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65.15% Carefree Path of a Wondering Stranger / Chapter 42: Chapter 41

Chapter 42: Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Target Eliminated

[A/N: This might annoy a lot of you so I apologize in advance. I used this chapter to practice writing multiple Viewpoints I guess. As a result there is a lot of needless things. As an apology I'll make the chapter a little longer than the usual ones.]

(Third Person POV)

Yhwach and Ragdoll appear before the other pussycats. Letting go of Ragdoll, Yhwach dispeared once more before anyone could speak to him.

While Yhwach and Shota helps to rescue Class 1-B students, Ochaco and Tsuyu arrive at the Vanguard Action Squad's rendezvous point. However, they realize that they are too late as Katsuki has been captured, Izuku continues howling in grief while his classmates try to console him.

After seeing Yhwach returning to the camp Izuku seemed to become in raged. He kept yelling that Yhwach could have saved him. That if he hadn't dissapeard he could have saved Katsuki. He kept yelling calling him a coward. The place went silent, everyone seemed to agree with Izuku's words but none would speak out. Yhwach's face lost all emotion.


'Are these guys actually serious.' I thought.

"A coward you say. If you had bothered to gather information you would know that the blond wasn't their only target. you would know they also wanted to capture Ragdoll. I had saved Pixie-Bob, eliminated one of the most dangerous amongst the group and went to save Ragdoll. I had barely been on time to save her from the Nomu. Seeing that she was up against the Warp villain as well, I took her and went far away, in order to Treat her wounds as well as keep the Warp gate user at bay by searching for us. In hopes he wouldn't teleport the Nomu to kill any of you."

Turning, I walked towards the unconscious Momo. "Do not run your mouth if you don't know anything, don't blame others because you're worthless." taking her from the class B student who was carrying her. "Next time I advise you to pick your words carefully, if not I'll kill you." I walked away holding Momo.

The suit had taken most of the damage. Her injuries were not to dire. She could have easily escaped from the Nomu, however, she didn't wish to abandon the other students. I began healing her, healing all her wounds but not fully. She would recover after a few days, this was so that they would keep her in the hospital.

(Third Person POV)

Fifteen minutes after the League of Villain's attack was over, medical teams arrived to heal the injured students and firefighters extinguished the fires. The Vanguard Action Squad's attack resulted in twenty-seven students receiving injuries and caused the capture of Katsuki Bakugo, this time however there was no disappearance of Ragdoll. The Police Force arrived and immediately arrested Muscular, Moonfish and Mustard. However, these arrests didn't amount to the failure of protecting one student from being kidnapped.

A day later, there are protests outside of U.A. Inside U.A., the teachers are having an emergency meeting regarding the League of Villains' attack by their Vanguard Action Squad and the effect it has done. The teachers realize that the time of peace has made them soft which has resulted in the incidents that have transpired, they also acknowledge the 'League of Villains' threat and their plan to wipe out the current Hero society. Mr. Principal is worried by the prospect of Katsuki becoming a villain since that would jeopardize U.A.'s credibility and cause them to be shut down. Present Mic points out that there is a traitor amongst them since only the teachers and The Pussycats knew the location of the training camp, although his fact is dismissed by Snipe since trying to find the traitor will breed mistrust and destroy them from the inside. Mr. Principal declares that he trusts his colleagues and was about to say something regarding the traitor issue until All Might's phone rings, causing him to leave the room.

Outside the meeting room, All Might picked up the phone and talked with Naomasa. Naomasa told All Might that there had been an unexpected development, they had probably located the League of Villains hideout. Naomasa stated that an unrelated investigation two weeks ago had to do with the location of the villains' hideout and asked the building owner who confirmed that one of the people using the building looked similar to the people who captured Katsuki. Naomasa planed a rescue operation after this top-secret intel had been verified and asked All Might to join the operation. All Might thanked Naomasa for his hard work and plans to get payback once he had found the villains.

