved his wand over the letter he received and duplicated it, offering the copy to Hedwig.

"Take this to mum, would you girl?"

Hedwig hooted, nipping his ear before she flew out the window and into the sunset.

Closing the window, Harry took off to his compartment, greeting and waving at some of the members of last year's D.A along the way. Eventually, he made his way through the carriage that held the lavatories and that was when he felt himself being grabbed and pulled in into one of the cubicles.

Barely a second passed before he had his wand out in a flash, jabbing it towards his assailant's side. Harry's eyes widened when he looked down and met familiar, electric blue eyes that belonged only to one person.

"Do you mind?" Daphne asked with a raised eyebrow. Staring clearly at the wand in Harry's hand that was pressed against the side of her breast.

"I didn't know kidnapping boys was a hobby of yours, Greengrass." Harry sighed, putting his wand away.

Daphne's cheeks pinkened. "Shut up!"

The cubicle was small. Too small. It was a train after all and the tiny space wasn't made for two.

Daphne had him pressed against the wall, her dainty hands had Harry grabbed by the front of his shirt whilst she stared up angrily into his eyes.

Harry on the other hand floundered a bit, finding it difficult to place his hands somewhere it wouldn't be highly inappropriate. He eventually settled on the rounds of her shoulders but even that felt strongly intimate.

"Look, I haven't got time for this – "

" – We've still got a few more hours left until Hogwarts, Potter, I'm sure you'll manage." She cut him off frostily.

Daphne watched him as he drew in a breath when suddenly, his face turned expressionless as he bore his eyes down into hers.


She almost looked away, but her anger for the situation pushed through her fear.

"What did you mean in the compartment earlier?"

"You're going to have to be more specific, Greengrass."

"You know what I mean!" She hissed, her grip tightening on his shirt.

Harry's jaw tightened. "I meant what I said. Don't get involved with me."

"Why?" Daphne demanded.

Harry lost the edge in his eyes as he looked at her sympathetically. "You're a snake, I'm a lion. You're a pureblood with deep roots in the conservative ideology, I'm practically the opposite." He shook his head, "Imagine if someone saw the both of us having this conversation. Word will spread. I'll be able to weather the storm but you? They'll come for you, your family. The world you know it will no longer be the same when Voldemort sets his eyes on you just by associating with me."

She shivered at the Dark Lord's name but didn't relent. "My family and I can handle it. We're strong, we have connections… the D-Dark Lord… it would be foolish of him to come after us. You can trust me, Harry."

Harry's eyes began to glow with intensity as he pinned her with his eyes.

"Don't take me for a fool, Greengrass." The teen whispered, his voice dripping into a dangerous, low register that sent a thrill through Daphne even as her stomach tightened with dread. "I have been very patient so far. I even had a small amount of hope that you'd perhaps come clean but trust you?"

Daphne swallowed nervously, feeling her composure slip. Unable to keep eye contact she looked away but stiffened when she felt his touch on her chin.

With a featherlight touch, Harry turned her head back so he could look into her blue eyes. The contact sent an unexpected shiver down her as she fought against the heat that was rising to her pale cheeks.

"It was refreshing. Speaking to someone I'd never really imagined speaking to. I have to admit that I had originally lumped you into the typical snobby, Slytherin pile." Harry tucked a golden strand back behind Daphne's ear who watched on with wide eyes, feeling her pulse quicken. "Imagine my surprise when underneath all that aloofness was a rather adorable girl who seemed to have as much interest in me as I had with her."

The blonde's chest tightened, torn between the magnetic pull of his presence and the cold edge in his voice.

Harry smiled, the expression not reaching his eyes. "I'm not one to judge someone based on their parents. Everyone is their own person, and I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt. But you see Greengrass, my new found position in today's society allows me a few advantages particularly when it comes to Wizengamot families."

Daphne's eyebrows shot up, a flicker of alarm breaking through her mask.

