Date- 7 April 2321
Time- 18:09
Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Card Creationist Association, Auction House
"Wyatt, we all agreed that it was for your good," Ann defended pointing out that they were using the fraud cover to protect the boy when in reality it was just that. They were also using it to keep the Hyenas eyeing what their guessing.
"Who gave you permission to decide that for me? One day I woke up and became the most hated fraudster in the world. I looked past that, but what did you guys do? Not only did you lose the only known source of Silver Milk in the entire world but you guys could not protect me like you promised to.
I had to gamble with a devil to save my ass. I looked past that and still decided to help you guys and in return you guys imprisoned me. Just because the walls of the guest palace are fancier and cleaner than the walls of the prison doesn't change the fact that I am your prisoner.
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