The next day at a hospital near the training camp, Izuku is recovering from his grievous injuries as a result of his battle with Muscular. Class 1-A arrive to see Izuku, Fumikage apologizes for causing trouble for him during the training camp, but Izuku rebuffs and says that it is his fault for causing them trouble. Izuku asks if all of Class 1-A are here, Tenya informs Izuku that Toru, Kyoka and Yhwach were in Momo's room, Momo had also being hospitalized due to a head injury but regained consciousness yesterday. Notwithstanding Katsuki, all sixteen of them are here. Izuku despairs over being unable to save Katsuki when he was in reach of him and just as Shota said during the Quirk Apprehension Test, his Quirk amounted to nothing at the time, which causes Izuku to spiral into depression.

However, Eijiro states that this time they can save him, Eijiro and Shoto reveal that at the hospital yesterday, they overheard a conversation between All Might, the Police Force and Momo, Momo explains that Yosetsu planted a transmitter she created onto one of the villains and hands a device to All Might that will allow him to locate the transmitter. All Might applauds Momo's growth and finds her to be worthy of being a hero, asking her to leave the rescue of Katsuki to him.

Tenya deduces that Eijiro wants Momo to create a device for themselves so that Class 1-A can rescue Katsuki themselves. Tenya demands that the rescue of Katsuki be left to the Pro Heroes, but Eijiro is tired of being unable to do anything, causing them to get into an argument. After being calmed down by Denki and Tsuyu, Eijiro encourages Izuku to go through with the plan as it will allow him to reach and save Katsuki. Izuku gives Tenya a pleading look, but Tenya is hesitant as he knows full well about the consequences they will face.

As Class 1-A leave the room, Eijiro tells Izuku that they talked with Momo yesterday and have decided that they will rescue Katsuki tonight; he doesn't ask for Izuku's help because of his serious injuries but if he wants to help since he understands that Izuku is frustrated the most, then they will wait for him outside the hospital before leaving.

Later that night, Shoto along Eijiro wait for Izuku and Momo. Izuku and Momo arrive but before Momo can speak, Tenya appears. Tenya is angry that they are about to repeat the same mistake he made at Hosu. Despite Izuku knowing that breaking the rules is against the law, Tenya punches Izuku in the face. Tenya is angry and frustrated that they are not taking his concerns, feelings and worry into consideration, Tenya says that he doesn't want to see Izuku or any of them land up with severe injuries. Shoto tells Tenya that they will not engage the villains in combat while Eijiro states that their rescue will be covert. Momo states that she came along to accompany them all in order to prevent them from engaging in combat. Izuku tells Tenya that after failing to save Katsuki at the training camp, his gut feeling is telling him that he must save Katsuki. Tenya sees that they are determined and resolute and is cheered up by the fact that they won't engage in combat, Tenya decides to go with them. Unaware of the blue eyes watching them from above.

At the Police Station, All Might, Endeavor, Best Jeanist and Edgeshot start a strategy meeting with Naomasa regarding Katsuki's rescue operation.

Meanwhile, inside the League of Villains' hideout, Katsuki is strapped and restrained on a chair being surrounded by members of the Vanguard Action Squad, Kurogiri, and Tomura. Tomura asks Katsuki to become his ally, but Katsuki vehemently tells him to drop the small talk and go die.

The group of Class 1-A students follow Momo's device and board a train to the location the device is detecting.

Detective Tsukauchi explains that the police believe the villains have two separate hideouts, and states that they know the hideout Katsuki is in. Therefore, the team will be splited into two to raid both hdeouts and arrest all the criminals at once. Naomasa reveals that U.A.'s public apology broadcast was to deceive the villains into thinking that the heroes were having a hard time and could not afford to attack today; thus the Pro Heroes and the Police Force have the element of surprise on their side for their counterattack since the League of Villains will likely not see an attack coming on the very same day.

The Pro Heroes and the Police Force head out and stand in front of the League of Villains' hideout, All Might prepares to attack.

Izuku and company remain outside the second evil lair. Eijiro sees that the hideout is similar to a warehouse while Izuku sees that the front gate is overgrown with weeds and assumes that the League of Villains was trying to disguise their hideout by making it look dilapidated. Two drunken people approach the group, causing Tenya and Izuku to act cool in order to drive them away. Seeing that there are shady characters on the street now, Shoto suggests that they distance themselves by going to the back of the hideout.