"Don't look so surprised. I was merely curious at first. I'd thought I'd made a new friend after all and though I was happy, my underlying responsibility to my family takes precedence."

Harry's eyes narrowed, his gaze darkening. "Astoria Greengrass."

The blonde flinched as if she was struck.

"For someone who's only fifteen, she's quite set in her views, no? She seems to hate me on principle or was her view influenced by the Malfoys she's so awfully enamoured by? At first I thought nothing of the fact that she and Draco were together at the Gala but betrothed too? Not even the public seems to know about that."

"Harry – "

" – But you see that's just the tipping point."

Harry's magic flared suddenly, bathing the tiny space with concentrated energy that slightly swayed their hair.

"Cassius Warrington."

The blonde beauty paled instantly.

"Betrothed to marry him are we, Greengrass?" There was an indecipherable emotion in his green eyes but he blinked it away as soon as Daphne noticed. "It doesn't matter… what matters is that I can't help but notice that his father and yours are quite the pals. You see, I've got a funny little feeling that in the future, me and your future father-in-law will be crossing wands."

Daphne's heart pounded wildly in her chest; her pulse heavy in her ears. The walls of the cubicle felt like they were closing in, and her mind raced, struggling to keep up with the cascade of revelations. Her breath quickened, but not just from fear. The raw proximity of Harry, the way he spoke to her, the intensity—it was intoxicating.

Suddenly, she cried out when Harry pushed her back against the door of the cubicle hard, but not enough to hurt, his hands having grabbed hers and now held above her head.

The sound of a squeak followed by a flurry of footsteps echoed in the hallway outside the cubicle and for a fleeting moment, Daphne thought that someone might barge in and see the scandalous position she and Harry were in. Even with the panic rising in her throat, she couldn't deny the thrill of excitement that surged through her.

Harry leaned forwards, his lips inches away from hers as he kept his voice low.

"I wanted to trust you. Truly, I did. When I asked you about your family, you didn't tell me the full truth, did you?"

The blonde kept quiet, knowing she wouldn't be able to hide the tremor behind her voice if she spoke.

Harry continued, tightening his grip on her hands. "You fed me a bunch of half-truths, hoping that would be enough for me to stay on my leash and at first I was fooled."

"Harry – "

" – Your family are opportunists, Daphne." He interrupted her softly. Harry could feel her heartbeat beating wildly and he knew he had her. "They hide behind the notion of neutrality. Setting up your sister to marry Draco was pure genius. Your father's idea, I bet?"

Daphne's silence confirmed it.

"Voldemort wins and you and your family will have first-hand seats to his glory because of the betrothal between Astoria and Draco. What I am struggling with now is your role in this." His voice was a low, controlled murmur; each word striking Daphne like a hammer.

Without pre-empt, Harry's fingers found her chin again, turning her head so she had no choice but to meet his intense, smouldering gaze.

Daphne's breath caught as his face drew closer to hers, his lips hovering so dangerously close that she could feel his breath on her skin. She could feel his warmth, the intensity radiating off him like a physical force, enveloping her in a haze of heat and anticipation.

"You're trying to make me fall for you." Harry said softly, the accusation hanging between them like a loaded curse.

She thought her heart stopped when he said that; a tangled mess of fear, attraction and something perilously close to hope. Her blue eyes refused to stray from his lips. Mesmerised by how close they were, how easily they could close that minuscule gap and how utterly magnificent they'd feel, how they'd taste. The traitorous feelings surging through her body sent chills down Daphne's spine and if it wasn't for her biting the inside of her cheek hard, there was no idea what she would've done in that moment.

" – Is what I first thought."

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as his words shattered her thoughts.

"And then today, I hear about your betrothal."

Daphne's stomach lurched at the mention of Cassius. It was still a wound that had barely healed, a sore spot she hated to revisit, and now it was being thrown in her face by the one person she didn't want to push away. She opened her mouth to respond, but her voice faltered, the words too faint to be heard.

