Date- 18 April 2321
Time- 00:35
Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Seed World
"Procure? We believed you would give us your contacts. But, since I already expected you to ask us that we thought of asking the Field Marshal for help. After all, she is a part of us now and she knows the Way Beyond better than anyone of us. I am sure during her posting their she had made some valuable connects that we can use," Park answered to Wyatt with brief details.
"You guys try that and inform how that works out for you," Wyatt green light Park and Susan's plan to recruit the Field Marshal's help in procuring the specter grass blades.
Hi Guys,
I have been ill for weeks now. they priscribed medicine based on symptoms. But it did not work. They could not find any cause. But my urine test showed puss and blood in it. Verdict: unknown infection. They want to run other tests. So, I am admitted to hospital. I have no idea if I can updating regularly but I try to keep you updated.
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