The group head towards the back and reach a window. Izuku tells the group that they should scout and not do anything drastic. However, it is dark inside the hideout. Before Momo suggests creating night-vision equipment, Eijiro takes out a pair of night-vision goggles that he bought online for the occasion. Izuku and Eijiro stand on Shoto and Tenya respectively to see inside the window of the hideout. Eijiro looks inside and he is so shocked by what he sees that he almost falls over. The others ask what is going on as Eijiro quickly hands Izuku the goggles. Izuku sees through the window with the night-vision goggles and sees three tanks with Nomus in them; Izuku realizes that the location that they have arrived at is not the League of Villains' hideout but a warehouse where they manufacture and store Nomus.

Back at the main League of Villains' hideout, Katsuki taunts Tomura upon learning that he has a master and he is not the true leader. Tomura orders Kurogiri and Mr. Compress to knock out Katsuki. The young man wants to go all out but fears Kurogiri will get in the way. As Katsuki mulls over a way to escape, they're interrupted when someone knocks on the door, saying he is Kamino's pizza delivery guy, which confuses everyone.

Suddenly, All Might smashes into the hideout through the opposite wall, which shocks the League of Villains. Tomura attempts to order Kurogiri to create portals, but Kamui Woods swings in and uses his Lacquered Chain Prison to restrain all the villains at once, which prevents Kurogiri from creating an escape route. Dabi prepares to use his flames to burn away Kamui Woods's restraints, but Gran Torino swoops in and knocks him out with a swift kick to the head, stopping Dabi from using his Quirk.

Compress realizes that U.A.'s press conference was just a diversion so that the League of Villains' would lower their guard. Edgeshot, who played the role as pizza guy, uses his Foldabody Quirk to slip through the door and unlocks it, allowing some members of the Police Force to move into the room. Edgeshot also comments that the Police Force and other Pro Heroes have surrounded the parameter outside.

At the same time Izuku and his classmates were still thinking about what to do, they see the police and various heroes surround the place. Mt. Lady enlarges using her Gigantification Quirk and she slips her feet into the back of a pickup truck. She uses the truck to smash the side of the warehouse completely. Mt. Lady along with Best Jeanist, The Pussycats and Gang Orca storm the Nomu factory and quickly subdue all the Nomu using their Quirks.

At the League of Villains' hideout, All Might declares that it is game over for Tomura and the League of Villains. Tomura refutes All Might's claim who says that it is the beginning of the League of Villains and they will extinguish the society All Might has created. Tomura orders Kurogiri to create portals so that they can escape, but Edgeshot quickly uses his Foldabody quirk to pierce Kurogiri's body and knock him out from the inside.

Gran Torino reminds the villains to stand down and then reveals each of their identities except for Dabi's. The Police worked diligently to ascertain the identities of each of the villains. Then he asks Tomura the location of All For One. Tomura becomes silent and begins reminiscing his past, he suffered in a terrible incident and no hero came to save him. However, his teacher was the one who saved him. The flashback of his childhood enrages Tomura, causing Tomura to scream out his hatred for All Might. Suddenly, mysterious black liquid appears out of thin air with Nomus appearing out of the phenomenon which surprises the League of Villains and the Pro Heroes.

The heroes are shocked by the sudden appearance of the Nomus and Gran Torino asks Edgeshot if he had not rendered Kurogiri unconscious. Endegeshot assures him that the black liquid is not Kurogiri's doing. More Nomus begin appearing from the masses of the mysterious black liquid. All Might orders Kamui Woods not to let the villains go. Then, the black liquid spills from Katsuki's mouth and begins to dissolving him. All Might tries to help him, but Katsuki is warping away before All Might can stop it, much to his frustration.

Kamui Woods asks Endeavor for backup and notices the Nomu are attacking the heroes and the Police Force outside as well. The Police shoot while Endeavor uses his fire to keep the Nomu at bay. Naomasa tries to radio Best Jeanist about the Nomu factory, but he doesn't receive a response. Tomura realizes that what is transpiring is the work of his teacher.