"What?" Harry questioned when Daphne mumbled something to quiet for him to hear.

"Is that why you didn't reply to my mail? Because of my family?" The blonde repeated, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Harry's hands around hers slackened as he took a step back. "Partly."

Daphne rubbed her wrists absently whilst looking at him through the curtain of her hair. The distance between them felt like a chasm and she immediately missed his warmth, the intensity of his touch.

"You're right," She began after a moment, "My family are opportunists. Astoria had done her part and I was given mine."

There was only one way he'd take what she was about to reveal and it destroyed her every second she hesitated.

Harry's heart rate rose as Daphne fisted his shirt again. She rested her forehead on his chest and try as he might, he couldn't avoid smelling her intoxicating scent. He fought hard against the sudden, random urge to wrap his arms around her, to offer comfort he wasn't sure he had the right to give. Wasn't sure if he wanted to give.

"I was told to become someone you trusted, your friend." Daphne whispered, her voice trembling. "That way, if you were to win this war, then my father hoped you'd look out for us as well."

Harry's eyes widened until suddenly they grew cold. He cupped her face; her perfect skin was soft and delicate in his hand as he lifted her head to look into her electric blue eyes.

His voice was empty and completely devoid of warmth. "Was any of this real? This… This thing between us?"

" – Every second of it was for me." Daphne immediately pleaded, her voice breaking. The pain in his voice was worse than she had anticipated, and it broke something inside her.

Daphne Greengrass didn't cry. She never cried but in that moment, standing before the one she loved, feeling the weight of his mistrust, she felt as if she was falling apart, felt as though the world was slipping through her fingers and Harry was the only anchor she had left. She could deny it a hundred times, pretend he was nothing more than a pawn in her family's twisted game but the truth was laid before them. The msn could've not spoken to her for a year and yet she still knew she'd fall in love with him again and again, every single time.

"And me," Harry revealed softly. His eyes lingered on hers for a moment and then as if her touch burned him, he stepped away, pulling himself free from her grip.

Daphne felt as though her heart had shattered into a million pieces. She reached for him, desperation clawing at her chest.

"Harry… please – "

" – Don't look for me again." His voice was sharp, final, like the slam of a door in her face. The pain was palpable and Daphne felt as though she couldn't breathe.

Her head hung low, her blonde hair falling around her face like a curtain, hiding the devastation written across her features. She barely registered the sound of someone banging on the door from the other side.

"What's going on in there?!"

Hermione's muffled voice washed over Harry like a bucket of cold-water causing his face to lose its colour.

"Shit – "

" – I suggest you get out of there at once! I-Its highly unethical for there to be m-more than one person inside the lavatory. It's for personal use!" Hermione's voice wavered, the scandalised indignation making Harry wince. He could practically see the horrified expression on her face through the door.

"It sounded like there was a bunch of banging going on there!" A little girl piped up causing Harry mentally to groan.

"Banging?!" Hermione squeaked, her voice rising.

Panicking, Harry turned back to Daphne. He couldn't let this situation get any worse. For both their sakes, he couldn't let anyone see them together, especially not Hermione. Gritting his teeth the teen walked back to Daphne, still unable to see her face due to her hair obscuring it.

"Look. Hermione catching us both here… I could give you a hundred reasons why that's a very bad idea."


"Greengrass… Greengrass!" He hissed, shaking her shoulder gently, his voice tightening with frustration when Daphne didn't respond.

Clenching his jaw, the teen looked around the cubicle aimlessly, searching for a way, an idea even, but he drew blanks. The constant bangs on the door, not to mention the growing voices outside indicated that a crowd was forming. Every second they were in here, their situation was getting worse. He had to do something, anything.

Despite his better judgement, he carefully parted her hair and cupped her face with both his hands. Lifting her head softly, Harry saw that her eyes were closed tightly, her face a mixture of pain and deep regret.

"Daphne. Look at me. Please."

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open and Harry's breath hitched. There were tears in her electric blue eyes, unshed tears, making her look more vulnerable, more heartbreakingly beautiful than he'd ever seen her. His stomach fell at the sight.

They barely knew one another. They've spoken to each other merely a handful of times and yet why did her expression hurt him so much? Whatever it was between them was fake, orchestrated by her father to play on his kindness and she went through with it.

He no longer wanted anything to do with her but then why? Why did it hurt so much to see her in so much pain?

Swallowing uncomfortably, Harry looked away; his hands slackening around her face. He could feel Daphne's gaze on him but unlike her, he couldn't bear to look at her right now.

Palming the cool, water-like fabric in his pocket, the teen hesitated for a moment, really thinking hard about what he was about to do. Realising he had no other alternative, Harry pulled out his father's invisibility cloak and unfolded it.

"What is that?" He heard Daphne whisper hoarsely; her eyes wide as she eyed the cloak in his hand.

Despite the tension between the two, the young Lord offered the blonde a wry smile, though the words felt hollow. "An olive branch."

Before the girl could respond, Harry threw the cloak around her, the gesture causing Daphne to squeak in alarm when she felt herself being pulled into the taller boy's chest.

"S-Sorry." Said Harry sheepishly whilst she glared at him, her cheeks rosy.

"Why?" Daphne questioned quietly, holding tightly the sides of the cloak.

" – There was no other alternative – "

" – This cloak means something to you, " Daphne interjected, admiring the beautiful material with muted awe. "I can tell with the way you were looking at it. If you don't trust me," Her voice broke but she continued nonetheless, "Why give it to me and not use it yourself to escape?"

Harry pursed his lips.

Daphne, seeing as he wasn't going to answer, hesitantly reached out before Harry could stop her. Her hand eventually found its way to his face, her fingertips lightly brushing against his chin and she felt him shiver.

"Harry…" She whispered, her voice raw and pained. The blonde felt herself drawn to him, pulled by a force she couldn't resist. The amazing cloak that rested on her shoulders was all but forgotten as she raised her hand to cup his cheek like she was tethering herself to him.

" – RIGHT! I will give you to count of five to open this door before I open it myself!" Hermione's impatient voice snapped them out of the moment.

Daphne jumped, her hand falling away from Harry as if she had been caught doing something forbidden. She watched Harry's body stiffen before he tore away from her quickly.

She wanted to reach out to him, to hold him in place, to resume whatever disastrous and indecent action she knew she would have done but the moment had passed, the intensity however hadn't.

"Cloak." Harry said tersely; his skin tingling from where her hand had been.

"Wait – "

Not letting her finish in case he'd do something really stupid, Harry stepped back into her space and reached around, pulling the material over her head. He couldn't let this escalate.

"Leave thirty seconds after I do."

"What about your cloak?" She asked, watching him turn his back on her as he faced the door.

"Fold it up and take it to the owlery and give it to Hedwig. She'll make sure I get it back.

" – TWO!"


Harry stilled. "No?" He echoed, looking confusingly at her from across his shoulder.

Before he could react, he suddenly felt her press against him again. Every curve, every soft piece of flesh… he felt it all as he struggled to gain back control of his senses.

" – ONE!"

Daphne stoop up on her toes, her breath hot against his ear, her words dripping with quiet defiance.

"You'll have to find me and get it yourself."

Harry's eyebrows shot up at her declaration, a shiver running down his spine at the promise in her voice. Before he could even process her words, Hermione's furious voice cut through the moment.


The young Lord quickly grabbed some paper towels and used his Occlumency to clear his face of all emotion. A click of the door being unlocked was heard before it was yanked open by a flustered and irate looking Hermione, a gaggle of what could only be a bunch of upcoming First and Second years behind her, straining their tiny bodies to look around the bushy haired Prefect.