Few minutes earlier at the warehouse, Best Jeanist team have apprehended the Nomus and secured the warehouse. Mt. Lady complains that the mission was too easy and asks Best Jeanist if they should've accompanied All Might. Best Jeanist reminds her of the importance of their mission and then tells the Police to get the iron maidens ready.

Outside the warehouse, Izuku and his group decide that they should head home. As the students start leaving, someone appears in the darkness before the Pro Heroes. Best Jeanist takes action and uses his Fiber Master to restrain the mysterious person. Mt. Lady questions Best Jeanist's hasty action but he claims he can't give the villains any chances to attack.

Before the Pro Heroes can act, the shadowy figure breaks through Best Jeanist's restrictions and unleashes a blast wave at the Hideout Raid Team, destroying the warehouse and causing extensive damage to the surroundings as a result. The mysterious individual is livid with the Pro Heroes for interfering with his apprentice, Tomura who has started thinking for himself as well as leading others by himself and hopes they no longer bother him.

Izuku and the others are stricken with fear by the terrifying aura that the villain emanates, to the point that they can't help imagining their own deaths. Izuku can't stop thinking like in a matter of seconds, the villain has easily defeated the heroes. Then remember the conversation he had with All Might about the origin of One For All, when he warned him that one day he would have to face the evildoer responsible for its creation.

At the League of Villains' hideout, as the heroes fight the Nomus, Tomura and his allies are entrapped in the mysterious black liquid. All Might and Gran Torino attempt to stop them but the members of the League of Villains are teleported away from the hideout. Kamui Woods mulls over his failure in restraining the League of Villains but Edgeshot assures him that it is not his fault since this new Warping Quirk has the ability to target specific people, so there was nothing to counter it.

Multiple Nomu climb on All Might's body to restrain him. However, All Might gets rid of them by spinning around using Oklahoma Smash, sending them flying through the building. Outside the hideout, Naomasa along with Endeavor and the Police Force continue battling the dozens of Nomus and have the upper hand. Endeavor confirms to All Might he's got the situation under control and tells him to go after the League of Villains.

Izuku figures out that the enemy has not realized their location and decides to do something to rescue Katsuki, Izuku plans to use One For All: Full Cowl, jump towards Katsuki and run away but he quickly dismisses the plan after seeing that escape is impossible. Izuku attempts to move since the opportunity to save Katsuki is in his grasp unlike last time. However he was stopped by a figure appearing before him.


"Leave, now." I said looking at the group behind me.

Seeing Izuku about to complain, I smashed his face hard knocking him out. Catching him I threw him to the others. "It wasn't a request, leave, this place is about to become a murder scene, you'll be implicated if you stay, I'll get the blond."

Seeing my serious expression they didn't argue and began sneaking their way out the back. Holding Momo back I pulled her to me and my lips collided against hers, pulling away I gave her a smile and moved forward preparing to act. Suddenly, All Might appears above All For One and attacks him.

All Might attacks All For One and the villain catches both of his fists in mid-air. He's able to hold All Might back and their confrontation creates a large shockwave.

Seeing the news already filming, I felt annoyed, I would end it all in one blow.

Both of them recover as they taunt one another about their new weaknesses. Irate, All Might claims that he'll take back Katsuki, defeat All For One, and make sure all the League of Villains are arrested. All Might leaps at All For One and the villain responds that the No. 1 hero has his work cut out for him.

All For One uses Springlike Limbs, Kinetic Booster x4, and Strength Enhancer x3 to boost the power of his Air Cannon. The masked villain blasts All Might with an air cannon so powerful that it sends the hero through a nearby building.

At the same time 12 identical figures moved, five wielding a Seele Schneider. Each of these five stabbed them exactly in the shape pentagram putting All For One as well as the League at its center. The remaining clones had grabbed the heroes as well as two others from beside the League. A blue light shot out connecting all the Seele Schneiders, releasing a dense spiritual energy trapping all within it.

Each of the five clones took out a small silver tubes, approximately 5 centimeters in size. (Gintō (Silver Tubes))

"Mission Complete." Said all 12 simultaneously, all of them pouring the liquified Reishi onto their respective Seele Schneider.

"Sprenger!!!(German for "Explosion", Japanese for "Breaking Caespitose Formation") ×5.

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