"H-Harry?" Hermione spluttered wide eyed as the small crowd of kids behind her began whispering excitedly to one another.

"Hermione." Harry greeted with faux surprise before a teasing smile came upon his face, "Miss me that much that you came to accost me in the loo? My, my, Hermione Granger."

The young girls behind Hermione squealed with giggles whilst the girl in question shot him a glare that wasn't very impressive considering the blush she was sporting at his words.

"What on earth – " She stopped herself before turning around, "Away! All of you! There's nothing to see here!" She barked at the kids who groaned and moaned before they marched off, Harry waving back at the few who were brave enough to wave to him with a grin.

Hermione shouldered past the teen and slid open the door wider, frowning rather cutely, in Harry's opinion, when she saw no one else in the cubicle.

"The coast is clear you know, if you want to hop in." Harry whispered in her ear, smirking when he felt her shiver against him.

Hermione whirled on him, holding her ear as if she got burned. Her blush intensifying with her glare when she saw him smiling at her with his trademark lopsided grin. "Harry Potter! Don't be so crass!"

He rolled his eyes before swinging an arm over her petite shoulder. "Spoilsport."

"Must you always be so… so – "

" – Yes?" The teen raised an eyebrow down at her.

"Touchy…?" Hermione asked with a sigh, eventually leaning against his larger frame while Harry walked.

"Only with you."

"Prat." She muttered, though she couldn't help her eyes brighten at his words as she allowed him to pull her along. "Were you really in there by yourself?"

"You saw for yourself."

Hermione hesitated, eying him suspiciously. "Ellie said she heard… banging." She whispered the word at the end with a squeak.

Harry rolled his eyes at the innuendo despite his heart skipping for a second. "You know how the little creatures are. They get spooked over everything."

"That wasn't what I - never mind." Hermione eventually finished with a sigh.

"It makes you feel any better, I promise I won't do any of that banging unless it's with you."

"HARRY!" Hermione screeched whilst the teen laughed, pulling her tighter against him as he steered her out of the hallway.

Behind them, a pair of electric blue eyes looked at the two from within the cloak. Her eyes were barren of any and all emotion, her face incredibly still. She couldn't tear her gaze away from Harry's retreating figure, his arm looped casually over Hermione's shoulder.

Daphne pulled the cloak around her closer, desperately yearning for the warmth it provided which she couldn't feel. It couldn't touch the ice that had settled deep within her chest.

She felt him all around her and that was what made it cruel.

He wasn't there.

He didn't have his arms around her.

Instead, they were around Granger.

The blonde swallowed a sob that lodged itself painfully in her throat. There was a darkness growing inside her, gnawing at her insides with every second that Harry held someone else.

She had known. She had always known that they were doomed but seeing it – seeing him with Hermione – made it all the more unbearable.

Daphne felt something awful grow within her as she stared at Hermione's back. She hated herself for feeling this way but right now, there was no one she hated more than Hermione Granger.

As if feeling his gaze, her breath hitched when Harry's eyes locked onto hers, as if he knew she was there watching him, them. The emerald eyes she'd fallen in love with, held nothing as they gazed at her, but when he broke contact and looked down at the brunette under his arm, they filled with an emotion that caused Daphne to mask a sob.

"Say… am we to look forward to a special announcement in the Prophet soon?" Slughorn asked with a wink.

Harry smiled pleasantly, "Despite what people may think and hear, Professor, there is no such person in my life at this moment – "



It was as magnificent and timeless as it was when he first set his eyes on it all those years ago. Its towers pierced the sky with the same grandeur he'd first marvelled at as a young boy. Every inch of the castle brimmed with magic, unseen currents of ancient enchantments humming just beneath the surface of reality. The warm glow of the windows against the dusky sky felt like a beacon, pulling him back into its embrace after a long summer.

Harry inhaled deeply, the scent of damp earth, the crisp autumn breeze and the rich, dense, magic of Hogwarts welcomed him like a long-lost son.

Though he had a home, a real home, nothing could compare to his first, true home. A place where he felt he belonged for the first time in his life.

"Next!" Barked Mr Filch, gruff and as joyless as ever. The caretaker stood hunched over, his eery cat, Mrs Norris, between his legs as both their eyes flicked suspiciously from student to student. "Potter! Where's yer trunk?"

"It was already sent ahead." Harry lied, fighting the urge to roll his eyes with irritation. Though he could've just brought out his trunk from his pocket, he didn't want to waste his time being subjected to what he imagined would be the most invasive, soul-crushing search in human history.

Harry Potter had that effect on people.

Mr Filch harrumphed with a sceptical sneer. "I'm watching you, Potter!"

"Yeah, yeah – "

"Don't be rude, Harry." Hermione chided from up ahead, where she was waiting next to an empty carriage that seemed to be waiting just for them. "He's only doing his job."

" – Some job." Ron muttered with a sullen expression next to her. "My left toe could do better than whatever the bloody hell he's doing. Can't believe that git made me empty my entire trunk in front of everyone. I swear I'm going to kill Fred and George. I'm serious this time."

Hermione looked at Ron with a disapproving gaze whilst Neville snickered next to him. "Honestly, Ronald, you shouldn't have brought those awful things in the first place."

"But I didn't!" Ron protested, his ears flushing red as hopped into the carriage. "It was Fred and George stuffing 'em in my pockets when I weren't looking! I didn't even realise until Filch pulled them out! Of all the things, why did it have to be dung bombs?" He moaned out to no one.

"The look on Filch's face was priceless… the man looked like he was going to have a heart attack." Neville added with a bemused smile.

" – No wonder why Filch told you to empty your trunk." Harry chimed in, his mood lightening for the first time since arriving. "Probably thought you were hiding more or worse, your brothers."

Ron grumbled. "I hope they choke on their bloody pranks."

Gaining a pretty smile from Hermione after helping her up into the carriage, Harry and the three travelled up the dirt road towards the entrance of the castle whilst he stared out at the landscape. The darkening sky cast long shadows over the grounds; a palette of purples and oranges and far in the distance, the Forbidden Forest loomed like a dark, brooding sentinel, its trees still ever so tall.

For a few precious moments, Harry allowed himself to bask in the simple joy of returning to Hogwarts. Despite not originally wanting to return due to the war front, he couldn't deny the sense of security that came with coming back; a brief respite from all the chaos that consumed the world outside its walls.

"Feels good to be back, doesn't it?" Neville said rhetorically, a small smile dancing on his lips as he saw the edges of the greenhouses in the distance.

Harry's gaze drifted back to the darkening skies above them.

It did feel good to be back but it felt different from all his other years. The atmosphere was thick, charged with an unspoken tension.

The extra security, Auros being stationed at every entrance. Even the ancient wards themselves felt strengthened. The little changes made the reality of their situation sink further in.

The calm before the storm.

Although the upcoming devastation due to the war would be catastrophic, the young Lord couldn't help but feel a strange excitement. His magic stirred beneath his skin, restless and eager, tempting him to use it as if it could sense the future upheavals.

Harry wasn't ready before but this time, he would be.

Hogwarts was only a lull in the battle after all. For all Voldemort's claims, even he wouldn't be stupid enough to attack Hogwarts head on when Dumbledore's still alive.

He sighed internally. Perhaps that was just wishful thinking.

The teen's mind moved away from the war and instead gazed at his friends, his eyes naturally turning to the girl next to him. A small smile appeared on his face when Hermione and his eyes locked.

Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all.


Rokakku Rokakku


I'm glad you guys got through it though! Hope you enjoyed!

Next chapter will be MUCH shorter than this! I've quickly realised I suck pretty badly when it comes to deadlines but hopefully the next chapter will be soon... HOPEFULLY. Don't hold it against me pls :(

Let me know what you think as always :)

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